
That Time I got Reincarnated as a Spirit Beast

When a kind-hearted pervert grandpa reincarnated as a spirit beast...this happened! Ah Yin: " Father, I love Tang Hao." Joseph: " LOVE? Love my foot! Tell him to become a Titled Douluo then I will think if I should betroth you!" Tang Hao: " Esteemed Father, please allow me to marry Ah Yin." Joseph: " MARRY? To hell with it! Did I not tell you to become a titled douluo? GET LOST." Xiao Wu: " Grandpa, I love Tang San." Joseph: " I don't care! He needs to be at least able to put a scratch on me to take you from here!" Tang San: " Esteemed Grandpa, please allow me to take Xiao Wu with me." Joseph: " Go get an inheritance from a god and then come back. I will think if I should give you Xiao Wu then. For now? GET LOST!" ... Snow Empress: " Daddy, I always want to be with you." Joseph: " Finally! Finally, I have a daughter who thinks about her father." Huo Yuhao: " Esteemed Great Grandfather, I was wondering if I could make Snow Empress my spirit soul." Joseph: "AHH! MOTHERF*CKER LEAVE BEFORE I EAT YOU ALONG WITH YOUR SOUL!" Watch the journey of the daddy of some of the strongest soul beasts. Blue Silver Emperor? Soft Boned Rabbit? Snow Empress? All of them are my daughters. What? You don't believe it? WELL, I DON'T CARE! ... Gu Yuena: " Papa, I am in love with Tang Wulin." Joseph: " AHH! NOT AGAIN!" ... I don't own the characters except for the one I created myself.

whitedawn · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Plant Spider

Mu En opened his eyes, he saw that he was surrounded by black mist. When he observed it close he found out that was his own mist. He was surprised to find that he could all that was happening inside this mist.

It was like feeling the location of other beings.

He did not know what caused it. But it was for the better. As he spread out his senses, he found out that this black mist covered a very large area. The next moment he understood.

This was now his territory.

What happened was that when he absorbed the Pit Demon Spider, he became the new master of this territory. And he also found out, the use of this black mist was rather letting other beings in his territory know that he was the new master only, not to sense other beings.

He could sense around a thousand being in the territory. Most were a thousand years old while few of them belonged to the age group of 20,000 to 30,000. This surprised him, as he was very sensitive to life energy due to the skill he got from Ah Yin.

If the beings had someways to prevent detection or were stronger than him, he could not sense them but under the normal condition, he could find them. This was also the reason that he was not able to find other spirit beasts to eat but after they revealed themselves, it was easy to track the routes they took normally.

As he had the wolverine level healing due to the skill, he was confident that he would not die as long as the other party had a skill that could disintegrate him at the cellular level. So he searched for ten thousand year level spirit beast to devour.

But spiders were known for their top-notch stealth abilities. They did not care about whether there was puny spider roaming their territory if it did not fall into its trap. They were called the predators of predators and they had indomitable patience when it came to hunting.

As for how he was able to meet the Pit Demon Spider was that, he had already fallen into its trap. The pit demon spider had trap made from its web-ready to immobilize him when he would resist.

But as he did not resist getting 'eaten'. All those traps were never used. And the pit demon spider's defense is not very strong. Even among those of the same age, it's the defense is pretty weak. And Mu En had pierced it from inside, it had no chance at all.

But the thing that allowed Mu En allowed to kill it was the poison.

When Mu En was 'eaten', he had already released his own poison. As the Pit demon spider's poison resistance was very weak, it was as if it was meant to be killed by him.

Mu En remembered that he had not checked his status in a very long time.


[ Name: Mu En

Species: Man Faced Pit Demon Spider

Age: 22 years

Cultivation age: 81,000

Skills: {Wildfire Cannot Destroy the Grass, It Grows Again With the Spring Wind} ]

Mu En looked at the status with shock. He could feel his eight legs trembling when he saw the number on the cultivation age.

'Why was the number so great?'

Then he fell into contemplation, he knew that the Pit Faced Demon Spider was strong, but he did not expect that it had such a large cultivation age! They had a few disadvantages but their natural ability made it relatively easy for them.

If one were to look from the perspective of a human soul master, then, the Pit Demon Spider would be like a control type spirit master. Sure the control type soul masters seemed pretty weak but in lower levels especially below rank 60, they could beat a soul master that is ten levels higher than them, only if their abilities are used properly.

In one on one, control-type soul masters were the favored ones.

The Pit Demon Spider was like them too but unfortunately, it had the same weakness, a weak defense, and resistance.

This was what Mu En thought.

But he was far from the truth.

The truth was that the pit demon spider had the cultivation worth of only 50,000. So, where did the rest come from? The answer lied on the skill Mu En had got from Ah Yin.

While the name only suggested a healing ability, it had a lot more functions. It was just that he never checked it.

Mu En looked at the skill but when he read it, it felt too long.

' Can't it be any shorter?'

Just as he thought so, the skill name changed.

[ Name: Mu En

Species: Man Faced Pit Demon Spider

Age: 22 years

Cultivation age: 81,000

Skills: { The WildFire Effect: } ]

Mu En saw that the name changed but he saw that there were two dots at the side. Not knowing what it was, he clicked at it. Then a new prompt showed in front of him.

It was something that he had never seen before!

[ Skill Name: {Wildfire Cannot Destroy the Grass, It Grows Again With the Spring Wind} ( The WildFire Effect)

Effects: Flying, Self- Healing, Use of Blue Silver Emperor, Life Energy Cultivation, Plant Cultivation. ( Unlocked ) ]

Mu En was surprised there was such a thing. He figured that the more his cultivation increases, the more functions would get unveiled.

As he looked at the information given, he was elated!

He could now eat plants to raise his cultivation. If this was not enough to be elated, he did not know what would!

But he could not waste any more time. He knew that Xiao Ya and little blue were waiting for him.

After some time he finally reached the place. He sent out a weak pulse of his signature energy as he called onto Xiao Ya.

Finally, a little rabbit popped out of the bushes.

Xiao Ya: " Granpa Mu, is that you?"

Mu En laughed at her question.

Mu En: " Of course, I am. Don't tell me you don't recognize me at all."

Xiao Ya perked her ears that remark as she rushed towards Mu En and sat atop his head.

Xiao Ya: " No, your energy signature has changed too. And you also look a lot more different. Your size has become even smaller and your horns are gone too."

Mu En was surprised at that fact. He did not know there was such a big change in his body. But then he did not dwell on it much. He was aware that it must be the changes that the Pit Demon Spider brought him.

Xiao Ya then started to rant about how she spent her years playing with Little Blue.

But what caught Mu En's interest was that Xiao Ya said she made a new friend.

Mu En: " Oh, who is this friend of yours?"

Xiao Ya suddenly got excited as she said.

Xiao Ya: " She said her name was Xiao Wu."

A chap once more! How do ya all think it go from now on?

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