
That time i got reincarnated as a God

Ardi Valinstein is a 17-year-old girl with a kind and righteous disposition, she hates those who enjoy the suffering of others and looks down on the lives of innocents, she dreams of being like those legendary knights from history, strong, brave and merciful. But, unfortunately, Ardi's dream was not destined to come true. Ardi suffers from a congenital illness that makes her physically weak, which makes her look thin and short, Ardi is constantly bullied. One day she was returning home late at night, after reading manga and stories about knights in the library for a long time, walking along the road she passed by an alley and heard a cry of "HELP!". Ardi ran into the alley and saw a man with a knife who tried to rape the girl, she ran at the man, trying to help the girl, the man panicked because of the sudden appearance of the girl and stabbed the girl in the body. In a panic, a man who looks like a drug addict rushes at Ardi and stabs her in the heart, and runs away, Ardi looks in shock at the wound in the chest and falls to the ground, looking at the dead girl and her last thoughts were ... {Sorry I'm so weak, I couldn't protect her... Forgive me, I hope you will be in a better world... I want to be strong, like those legendary knights from stories, like my favorite characters from the manga.... to protect, to help those who hope that they will be helped, I swear, I will protect all who hope for help, I must, because, so rightly ... } and Ardi dies until... (I own nothing but MC. Disclaimer.)

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The Hero and the Queen of Spirits

Locations: Cardinal World, Great Jura Forest.


(Pov: 3rd person)

In a seemingly endless forest full of magic and various creatures, one could see four walking girls of supernatural beauty, three of whom are very similar to each other. The first girl walking in front of the others looks like the eldest among the three, with long hair like vines, and a serious expression on her face that shows a glimmer of concern, in a beautiful white dress. Behind her were two more girls similar to her, one with short green hair and the other with the same long green hair as the first girl.

But what caught the eye was the Goddess walking behind them. A girl of divine beauty, with amazing emerald-green hair, with mystical golden eyes with cross-shaped pupils radiating incomprehensible power. She was wearing a beautiful toga with a gold neckline, white trousers and white cloth boots with gold inserts. Her presence radiated a majestic aura of righteousness, warm and soft, full of kindness and love for others, this divine being is none other than Galandriel along with Treyni and her sisters.

A group of four powerful Spirits walked through the forest, heading to the abode of the Guardian of Life, the Guide of all that is Holy, to the Queen of Spirits herself, to one of the greatest creations of the Creator Veldanava.

Walking through the magical forest, Galandriel notices a large seemingly abandoned gate. These gates are surrounded by thickets of various plants, for others this picture would seem nondescript, but for Galandriel it was fabulous, for her it looked just like in a fantastic story.

A dryad named Treyni turned around and looked at the surprised expression on the face of her guest, who was clearly delighted with what she saw. Seeing this, the Dryad felt a little proud, after which she spoke.

"We have arrived, this is the entrance to our Queen's abode." Treyni said, pointing to a large gate in front of them.

Galandriel, who was still amazed by what she saw, came out of her stupor, regaining a calm, majestic look, she answered the Dryad.

"This place is amazing, please take me inside, I want to meet your Queen soon.". Galandriel said, looking forward to seeing one of her favorite characters in reality. She was full of hope to see what Ramiris looked like before her fall and learn more about this world from her.

"Of course, follow me Lady Galandriel.". – said the Dryad, turning around and heading to the Abode of the Queen of Spirits.

(Pov: Unknown.)

In a place like a fairy-tale paradise, full of fantastic greenery and plants surrounding a hill on top of which there was an incredibly beautiful small tree with a snow-white trunk and golden leaves.

Under this beautiful tree, a Virgin of indescribable beauty sat surrounded by dust particles of light that were Lesser Spirits, the Virgin had golden hair gathered in two pigtails that shimmered with iridescent radiance, with calm bright golden eyes radiating care and kindness. From the back of the Virgo protruded four beautiful wings, similar to the wings of a moth, which seemed to consist of rainbow light.

A beautiful Maiden sitting under a tree with a small kind smile was watching the Lower Spirits, when suddenly she felt an unknown presence, she turned around and looked in an unknown direction where there was nothing but a lot of fabulous plants and spirits. Others would think that she was just staring into space, but her beautiful golden eyes are able to see much more than anyone can imagine.

And at the moment, the Virgin was staring at an unknown presence near the entrance to her abode. This uninvited guest seemed strange to her, but at the same time interesting, an unknown creature skillfully hid its Aura that even she could not see in this uninvited guest someone other than a mere mortal. But it was not this that made her raise her eyebrows in surprise and shock, but the presence of this uninvited guest, who had a strong, righteous character and what is most shocking is the presence of her new invention in this uninvited guest, whose invention should not yet be in the world.

The hero's Egg.

And not just a Hero's Egg, but already awakened! This completely shocked Virgo, because she recently invented the Hero Egg at the request of her Lord, for the balance of power in the world and increasing the potential of the human race.

