
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime In Naruto World

While a soul was crossing through the dimension in direction of the cardinal world. a certain Manas took interest in that soul named it and changed the course of the soul to a random world, and gave it some false memories, all in hopes to surprise its master in the future Read how that soul overpowers the world where it fell the Naruto world OBS: AU. new OC´s and powers. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. only my OCs

Joao132135 · Anime & Comics
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179 Chs

72 -=Tobi is a good boy?=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



Rimuru didn't take long to find Tobi annoying the hell out of Deidara

'Why did he even go on a mission with Obito to begin with?' Rimuru asked as he saw the obvious annoyance on Deidara's face

<Since Sasori wasn't at the base, he is probably doing something by himself, like getting intel with his spies on Suna

so since his partner wasn't there, Deidara was probably forced to go with Tobi> Ceres explained logically

'Reasonable...' Rimuru thought as he started to fall at high speeds, as soon as he hut the ground, his body sank into his own shadows


"Deidara senpai, is the mission done already? Tobi is bored~" Tobi said in an annoyed tone, Mimicking Deidara's previous tone

"No Tobi, hmm, We just arrived here.

I have told you before, Hmm, Stop being so annoying, before I explode you, Hmm" Deidara answered with an angry tone, his patience quickly reaching the limits

"But Tobi is a good boy!

Are you mad, Deidara senpai? perhaps you are on your day?" Tobi asked 'innocently'

*tak tak tak*

Senbons made out of Deidara's explosive clay shot at Tobi, who albeit he didn't need to, dodged them with some weird moves as he fell on his butt

"D-Deidara senpai, please calm down!

Tobi didn't mean it!" With a panicked tone, Tobi said

But if Deidara knew just how much Tobi took his explosions as a threat, he may explode in anger

"You better shut up, because the next time you open your mouth... hmm" Deidara said in a threatening tone


"Oh my, are you bullying Tobi, Deidara san?" Rimuru got up from Deidara's shadows and asked with the same annoying tone as Tobi



HMMMM" Deidara had a mental breakdown, but he would be fine... probably

"Rimuru senpai... thank you, Deidara senpai just attacked me out of nowhere!" Tobi said in an outraged tone

Rimuru could swear he heard an explosion, but it was probably his imagination

"You sure you didn't piss him off?"

"No, Tobi would never do that!

Tobi is a good boy!"

"O...kay... well, anyway

I wanted to talk to you, OBITO, are you free?" Rimuru said, emphasizing the name Obito

"Obito? Tobi doesn't know any Obi- uck- gah- eeep

What is it, Rimuru?" Obito 'Appeared' after his Tobi persona shut off

'That was stupid...'


"Oh well, your strange acts aside,

You can phase through stuff, right?"

"Yes? what kind of stupid question is that?" Obito asked, his Obito persona was very rude and had no patience

"Seesh, I just wanted to have a spar with you, to get used to not being able to hit my enemy...

why so salty?" Rimuru asked, feeling wronged

"We both know that isn't your reason, spit it out, what is it, Rimuru?" Obito obviously didn't believe it, and right he was

"Sigh... look..." Rimuru sighed in defeat, he looked up and made eye contact with Obito


"I just wanted to ask you to

die, please?" Rimuru asked in a sweet voice as his Geass started shining in a bright red

"Y-Ye- ack- Yes, Rimu- Bastar- Rimuru-sama" Obito with his mangekyou obviously could resist a bit, but in the end, it was useless

he took a kunai in hands and ended himself

Rimuru used his [Rinnegan] to make some chakra receivers, but differently from Nagato, he left one perfect clone on Obito's shadow to feed him chakra, and left all the receivers hidden

"First path, got" He said, and the clone immediately made some hand signs

His eye, that was a Rinnegan, for obvious reasons, immediately got changed into Obito's sharingan, Rimuru would have been interested in Obito, but he had [Space] and [Chlorokinesis] so he didn't see any way Obito could give him new skills

And as such, it was the most reasonable decision to make him into one path of his Rinnegan


"Hey what is taking you two so long? hmm" Deidara barged back into the room, annoyed that his useless partner didn't follow him yet

"Ah, Deidara senpai! I'm sorry

I am going right now" 'Tobi' Said, his face didn't have even the slight emotion, but his mask never let anyone see it, anyway

"Hmm, You better be!" He answered, as he looked at Rimuru as if asking what he was still doing here

"Ya, Don't mind me, I was just messing around with Tobi

You can have him back" Rimuru said to Deidara with a smile, and immediately sank back to the shadows

"DAMNIT! TAKE HIM WITH YOU! HMM" Deidara screamed as he saw Rimuru going away

"Don't be like that, Deidara senpai

Tobi is not going to annoy you anymore,

because Tobi is a good boy"


Deidara screamed, close to loosing his sanity by now


Ya, I was catching up on Goddess of Ice, so I forgot to make a chapter, and since the idea I have is for a latter chapter, I ended up just complementing the last one

I noticed my writing got a bit... sloppy, recently

but I have dealt with the problem that was causing this irl

and by dealt, yes I mean ignoring it, aka my family

so... expect a bit of an improvement on my writing again, I hope

Also, some longer chapters, back to the 1.2k words, hopefully, as 700 is just sad...