
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime In Naruto World

While a soul was crossing through the dimension in direction of the cardinal world. a certain Manas took interest in that soul named it and changed the course of the soul to a random world, and gave it some false memories, all in hopes to surprise its master in the future Read how that soul overpowers the world where it fell the Naruto world OBS: AU. new OC´s and powers. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. only my OCs

Joao132135 · Anime & Comics
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179 Chs

8-=That's it?=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



The next morning Kaede arrived at training ground 7 exactly at 5, since she didn't need to eat it wasn't really that much of a problem going there so early, or else she would have breakfast first, though only for the taste

'Now that I think about it, Kakashi didn't tell us to not eat... just some minor differences from the plot, but in the end it won't matter'

Sitting by the tree, Kaede took out a book and begun reading it as she waited for her ever-late sensei and Shizue, who was hopefully only late because of Kakashi

About 30 minutes since Kaede got there, Naruto and Sasuke arrived and Kaede could only stare in disbelief at the energetic Naruto

'That old man sure is effective huh?'

The three kept waiting there for hours until Kakashi finally decided to appear, and with him Shizue also appeared though Kaede knew that she was there from the start.

"Okay, Naruto and Sasuke you two come with me" Kakashi said as he walked some distance away from Kaede and Shizue

'Aww man... and here I thought that I could mess with the famous bell test'

"Kaede-chan, your test will be with me.

You see this gizo? your objective is to get it from me until midday, if you get it you pass, did you understand?" Asked Shizue, to which Kaede only nodded

"Then... start"

As soon as Shizue said start, Kaede flickered away

'I can't use my skills against her or she would notice that they are too powerful and the lack of hand signs... good thing I know the fireball and great fireball hand signs, and even the shadow clone signs... though my skills are way more efficient and powerful, in this situation I better not use them'

Observing Shizue while hiding, Kaede made a shadow clone and sent it in a random direction to attack Shizue from

the clone stepped out of a bush, and Shizue immediately spotted it

'A clone... smart, she is testing the waters' Shizue immediately noticed it was a clone

Weaving hand signs at impressive speeds, Kaede's clone finished her jutsu

"Fire style: Great fireball"

As soon as it shot the fireball it began running around in hopes of finding a chance to attack Shizue

Seeing the fireball heading towards her, Shizue didn't have any reaction whatsoever, she just put her hand on her sword and made a simple slash

"Divide" She said and the fireball was split into two, after it passed some meters away from Shizue both sides got unstable and exploded.

'Hooh? it seems like either her or her sword has at least the divide part of degenerate... good' the main body of Kaede thought, still hiding

The clone immediately dispersed itself as it knew that it couldn't do anything to Shizue by itself

'What is the purpose of this test? is it really a test of skill? the test from Kakashi must be a teamwork one, like in cannon, but I am alone against her...'

A unnerving silence befell the field, as both Kaede and Shizue were paying close attention to every little change around them, awaiting for the right time to strike

"AAAAAHHHHH MY #SS!" Suddenly Naruto's scream was heard, Kaede was at first caught off guard by it, but quickly recomposed herself

Shizue on the other hand blushed and immediately began to remember Kakashi's and Guy's 'famous jutsu' while questioning herself if it was even legal for Kakashi to do that

Taking advantage of Shizue's distraction Kaede flickered right in front of her while preparing a full power punch aimed at Shizue's face

Noticing Kaede, but having no room to dodge, Shizue crossed her arms in front of her face to take the hit... but after a few seconds she didn't feel anything and confused looked over only to see Kaede reading a book by the trees...

"Uhmm... Kaede-chan?"

Without even removing her eyes from the book Kaede threw the bell (gizo) at Shizue and resumed reading

"C-Congratulations Kaede-chan... you passed"

"Hn" 'Impersonating a Uchiha to the last bit'

'Sometimes I forget that she is an Uchiha as well... the contrast between her and Sasuke isn't small...' Shizue thought as she went to observe Kakashi's test while praying that Kakashi wouldn't use 'that' jutsu anymore


Some time later, Shizue sent a clone to tell Kaede that the test of Naruto and Sasuke was done, but when she went there what she saw wasn't what she expected to see

Naruto was on the ground, seemingly unconscious and Sasuke was tied to the pole the same way Naruto was in cannon

"What happened here?" she asked Shizue

"Nothing much... Naruto was beaten and Sasuke got really angry over something Kakashi said so he got kinda of 'captured' as you see... also here is your launch, don't give Sasuke any and tell Naruto the same if he wakes up" Shizue said as she began to walk away

"What did Kakashi sensei tell you to make you so angry?" Kaede asked Sasuke

"N-Nothing..." who in response avoided looking at Kaede

'... it couldn't be right? that would be too convenient for me...'

Though Kaede felt Kakashi and Shizue nearby, she pretended to look around before asking Sasuke

"Are you hungry?"



As if answering Kaede's question, Sasuke's stomach made its presence clear, at this point Sasuke's face was as red as it could be

"Here" Kaede picked some food and was about to give it to Sasuke when...

"YOU GUYS ARE BREAKING THE RULES!" A wild Kakashi appeared

'startled' Kaede slammed the food on Sasuke's face, and Sasuke started to look at Kakashi with a annoyed face

'...Oh man, if this means what I think, then my future plans just got ten times easier' Kaede thought

"Are you saying that I should leave him there, without eating?" She asked Kakashi

"You received an order didn't you?" asked back

"And you are saying that this means I should abandon my friends? if so you should go home, I am sure Shizue sensei will agree with my decision" Kaede shot back

"you... YOU... Passed" Kakashi begun talking with increasing anger, until... it all vanished as if it wasn't there in the first place

"...What?" Sasuke asked uncertain

"That's it?" Kaede also asked, just so Kakashi doesn't notice that she knew already

"Congratulations Kaede-chan, you passed, for real this time" Shizue said as she flickered to the side of Kakashi

'So she was acting before? I didn't even notice...' Kaede thought

'Seems like Kakashi's last minute test was a success...' Shizue thought

"Come with me Kaede, I need to ask you something" Shizue said as she dragged Kaede away

"... I guess I will take Naruto to the hospital for a checkup, I wouldn't want to break some of his bones by mistake after all..." Kakashi said as he picked Naruto up and also flickered away

"HEY!... What about me?" Sasuke asked, as he was left behind tied to the pole