
That Place In Your Heart

The Spitfire After the sudden death of her estranged father, Earl of Ledbury, Julianne or Jules Cosgrove found herself to be at war with the overbearing brute, the new Duke of Hemington who claimed master of the estates and land previously belonged to the late earl. Now the headstrong Jules Cosgrove had to fight for her authority in defending her home and estates from befallen to the arrogant, handsome as sin Duke of Hemington, Gavin Rutherford but as they say opposites attract!. The more Jules pushes and fights Gavin the more entangled her feelings was to him! The Gentle Giant Gavin Albert Rutherford did not trust females. Especially blondes with sapphire blue eyes. To him they were nothing more but a designing females just like his last paramour, Lady Daniela Harlow But there was something more than meets the eye of the defiant hard headed Julianne that makes the Duke's blood boil and sing at the same time. Will Gavin able to crush Julianne's stern distaste of loveless matrimony? Or would he make the ultimate move on his chessboard to forever secure her hand in marriage?

dagnabit · History
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16 Chs

Chapter Two

London, England,


One Year Later.

It's been a long and tedious journey yet he couldn't admit to himself that he was glad to stand on English soil. But as soon as he disembarked from the SeaLady, he sensed the familiar feeling when he first set out from England three years ago.

Nothing has changed much since his absence. The city was packed with pressed bodies what with street urchins to pick pocketers to prostitutes lining up the streets displaying their 'exquisite merchandise' up for sale. Gavin Albert Rutherford smiled leeringly to a woman who undoubtedly in her middle forties amiably clung to him suggesting lurid remarks.

"Not today, luv" he nodded to the woman.

The overly done rouged woman planted her hands on her hips. "Then it's yer loss" she said before turning away but not before showcasing Gavin what he will be missing. She purposely swayed her hips this way and that in a manner of exaggerating.

Gavin chuckled in spite of himself. Being a man overly thirty of course he was in dire need of a 'service' and adding salt to the injury, he had been in the blasted war with the Company for years. He fought, he killed, he battled and he won, much to his personal battle with himself rather than for the Company. Curse to it all, he could not find the self satisfaction even if he severed a Sikh's head or trampled bodies underneath his steed. Gavin risked a glance around him. The overpowering odor of unwashed bodies and the lack of proper flow of the sewage system undoubtedly make one to bend down and hurl. But to Gavin he had seen worst during his one year course of the war. There were blood spilling everywhere, guts and brains spewing out , head or hands or even legs separated from the body. Gavin shuddered momentarily. The memory of the cold blooded war primarily for disputed honor was enough to give a giant of a man such as him a nightmare.

He only participated in the war just for kicks, not merely as a favor for Lord Dalhousie, his long time friend from Christ Church, Oxford. Dalhousie personally approached him at Tattersall's, inquiring him casually about how well he dealt with swords, artilleries and horses. Gavin, whose forefathers have been employed with the war ministry and had battled famously in the Waterloo, held his hand up, effectively silenced Dalhousie and merely grunted: "When will the steamer be off?" It seems as an overbearing gesture but hell, he was the Earl of Kentsborough. And Gavin had a million reasons not to remain in England anymore.

Dalhousie who knew Gavin very well and alas, he merely shrugged his thin shoulders and dutifully informed him the first steamer will be off to the Indies at first light.

Gavin sensible man that he is, merely stated his purchase on the gelding he had his eyes for a week now and left. He never looked back. On the morrow morning, he stood near the docks whilst the cabin boys rushing to and fro arranging his Lordships belongings into the cargo area as the captain ushered him to his cabin. Gavin did not saw Dalhousie during his entire voyage to India but he did met him at the station where he resides. Dalhousie articulately relayed to him about his sole purpose to involve him on the subject of the matter.

