
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime In Naruto World

While a soul was crossing through the dimension in direction of the cardinal world. a certain Manas took interest in that soul named it and changed the course of the soul to a random world, and gave it some false memories, all in hopes to surprise its master in the future Read how that soul overpowers the world where it fell the Naruto world OBS: AU. new OC´s and powers. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. only my OCs

Joao132135 · Anime & Comics
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179 Chs

14-=Lord of the sands, Shukaku=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



After all of that, Kaede moved a bit away from the place she was at, and sensing her clone close by, she said loudly

"I know you are there snake, come out"


There was a moment of silence before she hears a creepy laugh

"Kukuku as expected of someone with a sharingan I suppose..." Orochimaru said as he came out from behind a tree

'...Is he trying to make me angry by reducing my value to a sharingan? what a stupid thing to do... does he think we are in a cultivation novel or what?'

Staring intently at Orochimaru's every move, Kaede didn't answer him

"Not the talkative type huh? Kukuku that is fine as well"

"What do you want?"

"Don't be so harsh Kaede chan, I mean no harm"

"Yeah right, my clone noticed that"

"Kufufu, that was a impressive jutsu, even I didn't see through it before your clone dispersed, but enough idle talks, I have a proposal for you"

"... what proposal?"

"You see, I was at first only interested in Sasuke, but decided to give you the same 'gift' as him just in case, and after that I got really impressed by your skills with that clone and how you actually almost slipped my senses.

But your defected body that can't hold more than one sharingan and can't control the one you have already, doesn't attract me in any form, so I decided to give you this deal, work for me and I may even be able to fix your genetic problem that plagues you"

"I don't need your help with that, and I wouldn't believe you even if I needed"

"Kufufu, I like your attitude, but when you see that only I can help you, you will come after me willingly Kufufu~"

And with a creepy laugh, Orochimaru walked back disappearing from Kaede's sight, but she noticed her clone was still nearby

'So he wants to trick me since everyone has this strange tendency to reveal secrets when they think their enemy went away? that may work on others but not on me'

"Damn snake, as if I would fall so low" Kaede muttered 'angrily' as she flickered in the direction of team 7.

Orochimaru once again appeared from behind a tree, this time with an amused expression

"I hope you can continue to give me surprises, Uchiha Kaede"

After that, Orochimaru felt the presence of a curse mark user next to him

'Anko? Fufufu I think I still have enough time to play with her a little bit'

(A/N: Okay that sounded really wrong)


Kaede found team 7 inside a tree stump, Naruto was knocked out because of the effect of a new seal that Orochimaru put on him, Sasuke was also out, because of yet another seal, but a cursed one this time. One of her clones was watching over them (This clone was in their shadow, just in case)

'Sage, create a battered up appearance for me, make a dried blood mark down the left side of my face'



Approaching the team, her clone nodded and entered the shadows once again, Kaede got to the side of Sasuke and put her hand on the cursed seal

"[Predator]" Absorbing the entire seal, Kaede gave a mental command for [Great sage] to just isolate the seal and focus in absorbing Shukaku.


After some time, Naruto awoke and Sasuke awoke just after him

'Seems like they were competing even on who would wake up first...'

Feeling three of her clones nearby she decided to go pay them a visit

"I will go get us something to eat, don't go out you two"

"But Kaede-chan! you are still hurt" Naruto said worried about Kaede's 'injuries'

"..." Kaede stared accusingly at Naruto, who after a little more complaining agreed on letting her go hunt something for them.

Outside of the tree, Kaede flickered in the direction of two of her clones

'They divided? even better for me'

Arriving at where those two where, Kaede overheard their conversation

"Are you sure that there is a injured team around here Shigeri?"

"Didn't you see the traces as well? they must be hidden somewhere nearby healing, that is our chance to get the heaven scroll we need"

"But are you sure it is a good idea to let Karin behind? what if we need healing?"

"Sheesh dude, it's just a beaten up team, what is the worse they could do?"

'idiots...' Kaede thought as she flickered behind them with one kunai in her hand, covered in wind chakra.


The unnamed boy fell dead right away, while the boy named Shigeri turned around and tried to hit Kaede, not yet noticing the death of his teammate


Kaede parried his kunai with her own, but after she applied wind chakra again to her kunai, it cut Shigeri's kunai as if it was butter



And just like that, both of them were dead.

Kaede's clones emerged from their shadow and grabbed their bodies before entering the shadows again.

'I can't absorb them right now, I have to finish Shukaku first' Kaede explained to the readers her motives

Moving on, She found a bear about to kill a red haired girl that was obviously not fit for shinobi life, so doing her a favor she quickly decapitated both of them.

Again her clone got the girl's body and Kaede brought the bear back to cook it. I mean, might as well...


2 days later, Team 7 was entering the tower, as they had got the necessary scrolls (By they I mean Kaede)

Arriving at the tower, they saw the Suna trio already there and some other teams... but wait... didn't Gaara die?

<Notice. flashb->

'No, not now Sage'


That was obviously Kaede shapeshifting as Gaara, so the one with team 7 was yet another clone... that is quickly getting repetitive ain't it?

Anyways, team 7 got their room on the tower where they could rest and after that they are not important for the time being

Back with Gaara (Kaede), he kept checking the progress of his absorption of Shukaku

'Sage, how much longer?"

<Affirmative. Progress of absorbing individual Shukaku - 98%.

Estimated time to finish: 20 minutes>


Walking away from Kankuro and Temari, Gaara moved to an isolated area of the tower

"Gaara, where are you going?" Kankuro asked, just to receive a blank look that always terrifies him back

"Uhh... I-I am going to talk with Temari, good luck on whatever you want to do" and with that, Kankuro ran as fast as he could

'This is so easy' Gaara thought as he moved deeper into the tower

(A/N: I am going to call the MC by who he is mimicking, so don't complain about it please)

Arriving at a isolated area that looked like the one Orochimaru confronted Kakashi in the original at, Gaara sat on the ground as he received the notification from Sage that the process was about to finish


<Affirmative, Individual Shukaku absorbed.

Acquiring Ultimate skill [Lord of the sands, Shukaku] ... complete>

Gaara's eyes widened into strange proportions, only possible by the slime body lack of physical limitations on moving.

'A ultimate? that... Sage, what does [Shukaku] does? what happened to the personality of Shukaku?'


Skill [Lord of the sands, Shukaku] has te following effects:

-Control over sand: Allows the user to have free control over any sand in contact with the users chakra, the more chakra applied on the sand, the more control the user has over it.

-Control over magnetic forces: Allows the user to control magnetic forces in a similar way to the magnetic release kekkei genkai, with enough chakra and control over this skill, metal weapons can be grinded into iron sand just by sheer magnetic force.

-Chakra transfer: Allows the user to transfer his/hers chakra to anyone in contact with them

-Tailed beast ball: Allows the user to fire a compressed ball of raging chakra at any target, the power of.a tailed beast ball is relative to how much chakra the user uses on it.

-Telepathy: Allows the user to talk with users of skills from the tailed beast category, using only their minds

-1 tail worth of chakra: Increases the user's chakra reserves by 1 tail worth


Individual Shukaku's ego was impossible to absorb with [Predator] so it escaped, according to how tailed beasts work, Shukaku may have to recover his chakra for a bit before entering the process of rebirth of tailed beasts>

The more Gaara heard, the more his jaw got lower

'T-This skill is completely BROKEN! I was aiming at gaining Shukaku's chakra capacity, I didn't expect to receive something like this...'