
That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Naruto!!

This story is about a real-world character reincarnated as a 5-year-old Naruto. It follows his adventures and how he lives his life as Naruto Uzumaki, blending comedy and fantasy. He faces the strongest villains in the Naruto universe, using loopholes and his knowledge of the Naruto world to become stronger. He knows which skills and jutsus will make him more powerful than most of the villains, and he's going to overpower them. Stay tuned, fans! I'm creating a wonderful, overpowered Naruto story. In this version, Naruto isn't a crybaby. Watch him learn countless skills and jutsus to dominate the Naruto world villains. Support my stories!

AuthorBeast · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter - 11 (The Nightmare and Determination)

Naruto was running, his heart pounding as if his life depended on it. Someone was chasing him, and no matter how fast he ran, they were still behind him. He reached a dead end, and kunai knives flew toward him, aimed to kill. Suddenly, Naruto woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily.


"What was that? It's just a dream," Naruto murmured to himself, trying to calm down. "It's just a very, very bad dream. Who would try to kill me? I'm under Hiruzen Sarutobi's protection."


Naruto sat up, thinking, "Maybe it will happen. Because of my reincarnation, it might cause some butterfly effects. The future could change. I can't afford to change any future events. It will definitely affect my life, and I have to get strong and keep this secret until I can protect myself from others. I need to learn more jutsu and techniques and become stronger than anyone else."


Training Begins


The next morning, Naruto got up, determined to train harder. He headed to his usual training ground. Having already learned Wind Style: Gale Palm, he was focused on mastering it.


"Well, it's just a C-rank jutsu. As long as I learn all five chakra natures, I'll get stronger than anyone else," Naruto spoke to himself. "If I channel chakra into my hand and thrust it forward, it will create a forward-moving gust of wind. Depending on the amount of chakra I channel, the power will vary. A small amount of chakra creates a small gust of wind, and a large amount creates a big gust of wind."


Naruto created 100 shadow clones and ordered them to use a large amount of chakra when practicing Gale Palm until they could knock out a tree with it. Naruto trained daily, pushing his limits until he was out of chakra, which replenished quickly due to Kurama's influence. As he pushed his limits, his chakra grew unknowingly.


After ten days, Naruto could create big waves in the lake near his training ground. However, he still couldn't destroy a fully grown tree. He managed to knock down branches but not the entire tree.


"Well, it's not going to happen because it's just a C-rank jutsu. It's only outputting wind. No matter how strong the wind is, it may push some enemies back, but it won't destroy them," Naruto thought. "I've already mastered this jutsu. What else can I do?"


Naruto lay on the ground, thinking deeply. Suddenly, he sat up. "Why can't I try to combine my Rasengan with wind? Not like Rasenshuriken, but what if I combine Gale Palm with my mini Rasengan and shoot it like a bullet? That's it!"


Creating a New Jutsu


Naruto created clones to help him experiment. One clone created a mini Rasengan, while another surrounded it with wind chakra to keep it from dissipating when thrown. After several attempts, Naruto managed to cover the Rasengan with wind chakra successfully. When he threw it, it didn't disappear and hit a nearby tree, creating a small hole.


"First experiment successfully passed. I was able to throw the Rasengan. Now, I'm going to combine Gale Palm with my mini Rasengan and shoot it like a bullet. That's going to be awesome!"


Naruto summoned 200 shadow clones and had them practice combining Gale Palm with mini Rasengan. He instructed the clones to use a gun-shaped hand and create the Rasengan at the tip of their fingers. Along with his clones, Naruto practiced this technique, aiming to make it look like a gunshot.


One month later, Naruto could create a Rasengan using two fingers. He formed a gun-shaped hand sign, created the Rasengan at his fingertips, surrounded it with wind chakra, and compressed it. When he released it, the gust of wind propelled the Rasengan, piercing through a tree and creating a perfect hole.


Naruto was ecstatic. "It took a long time to combine this technique, but I have to reduce the time it takes to prepare this jutsu."


He created 200 clones and had them practice the new Rasengan Bullet until they could use it proficiently in a short amount of time. After another month of intense training, Naruto could create and shoot the Rasengan Bullet quickly. He tested it by shooting one of his clones, creating a perfect hole.


"Wow! It's awesome. I can create this jutsu in a short period of time. With this, I can attack enemies as many times as I want."


Naruto could continuously shoot Rasengan Bullets, creating numerous holes in trees. Unbeknownst to him, While he is pushing his limits with his training, his chakra reserves were growing enormously due to Kurama's chakra influence. (Naruto was able to create 200 shadow clones, and each of the 200 shadow clones could create three or four Rasengan Bullets)..

(He already has a large amount of chakra, and because of intense training (pushing his limits), his chakra is increasing rapidly. Who knows what will happen in the future?)


Naruto: "I have to practice more jutsu and get stronger than anyone else," Naruto thought. "Until then, I have to act like the normal Naruto to avoid changing the future. Any changes could create a butterfly effect and put my life in danger."


Satisfied with his progress, Naruto returned home and went to sleep, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.