"Lawrence as you know, have already departed to England" Dalhousie stated in a non-committal tone, handing his lordship his glass. "What worries me much is the refusal of Currie to act on the reports from Abbot"

Gavin looked at his friend strangely. "Why would he even incline to do that? As I known, Currie is a legalist, he was unthoroughly unfamiliar with the military matters in Punjab" Gavin cocked his head slightly to one side, green eyes never leaving Dalhousie. "Do not tell me he had a big head on that neck of his?"

Dalhousie sighed wearily, shifting his glass. "That what worries me, Rutherford. Abbot clearly stated that Attariwalla was plotting a rebellion with the other Sirdars. While Lawrence, and I mean his brother was familiar with the officers in Punjab"

"And that brother is John Lawrence" Gavin supplied with a chuckle. "Who you overstepped for Currie"

Dalhousie groaned. "Yes, yes I know I make an error on that one. Please try to be more subtle at the next opportunity" Dalhousie looked him squarely in the eyes. "What I am about to ask you will forever trap me in your arrears, Rutherford" Gavin immediately straightened his spine, effectively elevating his height which shrunken Dalhousie's stature no less than his dignity.

"I want you to keep an eye on Currie-"

"As also as Abbot", Gavin interceded with a nod. Dalhousie nodded back in return.

"What about the maharani?" Gavin raised a questioning brow to the disturbed earl. It seems unlikely for him to append Dalhousie's already agitated status, but his curiosity got the better of him.

Gavin wasn't sure, but he could not mistake his mocking sneer. "Never to have a worry over her. It seems that Lawrence foresaw in her a rallying point for the well-wishers of the Sikh dynasty. We are keeping a close watch on her" Dalhousie shrugged his shoulders as if the question does not qualify to contemplate seriously. "Even so, the latter had strictly regulates that she could only receive not more than six sirdars as audience in a month. More brandy?" he offered, the glass decanter clutched in his hands as he was pouring the liquid in his own glass. Gavin shook his head, tossed back the remaining liquor and set his glass on the counter with a thud.

"Best be going" he said simply, striding towards the door.

"You will help then? The Earl quipped. Gavin paused by the door, his large hand resting on the door knob.

"Send me the brief accounts of what has transpired. I may need the actual names" he said this without glancing back. "Then I will sleep with one eye open" with that he yanked the door and strode out, nodding briefly to a Punjabian chap who he presumably is Dalhousie's aide.

"Never thought you could get off the ship and sniff your way back eh?" someone clapped him on his back which jerked him completely to reality.

"Carlisle, you bleater. How long have you been aggravating there?" Gavin frowned good naturedly

to his oldest friend, the Duke of Sandhurst.

His Grace, Edward John Carlisle crossed his arms over his chest, yet Gavin thought he was doing that to deliberately show his irritation which of course didn't deter him one bit.

"You have been waiting for how long?" Edward merely grunted and he fell into a step beside him.

"Long enough for me to sprout roots" They smartly negotiated the narrow passageway that became packed with more human beings, street ruffians and plainly dressed people alike.

"I told you not to come. You've preferred nails stuck in your rear end rather than waiting for someone" Gavin drawled when Edward didn't say anything .

"I was just curious" Edward said, apparently his humor is back, judging by the way he snickered."I was half expecting you to emerge left with one arm and a patch on your eye" He chortled when Gavin throw him a menacing look.

"Hey, you said it yourself. You wished to have died in combat, remember?" Edward threw his hands in surrender, laughing.

Gavin merely glowered, ultimately deciding to ignore his friend's vivid reminder of what he have said a year ago.

"Before you smugly chastised me any further, where is our means of transportation?" before Edward could reply, Gavin saw a large but smart carriage with an emblem, which he knew doesn't belonged to Sandhurst displayed on the door. A livered groom stood so erect that Gavin thought he was standing there for days just to hold the door for them. A pair of black gelding stood restlessly, pawing the ground as if they are ready to hurtle any moment. It took another two grooms to steady the beasts and Gavin noticed both men were armed with rifles underneath their coats.

