
That Time I got Reincarnated as a Spirit Beast

When a kind-hearted pervert grandpa reincarnated as a spirit beast...this happened! Ah Yin: " Father, I love Tang Hao." Joseph: " LOVE? Love my foot! Tell him to become a Titled Douluo then I will think if I should betroth you!" Tang Hao: " Esteemed Father, please allow me to marry Ah Yin." Joseph: " MARRY? To hell with it! Did I not tell you to become a titled douluo? GET LOST." Xiao Wu: " Grandpa, I love Tang San." Joseph: " I don't care! He needs to be at least able to put a scratch on me to take you from here!" Tang San: " Esteemed Grandpa, please allow me to take Xiao Wu with me." Joseph: " Go get an inheritance from a god and then come back. I will think if I should give you Xiao Wu then. For now? GET LOST!" ... Snow Empress: " Daddy, I always want to be with you." Joseph: " Finally! Finally, I have a daughter who thinks about her father." Huo Yuhao: " Esteemed Great Grandfather, I was wondering if I could make Snow Empress my spirit soul." Joseph: "AHH! MOTHERF*CKER LEAVE BEFORE I EAT YOU ALONG WITH YOUR SOUL!" Watch the journey of the daddy of some of the strongest soul beasts. Blue Silver Emperor? Soft Boned Rabbit? Snow Empress? All of them are my daughters. What? You don't believe it? WELL, I DON'T CARE! ... Gu Yuena: " Papa, I am in love with Tang Wulin." Joseph: " AHH! NOT AGAIN!" ... I don't own the characters except for the one I created myself.

whitedawn · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

You can't buy me

Mu En looked at the old 'kid' coming out of the woods and said, " Who the hell are you?"

The old kid was angered and said once again, " Stop that kid. He is absorbing my Man Faced Demon Spider."

Mu En looked at him as if he was an idiot and said, " Does it have your name written on it?"

The old shouted as he said, " I had injured the spider!"

"..But, you did not kill it."

Before the old kid could speak more, the super young kid behind him spoke up, " Damn you all! Why do you take my spirit halo."

Tang San also got up as he finished absorbing it. Xiao Wu instantly hugged him as he looked at her with love. Dai Mubai explained things to him.

Tang San then said, " I am sorry. I did not know that."

The old kid looked at him and said, " Fine cut off one of your hand, and I will let you live!"

But just as he spoke that the hand he used to hold his cane suddenly... dropped to the ground.

Mu En looked at him coldly as he said, " It seems you do not know who is on the top of the food chain to ask a question like that kid."

The old kid got furious as he shouted, " DAMN YOU!"

Mu En coldly snorted as the body of the old kid was suddenly covered by black fire. This was Mu En using the skill he got from Di Tian.

" AHH!"

The old kid started shouting in pain. The other old woman came forward and begged, " Please, STOP IT!"

Mu En ignored her and looked back at the Seven Devils and said, " Turn around. You will not like what you will see."

Zhao Wuji did not turn around as stared at the miraculous fire burning Meng Shu like it was nothing. The devils except Tang San turned around as he wanted to see what his Grandpa could do.

Mu En was about to act when the kid Meng Yiran suddenly attacked him with hidden knives.

" So...you've all chosen death."


What happened was, Mu En used the power of darkness to erase the very existence of those three from the Douluo continent. Not even the ashes were left off by that black fire.

The area was clean without any blood. When the devils turned around they were surprised. They had expected blood and gore, but the surrounding was perfectly fine.

As Mu En approached them, suddenly, 20 people wearing white cloaks and demon masks surrounded them. Darkness covered Mu En's body instantly as he got ready to act, but Ning Ronrong interrupted him.

" Ah, Teacher Mu. They are the protectors of mine. I had called them before so that we could be escorted back to the school safely, but you did all the work."

Mu En gave an 'oh' facial expression and retracted his darkness and said, " No need for that. Send em back."

" Yes." Ning Ronrong nodded and said to those reinforcements," You may go back. I called you all as there was a danger looming, but this gentleman has taken care of it. Thank you for your hard work."

The reinforcements said nothing and disappeared the next instant.

Then Mu En led them all back to the school. The devils did not talk as the sound they had heard before had made them tense and a bit scared of Mu En.

Mu En felt that and said, " I am not as what you all think. And I don't care. If someone tries to hurt my family, that will be their fate too."

Previously, he would have killed the Pope too, but Ah Yin stopped him so that the Pope would suffer and kill himself in shame. But, there was no one to stop him and anyone who wants the blood of his family will have to pay with their lives.

The devils got spooked hearing that but confused hearing the family part. They started looking at each other suspiciously before Tang San awkwardly raised his hand and said, "...He is my Grandpa."

The others were shocked at the answer.

" Seriously? But, he looks so young!", asked Dai Mubai.

" Haha, my father himself is nearly 50 years old. Just imagine how old he might be!" Tang San laughed and answered.

The dropped bomb made the others senseless for a while. At the side, Zhao Wuji was just shivering, remembering the experience he had with Tang Hao.

All of a sudden the devils suddenly got interested. Then Ma Hongjun came forward and asked, " So, how strong is he? You know, he took out that guy which even our VP could not defeat like himself."

Zhao Wuji got triggered as he cursed, " Damn kid, don't say that! I am strong, alright!"

Ma Hongjun just laughed while covering his mouth and said while pointing at Mu En," Hoho, why don't you say that to his face."

Zhao Wuji 'tched' and looked the other way.

Ma Hongjun ignored him and asked Mu En, " Are you a Titled Douluo?"

Mu En answered without looking at him, " Who knows?"

Ma Hongjun stood there and looked confused. He looked towards Tang San and Xiao Wu for an answer, but they just shrugged their shoulders.

While this was happening, Ning Rongrong looked at Mu En with dreamy eyes as she got lost in her thoughts.


" Ah, they have come back!" Flender thought as he sensed a different presence enter the school.

He got up from his chair and looked through the window to see the devils laughing and walking around.

He smiled as he thought, ' The school is lively again.'


Mu En sat down gazing at the starry sky above him. He was about to fall asleep but a voice awoke him.

" Teacher, can I talk to you for a second?"

He looked at Ning Rongrong who was calling him and nodded.

" What do you want to talk about?"

Ning Rongrong looked a bit hesitant and finally asked.

" Teacher, you seem to be very strong. Do you want to work for my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan?"

Mu En sighed and tried to answer her, but before he could do so, Ning Rongrong hurriedly continued, " I can promise whatever you may desire! We are the richest clan on the continent, and there are only a few things we would not be able to provide."

Mu En walked past her as he said, " I know you are thinking about your clan, and that's good. But, some things in the world could not be ever bought."

Last chapter for the day for yall.

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