"Eh?! What?! How?! Why does this strange man have my invention?! Uh... is it bad or good? Ah! I don't understand! How it shakes! Where did this man come from and why did the little treyni and her sisters bring him here?!" Virgo exclaimed, feeling shock, panic and confusion from what was happening. After sighing a few times, although it was not necessary, since she is a spiritual life form, she calmed down and with a strange expression on her face again stared in the direction of the uninvited guest, thinking about something.

"I just have to find out who this uninvited guest is and figure out how he got the Hero's Egg and was also able to awaken him.". – the Virgin reasoned, waiting for the arrival of the Anomaly.


(Pov: Galandriel.)

Me and the Dryads were standing in front of an amazing gate that I've only seen in RPG games. I was looking forward to seeing what lies behind these gates and meeting Ramiris!

While I was lost in my thoughts, the loud sound of something cutting and creaking brought me out of them. I looked at its source and saw how the gates to the Abode of the Queen of Spirits were opening.

When the gates opened, darkness appeared before us. Treyni and her sisters moved forward, seeing this, I followed them, and when we entered the darkness, a blinding light illuminated me.

<<Attention! The host was subjected to forced teleportation.>>. – I heard Solomon's voice in my head telling me that I had just been teleported.

When the lights went out, a fantastic picture appeared before me. Myriad different colors, yellow, blue, green, red and many other colors. There was bright green grass everywhere, beautiful trees and crystal clear little rivers. This place can only be described as a Garden of Eden.

I looked at all this with admiration and awe, until I was distracted by the Dryad's voice.

"Welcome to the Abode of the Queen of Spirits." The dryad named Treyni said in a proud tone full of admiration. – Now we are going to our queen, as you requested -... – A new voice called the Dryad, beautiful, full of greatness and power.

"There's no need for that, Treyni,". – the new voice said. We all looked at the source of the voice together, after which I froze with an empty expression on my face, and the dryads knelt down and spoke in chorus.

"Greetings To Her Holiness the Queen Of Spirits!". – they said in chorus in very excited voices full of adoration.

It's her... Ramiris, in fact, she looks just divine! What is this strange feeling that I feel when I look into her golden eyes? I've never experienced this feeling, but I've read a lot about it…

<<Master, your Aura is becoming unstable and I am losing control over it. The owner is advised to calm down. >>. – Solomon's voice sounded with... slight concern? After hearing Solomon's warning, I calmed down as much as it was possible in my case at all.

"Who are you? And how do you know me, since you wanted to meet me? And more importantly… What are you? Your presence feels like the presence of a Spirit, but I feel that you are not like other Spirits, and besides, you have a Ultimate Skill. I'm waiting for an explanation!".– she said in a deadly serious tone.

I was shocked by such seriousness, I'm not used to seeing her like this, in the anime she was childish and frivolous, but here she radiates a powerful aura of greatness and speaks in a serious tone that leaves no right to refuse.

Still standing in front of her with an empty expression of shock, I regained my calm and unperturbed appearance, after which I answered her with my beautiful voice, a little filled with power and greatness.

«Shouldn't you introduce yourself first before demanding anything from a stranger?». – I asked with a beautiful smile, chuckling a little to myself.


Apparently, my answer shocked her a lot, it seems that she did not expect that someone in her presence would be able to refuse her. He-he... the expression on her face is simply amazing! Solomon, keep this moment in my memory.

<<... Master, you... *Sigh*>>. Solomon replied with a sigh.

{What?! What does Solomon mean by this? Did you just sigh with annoyance?!}

<<It's just your imagination, master.>>. – Solomon answered this time in his impassive voice.

"Uh... hmm! So be it, I'll introduce myself first.". – the fairy grunted discontentedly and began to introduce herself. "I, the Beautiful and Unique, the Keeper of Life, the Guide of all that is Holy, the Great Queen of Spirits Ramiris! Now bow to me, Uwahaha!". – Puffing out her chest, the annoying fairy proudly exclaimed.

*Claps * *Claps*

"Long live the Great Queen of Spirits Ramiris!". – The dryads screamed, starting to chant Ramiris' name.

"Uwahahaha! Right! Praise me more, my devoted servants! Uwahahaha!". – Ramiris screamed with laughter, starting to flap her wings joyfully like a child.

I watched this performance with a blank expression on my face.

{I take back my words. She is no different from her anime counterpart, as childish and arrogant as I know her.}


Here we go again!

<<It's just your imagination master>>

Okay, it's time to stop this show.

"Ahem. Are you done?". – I asked with annoyance.


"x3 Eh?"

They all stared at me like deer in the headlights.

What is this- *Sigh* you know what, I don't care anymore. I sighed trying to ignore their annoying behavior, after which I decided to answer her and spoke in a majestic voice, putting in, releasing a little of my Aura at the same time.

