
That time I got reincarnated as a slime, that's what I thought atleast

Welcome to bullshit. This is that time I got Reincarnated as a Slime. But in the perspective of an 12 year old guy(Boy?Kid?Child?Nah,he is just a guy) who died bcs of a serial killer mommy. Enjoy. (Harem,Hell yeah baby) (Overpowered? Ofcourse) (WeakToStrong.. That's something that we all love, seeing the character get stronger through his pure potential and determination,just like our favourite anime main characters) Also the plot from That Time I Got Reincarnated as A Slime is a joke and a full on thought on how i would have wanted to see the story show off.

IMNOBODY · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs



[Starting evolution..]


[Human to Enlightened Human evolution is in the process of ending...]


[Increasing the magicules reserves of the user by 3x times]

[Increasing the attributes of the user by 420%]

[Unique Skill:Natural Destroyer has become The Unique Skill:World Destroyer...-]


[Unique Skill:World Destroyer puts too much pressure on the body of the user.Commencing to make the body and soul of the user adapt to the skill]


[Adaptability has had an increase of over 950%]


[The Blessing of The White Nightmare has given you resistance to poison,advanced poison and multiple other resistances.]

[The soul of the user has been strengthened.User can now use and wisthand the World Destroyer skill without auto destructing himself.]


[Congratulations.You are now an Enlightened Human.]

*{You are being watched.}*


Unseen's open his eyes and finds himself looking at some leafs from a tree.

The boy gets up in an standing position before falling on his back against the tree.

"..Where am i? Still in that forest?...No,this is not important..Where is she?"

Unseen looks around the whole place he found himself in after he awake from his sleep,but sees no signs of a beautiful white spider with 6 red ruby like eyes.

"Guess meeting her was just a dream or a hallucination huh?"

Unseen's sighs and says this out aloud to no one in particular ,before hearing that voice in his head.

[Do not worry Master.The White Nightmare wanted for me to transmit to you that she left so she can find some individuals so you should not worry about her and she also sayd that "Hope you like the gifts i sent you Unseen.Its not that much,but it will really help you while you are in this unpredictable world.Also hope we meet again,you were a fun guy to talk to.....And let's forget about all those sad things!Just do whatever you can so i can hear your name around the world just so I can come back to someone who did something great!"...Those are her own little words,also she said something about Poison Magic and how to use it and also how Master's skill World Destroyer should only be used in life and death situations...Also here are the other skills you got from your evolution]

[You have obtained the Unique Skill: Combination.(Desc:User can combine two or more skills into a better skill...Can only be used on basic and extra type skills,user can not use it on unique skills for now.)]

[Skills:Self-Regeneration,Swordsman expert,mid-lvl magic,Great Senses,Body Empowerment,Battle Aura,Magicule Perception/Sense,Elemental Manipulation (Not on a very high level),Power Absorption(Desc:Will be incorporated into World Destroyer)...and more.. have been obtained]

[Resistances such as poison resistance and advanced poison resistance have been obtained too and combined with the help of the Unique Skill: Combination both of them became the Universal Poison Resistance..You have also gained elemental magic resistance (On a mid lvl),Curse Resistance (Desc:Can only deflect lower to middle level curses)]

"...What is all this?!"

Unseen asks surprised with his eyes widen at how many things have just been said and how many things he just saw in his mind.

[This is master's evolution processing inside of your brain]

"Evolution?But how did I evolve?!I didn't even kill a monster yet.."

Unseen asks confused,this is true.

The boy has not killed any monster yet and he just evolved?!How is that even possible!

[Do not be so surprised master.The spider you've just met have you some of her pure magicules and her blessing to you so you immediately evolved..Which is a very rare thing,for normal humans to evolve into an Englithened Human it will take months...Years..Or even decades.]

Unseen had a white face while hearing this.

"...How much time was i asleep?"

[3 Days.The magical barrier I put around your area of hibernation made you invisible for any being passing by on a 50 meter radius.]

"3 days? That's better then I thought...Well,what I thought is that I slept for over 9 months straight after what you said..forget about that now heh...Also thanks for helping me with the barrier for my evolution system!"


[Affirmative.I should always help master when he needs it so there is no problem for me.]

"...Master?Why are you calling me that?"

Unseen says, confused once again.

What a confused boy.

[Well after the evolution i have been made more sentinent and my data base shows me that you would love for me to call you master.]

After Unseen heard those words he had a little flush on his face.

"...I will not say anything anymore...Also,we need to do something until we meet my friend again!We need to make her amazed at what we will do!"

[..Yes,master.How should we start?]

"...Uhmm....Get some food?"

Unseen says.Unsure of what to do at the moment.