"Such a welcome wagon, Sandhurst?" Gavin muttered as they entered the carriage. He was surprised to discover the interior was masculine, large and comfortable. The squabs were made of leather with black finish.

Edward grinned leisurely as he threw his arms over the seats as his long legs stretched before him.

"No expense has been spared for the new Duke of Hemington,"

"The who?"

"The new Duke of Hemington, half-wit" Edward chuckled devilishly clearly diminishing his features of a six and thirty age of a man into a boy merely eighteen. "You"

"You must be joking" Gavin raised dark brows suspiciously to his friend.

"I wouldn't jest something not worth jesting, old man" Edward sobered, his expression solemn. "I'll be damned to fool with someone who just return from the war, much less to a new duke"

Gavin rubbed his temple feverishly, the sway of the carriage didn't help his splitting headache at all, nor Sandhurst who he was certain talking gibberish. Damnation, he didn't get enough sleep these days. He was tired and all he ever wanted to do now is to crawl into his bed and sleep.

"Will you be kind enough to stop talking in circles and tell me what in god's blood do you mean by me being a duke?" Gavin almost shouted to the man. Edward seems unaffected, clearly enjoying his friend's distress. He effortlessly crossed his legs at his ankles, leaning comfortably in his seat as if he has the whole time in the world instead of only 20 minutes to Gavin's bachelor lodgings.

"Durnham" he said simply, referring to Gavin's older cousin "Apparently had given up his mission to procure an heir after his Duchess gave birth to another girl 3 months ago"

"What is that got to do with me?" Gavin said as he felt his head pounded more vigorously.

"Everything, you coot" Edward said, his eyes widened as he noticed Gavin's face changed dramatically. "You are the new Duke of Hemington" Edward gestured with his arms. "These are yours. Not too shabby, eh?"

Just then, the carriage slowed down and came to a crunching halt.

Gavin thanked his lucky stars above for allowing him to alight from the carriage.

"Thought you never survived long enough to be a duke? A wealthy duke, nonetheless" Edward persisted, poking his head out the window.

A swarm of livered footmen hurried out to collect His Grace's belongings from the baggage compartment. His butler waited on the steps dutifully receiving his master home.

"Your Grace" Rigby bowed his bald head in welcome. "Welcome home"

Gavin Albert Rutherford, the new Duke of Hemington , threw a disdainful glance to the ever still grinning Edward.

"Words travels fast around London" Edward defended innocently but Gavin doubted that. It will be all over London by the evening.

"See you at White's?" Edward called after him when Gavin proceeded climbing the short steps.

Gavin make a gesture with his hands without pausing or looking back. It's either mean: 'I will see you later' or 'go away'. Edward John Carlisle, the Duke of Sandhurst surmised it will be the latter. He chuckled inwardly to himself as he directed the driver to bring him home.

* * * * * * * * * *

One week later, Edward discovered Gavin hiding in his study, apparently in a blacker mood.

"I brought your carriage back" Gavin looked up from the book he studiously been reading.

"What carriage?"

"Your carriage, remember? Big? Luxurious? With Hemington's crest on it?"

Edward poured himself two glass of brandy and handed one to Gavin.

Gavin gingerly accepted it. "Why are you always tormenting me?"

"Guess we were meant for each other" Edward donned his brandy. "All joking aside, man. What are you doing holed up here like a priest?" his tone turned serious. Now that he realized it, Gavin much preferred to Edward's playful banter rather than his somber demeanor.

"Everyone at White's were curious about you and your adventure with Dalhousie" Edward paused to chuckle. "Even matrons at Lady Willoughby's ball last night. I hereby officially welcome you to the club"

Edward mused regally.

"What club?"

""The club of 'Eligible Bachelors and Insanely Wealthy'" Gavin could have sworn that he wanted to throw something hard to his friend. Instead, he groaned.

"Can I possibly relinquish it?" Gavin grumbled, throwing back his brandy. This cursed title and the unwarranted attention it had drawn more or less added the numb to his head.

