
That Snowing Day

It's the story about a lonely girl who witnessed a bullying and then her life changes...

Moonyinspring · Teen
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3 Chs


Amanda reached her home. Later at night, her father was watching news.

" breaking news! a male high schooler has been found dead in an alley. Police says he had been beaten to death. Police suspects that the boy was a bullied victim. More information will be provided after checking the CCTV."

" Why children are being like this ? That poor kid. I feel so sorry for his parents" said Amanda's dad.

"If someone walked by that place and reported it to the police , I believe that boy won't be dead. Poor kid. I hope the murders will be caught soon" said Amanda's mom.

After hearing her mom Amanda started to feel guilty. Ofcourse she felt guilty after passing by without doing nothing or help him. But after hearing her mom, she started to feel more guilty.

Meanwhile in the police station...

" Did you find them ? did you ? " asked Mark

" No , we didn't but we'll make sure we does it . We are looking on the footages from CCTV " " You said you were looking for them from morning but still you didn't get any clue on the murders ! Does that alley really have a CCTV system ? If there is then what is taking so long to find the criminals? The murder happened today right ? So why not look for the footages of this day morning? "

" Yes kid , I understand how you feel but you should gives us time . We have a lot of cases to investigate so you should give us time. "

" Sir , we got the footage of that alley. Please come and have a look. It seems that the boy was being bullied by some boys from the same school . " said another police officer

" Did you find their names or anything else? "

" Sir , a girl happened to be passing by that alley during the time the victim was being bullied . I think she just ignored it and passed by without reporting it to the police or anyone else. "