[Master can live 12 days without food and water.]

"*Sigh* It doesn't matter system,food is always necessary."

[Affirmative.I should create master some artificial food with magicu-]

"No,no!I mean...Get the food myself!"

Unseen screams..

[Affirmative.I should get the food of master for himself.]

"What?No!I mean...Just get some berries or something from around this large forest-"

[The great Forest of Jura possesses 95% of all the poisoned berries around the whole great continent,but master's universal poison resistance makes them safe to eat.Should I give all the 2700 locations of the principal berry bushes?]

"Too much system...Just tell me if there is any civilization near us..!"

Unseen says, troubled by his own system.

[Affirmative.The location of the nearest village is 4 miles away from here]

"4 miles? that's not that bad.-"


'...There always a but.'

[That village...Is not in that good of a condition]

"Not in that good of a condition?What do you mean by that?"

Asks Unseen, curious about why a village is supposed to be in a bad condition.

[Well there is a tyrant rulling over it.That tyrant also took all the riches from the village and all the food resources from the villagers..The Tyrant is also helped by a group of masked majins..The villagers are also put to hard work without any reward to compensate their hard work.]

"...I know what we will do now that i heard this system."

Unseen says seriously, immediately after hearing those words that came out of the mouth of system...If it had any mouth atleast.

[Affirmative.What does master want to do?]



(3rd pov)

Unseen has been building a little house with the help of system in an open camp and after that he hunted some monsters for materials to make things like axes,spears and swords...

Unseen put all the weapons that he made with the obvious help of system who basically did all the work, into a huge bag.

[Why does master need so many weapons? Can't master just use his skills?]

"These are not for me system."

[Not for master...?]

"You will see after we get inside that village..I have a good use for all these weapons"

Unseen smirks while dropping the bag with all the weapons that makes the ground crack in the process.

Unseen sweatdrops in confusion.

"Now that I think about it..I am really strong."

Unseen mutters to himself,amazed at how he just lifted about a hundred of heavy weapons all by himself with a single hand.

[Should master check his status?]

"I should really do that now that I think about it."

Unseen then calmly and simply says.


Before his eyes closed and all kinds of information went into his brain.

Alot of things then start to appear in the mind of Unseen...At a very fast pace.




Race: Enligthened Human

Next Race Evolution:Saint(0.1%)

Titles: Otherworlder...-

*[You have gained the title "World Destroyer" because of your unique skill!]*

Titles: Otherworlder,World Destroyer.

Rank:(Unknown for now)


Strength:20+(Long exceeded the abilities of a human)

Speed:20+(Long exceeded the abilities of a human)

Durability:20+(Long exceeded the abilities of a human)

Dexterity:20+(Long exceeded the abilities of a human)

Intelligence: Above Average.

BIQ:Great(Swordsman Expert skill +System)

Magicule Reserves:Insane(Unknown)

Magic proficiency:20+(Could become a great mage if wanted to)



Blessings:The Blessing of The White Nightmare.

Basic Skills:Cook.

Extra Skills:Battle Aura, Sword,Self-Regeneration,Great Senses,Body Empowerment,Battle Aura,Magicule Perception/Sense, Elemental Manipulation,Etc.

Unique Skills:World Destroyer(Desc:The evolution skill of the Unique Skill: Natural Destroyer ..Can it really destroy worlds tho?), Combination (Desc:Combine,combine and combine!),System(Desc:A skill to help you in your journey until the end.).

Resistances:Universal Poison Resistance,Elemental Resistance,Curse Resistance,etc.

Arts:None.(Desc:Your an amateur when it comes to combat on your own.)



"That is really amazing...I've grew so strong thanks to her...I wonder if I can repay her for this."

Unseen says sadly, feeling kinda bad for taking all this power without giving anything in return..

[Negative.Master already gave something to The White Nightmare ...A friend.]

Unseen smiles calmly when hearing that.

"Maybe you are right..But I will repay her in some other way when we meet again..But for now.Lets get going to that village!"


That's when we see the leaving figure of a boy in a destroyed hoodie leaving the house with a bag of weapons on his back... Yes,that's Unseen and he is ready for what is about to happen...Not really,he doesn't know what is gonna happen,but what do we know,maybe his improvisation could work?

Are you ready for what is about to happen tho?


Damn our bro Unseen really be overpowered just like the tag said.

But what the heck would he do to the tyrant,the Majins and the village situation?Can his skills and power really help him in that situation?


About the creator of this unpredictable world.

It's not Veldenava (...Not really,he kinda is) nor the Goddess.

It's something special.

But I will not spoil anything else.

You will have to see it for yourself.

I'm out.(With rizz)

IMNOBODYcreators' thoughts