What he will give to have a title, not merely an Earl, for god's sake.

"Speaking of whom" Edward cleared his throat deliberately. "I ran into Daniela last night" the mere mention of the name made Gavin blanched.

"She is asking your whereabouts" Gavin was thankful that Edward didn't show the least bit of jest this time or he could have sworn he will trashed him silly.

"Indiscreetly , she wanted you to know that her association with Radcliffe had taken the rough road and any day now it will be over the hill. She twisted my arm a little bit just to make sure I deliver the message clearly" Edward ventured on.

Gavin was silent, gloomily twirling his glass in his thick fingers. Hearing her name after all these years brought back all the painful memories.

"You don't have to do anything about it, Gav" Edward implored. His tone softer but firm. "She is a fool. And a scatterbrain at that. Choosing over you for that prick" Edward handed him another glass of brandy .

Ah yes, a stupid fool that he was. Offering his heart for the taking to a lady who he taught loved him. Instead all the while, she was playing him as her joke.

Lady Daniela Harlow, the daughter of a Marquis no less. She was the debutante of the Season. Proud, beautiful and regal with raven hair and alluring eyes, like the color of coals to match.

It was rumored that they will be the celebrated couple that year. But as Gavin asked for her hand in marriage, Daniela horridly branded him as insane and it will be a cold day in hell before she went to the altar with him.

It was a sick jest, of course. He vowed never to let love overtook his better judgment ever again.

Or better yet, avoid it like the plague. At the time he was five and thirty as when he met Lady Daniela he was innocent, oblivious to scheme minded females and he was impossibly slow for his age. Gavin have been blinded by beauty, deafened his ears and numbed his mind.

Gavin was angry, humiliated beyond words as society and the cruel eyes and lips of the ton viewed him as an embarrassment to his peers. Gossips were rampant that he, the penniless Earl of Kentsborough shamelessly pursued a gentle bred lady forever beyond his reach when all the while a fawning young viscount, Radcliffe, who was undoubtedly richer than the Prince Regent, Gavin recalled, was also courting Daniela has recently came to the title.

Daniela declared that they were betrothed and will be married in a fortnight.

As Lord Dalhousie offered him to join the Company for the war, he took the steamer out from England without hesitation. He would try to nurse his broken heart, moreover his bruised ego and certainly to save his face when Daniela's nuptial day approaches.

Gavin did not say he was not devastated by his loss. True, he loved Daniela. She was his first love and undoubtedly be his last. Gavin determined. Men who falls in love were fools! There was no such thing as love. It was only a fragment of the imagination that one would like to believe existed.

If he were ever required to marry for the sole purpose to continue the lineage, he will damned well do so as it is only a business transaction, with no strings attached let alone emotional attachment. Of course he will treat his wife, whoever she will be, with utter respect like a merchant to a customer.

Once she have provided him with an heir, they will live separate lives. Gavin will momentarily visited her on occasions, conducting his husbandly duties and expected her to return the favor as well. But after the tumultuous event with Daniela, he doubted himself to trust women again. Gavin wondered why in blazes he did not died in combat and now he had survived the war, why did he returned to England?

Surely he didn't have a family and a wife. He never knew his parents, his mother died when he was very young. His father, well his father, fought in the Waterloo and after the war he stayed abroad until he died ten years ago. All was left by them is the townhouse where he presently resides as his inheritance and a title of an earl from his father which exhausted of funds. And Edward. It is a bittersweet joy when Gavin thought about it. The Duke of Sandhurst has been his friend since Eton and Oxford. They are undisputedly like blood brothers.

But now Daniela claims her connection with Radcliffe was on the rocks? What the devil has happened? The questions piqued his curiosity but Gavin was hesitant to dig deeper. Better not swim in deep waters. There may be sharks about.

Edward who was watching his silent friend closely for more than 5 minutes said, "Aren't you a bit curious?"

Gavin cleared his throat and pretended to drink only to discover that his glass was indeed drained of fluid. "Curious about what?"