"Answering your question who am I, I am a True Hero and the Supreme Divine Spirit, the God of Righteousness, my name is Galandriel. I was reborn in this world today quite recently, after a short wandering in the forest, I met three Dryads who actually told me about you, so I wanted to meet you, the so-called Queen of Spirits.". – I introduced myself, giving her an answer to her questions.

I looked at them and saw Ramiris' absolutely shocked face, the Dryad sisters didn't look so shocked when they heard that I was a Real Hero and a Supreme Divine Spirit, as they already know this, but they were shocked by the way I introduced myself.

Ramiris froze in the air like a statue, after which –

«What??!!!». – Ramiris screamed as she flew up to me, then grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me, constantly screaming.

«What do you mean, you're a real hero?! Wait! Did you say Divine Spirit?!». – Ramiris shouted, still shaking me.

«The Supreme Divine Spirit.». - I corrected her.

«What-?! *fall*». – Ramiris screamed and then fainted.

"x3 is my queen!". - The Dryads screamed in fright, then ran up to the unconscious Queen of Spirits.

{Can she lose consciousness?}. – I thought in confusion.

<<*Inhale * Master, is that the first thing you thought of instead of helping her?>>. – Solomon asked, surprisingly with a little confusion.

{Ehe~}. – mentally, I comically hit myself on the head.


Stop sighing!

<< It's just your imagination master>>.

"Ugh... my head." some stupid fairy moaned.

I looked at Ramiris, who had woken up, and this time I got rid of my childish behavior and asked.

"Are you okay? You suddenly fell unconscious.". – I asked with sincere concern, holding out my helping hands to her.

She looked at my hand and therefore at my face, on which there was an expression of sincere concern.

(Pov: Ramiris.)

"Answering your question, who am I, I am a True Hero and the Supreme Divine Spirit, the God of Righteousness, my name is Galandriel. I was reborn in this world today quite recently, after wandering around the forest for a while, I met three Dryads who actually told me about you, so I wanted to meet you, the so-called Queen of Spirits.". – The anomaly reacted, after which I froze in place.

When I heard her answer, I was shocked. No. Shocked is an understatement, I was ABSOLUTELY amazed by what I heard.

A True hero.

It should be impossible, I haven't released my invention, the Hero Egg, into the World System yet, so she can't have a Hero Egg, but her Aura says otherwise. I can't be wrong, it's definitely a Hero's Egg. But how? I don't understand it! But what is most shocking is that she not only possesses it, but also managed to awaken it and become a True Hero.

If only Lord Veldanava were here, he would definitely be able to give me the answers I need.

I was trying to think through everything she said, especially what she said, that she was a Divine Spirit!

What?! What is going on here at all, but who is she!

"What??!!!". – When I came to myself, I screamed and rushed forward, grabbed her by the shoulders and started shaking her.

"What do you mean, 'you're a real hero'?! Wait! Did you say Divine Spirit?!". – I was screaming in absolute confusion, trying to get answers.

"The Supreme Divine Spirit.". – An anomaly named Galandriel corrected me. Hearing this, I almost died of shock.

«What-…». – Before I could say it, I fainted.

After a few minutes I came to myself, rubbing my head.

«Ugh… my head.». – I groaned, trying to get up while my dryads were shouting my name.

Stop yelling, you fools! Ah… how could this have happened at all, where did this girl come from in the first place, so many problems appeared because of her.

I kept thinking, still lying on the ground, until I heard a beautiful voice full of concern and a beautiful hand stretched out.

"Are you okay? You suddenly lost consciousness.». – The Anomaly named Galandriel asked with concern.

I looked at her hand and then at her face and was struck by her beauty, which I had previously ignored due to nervousness. Behind her, a bright light shone above her head, reflecting off the magic crystals and illuminating her emerald-green hair, her divine appearance shone in this light, and her bright, golden, star-like eyes looked at me with concern and concern. Her cross-shaped pupils gave her an otherworldly appearance, making her beauty even more mystical. Her golden Aura was still released, large and powerful, in Holiness second only to me, the Queen of Spirits.

{How beautiful...}. – I thought, still looking at her sincere expression.

"Y-yes, I'm fine, thank you very much.". – replied with a slight blush on my face, taking her hand.

I saw her surprise for a moment before she regained her calm look. Standing up, I quickly turned away from her with a red face, trying to understand what had just happened and trying to calm down.

"W-well, enough greetings! You!". – I pointed at Galandriel, looking at her out of the corner of my eye.

"You will come with me, after which you will tell me everything about yourself in detail, and we will figure it out. Follow me. And you are fools too!". – I said to Galandriel, then looked at the dryad sisters and shouted to them.

"x3 Hai!". – The dryads returned.

"Lead the way, Spirit Queen.". – Galandriel replied, chuckling.

"Hmh!". – With a grunt of displeasure, I headed to my office, constantly thinking about how much had happened today.

I apologize for such a long absence of chapters, I was very busy. Sorry. I also apologize for the grammar, I write through Google translator. That's all, thank you all and bye! Write your opinion, or I'll find you.

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