
That summer when we found love

A Romantic-Comedy , Slice of Life story about a girl named Phoebe and her forbidden love with her cousin Lara. The two, after being separated for such a long time, meet again when Phoebe's parents go on a trip and decide to leave Phoebe at the care of her Aunt and Uncle.

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Spring cleaning in summer?

One day Phoebe went on a stroll through town and as she was passing through the park a mysterious man wearing a coat approached her and offered her a briefcase filled with a dozen donuts. "Would the fine lady like a donut?" He asked, and yet Phoebe ignored him. "Would the fine lad-" "Heyyyy Pheobe! Let's go out for some eats" A woman she has never met before says as she dragged her off to an unfamiliar resto. Her red flowing hair smelled like… Heaven, that's all Phoebe could think about. "We should go for something more don't you think?" the mysterious lady said whilst stroking phoebe's hair. This was bliss, as unusual as it may seem, this was one of the dreams Phoebe wished never ended. But alas! It's morning and dreams aren't meant to last forever. *Ring-Ring!* "P-please, don't go…" the wall clock rings, it's 10:30 am and I was already way behind. I was supposed to help clean the attic today. "Urghh… My head hurts" Rubbing my eyes, I realized I was crying?? Why though? "Good morning sunshine! Sure was fun sleeping in and letting me do half the work huh?" "Yeah… sorry I had this weird dream, and I can't seem to remember how it exactly went." "Well there's breakfast downstairs if you want a bite before you can actually help me clean up hurry up okay?" She says as she leaves the room. I fixed the bed and went downstairs for a quick meal before pulling my weight.

*Creek* "Phew… These old things are too heavy for one person, glad you finally caught up. Now could you lend me a hand?" *Clack* "Wow… This is… Heavy, You've been pulling these all this time Lara?" "Yeah… thanks to you though we can probably finish this all by dusk." Well as she predicted it was almost dusk by the time we finished. "Hey Lara where does this go?" I asked her pulling out an old dusty box from the last drawer we were supposed to empty and clean. "Wait those are… Phoebe you found them!" Her eyes light up and suddenly *Thud* she's on top of me. "Okay I get it… P-please…" She was a bit sweaty and yet she still smelled of lavenders. I feel a bit lightheaded due to the sudden change of pace… "L-lara, I can't breathe" "Oh… sorry, guess I got carried away" She dusts the box and carefully opens it up. "Found a naked picture of you!You didn't change a lot did you?" She teases me with a smug face "What is that supposed to mean!?" She says nothing "Well!?" With that cheeky look on her face she stares at my chest. "Hey… I was just kiddin Phoebe. Why so defensive?" her grin just being more obvious. "T-they grew a bit…" She suddenly reaches for my chest but I back off in time"W-what are you doing?" "Well I was going to check" She slowly inches over closer and closer towards me. "Okay this isn't funny anymore Lara, You can quit it now" yet she keeps on moving closer and closer "Oh come one Phoebe we're both girls aren't we?" She argues "S-still, jeez sometimes I don't get how that head of yours works. Do as you please." There wasn't any getting to her. "So guess that means It's fine" She pushes me down towards the old drawer, her hands slowly worked their way from my waist up to my chest. Her fingers send jolts to my spine and throughout my whole body. She leans closer and gently kisses my nape. "H-haa~ Lara… I" My body is filled with a warm and tingly sensation "Mnhh…" short moans escaped my mouth as Lara continued to pleasure me. "Nn…" *Kiss* Lara kisses me as to stifle my moans. *Knock-knock* "Sweeties could you open up? I made some snacks for the both of you" *fa-thud!* I hastily shoved Lara off me and rushed to the door where auntie stood with a tray of sandwiches and apple juice. "Thanks for all your hard work, we really do appreciate it. Eh, Here take these snacks, have a short break for now" she then hands over the food and goes on her merry way back towards the living room.

"Hey you better eat yours before I finish them myself" Lara jokingly says then starts porking out. "You really have no fragment of being ladylike in your system huh?" She gives me an innocent looking smile and returns to her meal. "Hey… thanks for helping out today." Lara thanks me, surprisingly. "It's fine really again I'm sorry I woke up late, I just had a really peculiar dream."

"Aww don't sweat it, I was just kidding around about you being late. I appreciate the help, I really do" Lara reassures me while patting my head as If I was a pet. "Sometimes I can't tell if you're praising me or toying with me" I uttered in response to her sudden patting. "I'm perplexed of how you see me Phoebe, but anyway." Lara sidetracks the conversation "They really Have grown Phoebe" She says while fixating her gaze on my chest. "Why did you have to remind me of what happened!? Jeez." Flustered, I turned my back on her. " Lara the proceeded to throw her hands around me from behind, without even a second to think, I was already restrained by her arms. "You're so cute, I just want to keep you by my side all day" Lara whispered and let go of me. We didn't realize how fast the time was going until the cool night breeze entered the attic through the small circular window. Lara helped me tidy things up and went downstairs with me for supper. "Oh they you sweethearts are, Dinner is ready if you're hungry, just let me know and I'll prepare the table" "Thanks Ma!" Lara answered " Thanks for cleaning the attic with Lara Phoebe, it's a big help to me and your Uncle here, at our age moving those huge crates and drawers around would be hard" Auntie says in a gratified tone while arranging the plates for supper. "It was nothing auntie, thank you as well for having me while mom and dad are travelling" I'm not sure if its just me being tired and hungry but the food smells divine , it was like a mini-feast , we were having juicy well-done peppered steaks with mushrooms ,gravy and peas, along with some mashed potatoes. "That's a lot ma, can we really eat this all ?" "Knock yourselves out sweeties, Your reward today for a job well done" With that being said, Lara started digging in as if she hasn't eaten anything for days. I can't really blame her because the food looks ambrosial. We finished dinner and checked on the bird, leaving food and water for it to help the recovery process. "Hey Phoebe, what should we call him if ever he recovers" Lara asked "Hmm… well now that you mention it. How about Joe?" "Too common. Who would even name anyone Joe" Lara immediately contradicts. "How about George?" "Well fine, we'll call him George then" We said our goodnights to little George and went upstairs to our room. Lara opened the air conditioning unit and went straight to the bath, I guess she's also pretty tired since she's been working since morning. I followed in after she finished her bath. As I entered the bath the transition from a really cold room to a warm bath greeted my body. It was relaxing, as I entered the tub my body started loosening up. I pondered on the events that transpired, my dream and what would happen to my life this summer. I got out of bath and put on a fresh set of clothes. As I exited the bathroom the refreshing cool breeze from inside the bedroom greeted me. Lara was already fast asleep. I soon followed her as I threw myself onto the bed and entered the sweet world of slumber. "I wonder if she really means it" I thought to myself. "Such a silly thought, I guess I'll find out for myself"