Edward rolled his eyes heavenward. "About the pope. About Daniela of course!"

"What about her?" Gavin directed the question casting an innocent look as best as he can muster.

"My god, man! Have you been listening to what I have just said?"

"Yes I heard you"

"Well?" Impatient laced Edward's voice. Gavin secretly smiled to himself. It felt good being this side of the wall. Edward looked very much irritated he could swiftly kick him in the guts if he wishes to.

"If you like, I will gladly take her off your hands" Edward tried again, crossing his booted foot at the ankles. "She will never know what's hitting her. I could go in and out just like that" His friend said, rising a brow meaningfully.

Gavin blew out a weary breath through his nostrils. His grace perfectly know what he meant. He was not alien to Sandhurst's wayward ways. He was made famous by his extensive collection of mistresses. Edward was the heartbreaker of the heartbreaks between them.

At first, Gavin could not really understand why he likes to play with women, as what he simply put it. But now he knew quite well. And Gavin could not really blame Edward for putting off women after he was tired. Thanks to Daniela Harlow. Gavin added silently. Women could not be trusted, especially the pretty and innocent looking ones. They surely hide the darkest soul next to satan himself.

Edward, witnessing the turbulent changes in his friend's features said, "Very well then. I heard it loud and clear. She is off limits" Edward awkwardly cleared his throat, shifting his footing. Blast that Harlow female! Edward couldn't help thinking. 'Twas her damn fault that Gavin crumbled into a pathetic mess of a man.

"I damn well care for nothing if you wanted to lift her skirts in Hyde Park" Gavin growled, shooting green fire eyes to Edward. "Don't ever mention that harlot's name again or I swear I'll break your neck,"

The warning was issued through gritted teeth, Gavin looks as if he was ready to murder someone.

Still remained in his position, casually propping his booted feet on his desk while loungingly seated in his leather chair, Edward could sensed the control Gavin exerted on his fury judging by the way his hands curled into a fist at his glass. Anymore brute force Edward was certain the glass would shatter.

"Confound it, I am just keeping on your toes what to expect for the coming weeks" Edward mused, seemingly undeterred by his sudden burst of wrath. Oh, he knew Gavin quite well. So well indeed since they were only boys. Thirteen to be exact. Gavin was famed for his quick tempered demeanor but Edward knew he had a noble heart. Much to Gavin's frustration, he reminded Edward to keep the tidbit

to himself.

"I may as well return to India" Gavin mumbled as he rose from his seat to fetch his brandy. "Or move to the colonies or something"

Edward shook his head and chose his words carefully, "Running is not always the best solution, old man" he paused as he watched his friend absentmindedly swirl his brandy in his glass. "Sooner or later you have to face her. The sooner the better" Edward gestured with his own glass before draining his port. "You know to get her out of your hair. You cannot hide here forever" Gavin grunted dismissively. Sometimes he wished fervently that Edward was wrong for a change.

A discreet knock sounded at the door, interrupting Edward's sermon. Thank lord for that. Gavin added silently.


At his admission, the heavy oak door creaked open, revealing Rigby with a haughty look.

"A Mister Thomas Reilly seeks your audience, Your Grace" Gavin raised his brow, as he cannot discern the caller. Gavin took the card from the silver tray. Edward peered at the name card, squinting as he read out loud. "Thomas Reilly, Solicitor of Borough and Borough"

Gavin looked questioningly to Rigby, brow still held. "I do not recall hiring such solicitor, do you?" His inquiry was directed to Edward who shrugged.

"Shall I send him on his way, Your Grace?" Rigby cleared his throat, yet holding himself erect, his nose jutted aloft.

"No. I am curious to what he is about to say" Rigby bowed his head and turned his heels to let the visitor in.

Thomas Reilly was a young buck, probably in his early twenties with tousled brown hair, supporting glasses that forever sliding down his nose. He clutched his worn out case to his chest and he was a nervous wreck. Reilly was practically trembling as he saw two equally tall and broad-shouldered men looming over him.

"G-good afternoon, Y-your Graces" Reilly found his voice, bowing his head hastily that it bobbed back to his neck.

"What matter brings you here, boy?" Gavin boomed, cocking one dark arrogant brow, looking down at his nose.

Reilly literally jumped at Gavin's deep voice and he faltered before replying. "I am here to bring you your estate ledgers, Your Grace" He paused as he pushed his glasses back. "I was appointed to be your steward or solicitor as you called it. Other way around it is still the same" Reilly laughed skittishly and prodded on " I was only being informed of your return only two days ago. There is so much to do. Why, the estates were in such tatters that I do not know which ones to start first. Apparently.." Reilly's voice grew smaller and distant as Gavin stood menacingly before him. He was definitely tall and large, with powerful muscles filling the right places. His face grew hard. His lips firmed into a mocking scowl and his eyes ablazed with green spitfire.

"I do not recall of having to be put to work" Gavin prompted. His voice dangerously low. He looks as if he wanted to pounce Reilly as if he was the sheep. And he was the wolf.

"T-the title that you have inherited as well as the estates. Not to mention the manor and townhouses coincides with the responsibilities that came in 1 package, Y-your Grace" Reilly pointed out valiantly.

"What if I choose to refuse this title?" Gavin held up his hand when he noticed Edward opened his mouth to protest. Obligingly, Edward snapped his mouth shut. Reilly looked shocked. Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, he wailed "You cannot possibly do that! No one ever do that!"

Gavin growled, pouncing so fast that he grabbed Reilly by the throat and slammed him to the wall. The wall shook momentarily by the impact.

Reilly was choking, furiously batting at Gavin's grip on his collar. "Perhaps Reilly. I am not just 'no one'"

Gavin hissed, his eyes bloodshot, ready to tear the boy apart with his bare hands. Reilly's eyes rolled into its socket, his feet stopped thrashing, and his hands which were flailing before fell to its side.

"Gav. Let the boy go" Edward said quietly, squeezing himself between him and the young solicitor. "He didn't know any better"

With a snarl, Gavin loosened his grip to let Reilly slumped to the floor. Edward was thankful that the poor boy was wheezing and coughing as he struggled to regain his breath back.

"Are you okay, boy?" Edward pounded him at the back, hopefully to help him. Gavin resumed his seat, brooding in the dim corner of the room.

Reilly nodded vigorously, fingering his throat. "I think you should come another day, Reilly. When Hemington is in a better mood" he added.

Edward glanced at his battered case. "Is that the estate ledger you mentioned earlier?"

Reilly nodded again, awkwardly scrambling to his feet. "Y-yes, Your Grace" Reilly glanced uncertainly to Gavin as if he was bracing for another assault. "But it was only half of it" Reilly's voice dropped to a whisper. "Half of the stack is still sitting at the office in Thornton" Edward nodded.

"Leave the ledger here then. I am sure Hemington will be interested to know the status of his estates"

"But-" if he did know any better, Reilly should shut up and leave post haste.

"We will summon you when the time permits" Edward quickly collected Reilly case after emptying its content, shoved it to his face and bellowed for Rigby.

"Your Grace?" from the expression on Rigby's face he was certain the butler heard everything.

"Please show Reilly out" Edward said simply and shut the door firm before the butler could reply.

"I never wanted to be a duke" Gavin said defensively, from what, Edward was not sure.

Two years ago, Gavin would chopped off his hands, hell, even his head to secure better title. He will give everything he possessed to win Daniela. But now that notion was near preposterous. Gavin wished he had never returned to England.

"You should talk to Daniela, Hemington" Edward muttered adamantly. His arms crossing his chest. "Straightened things out, you know. Either you want to continue your pursuit of her or not, it is none of my business" Edward chuckled humorlessly as he noted the pile of papers on Gavin's floor. Gavin was silent. "As I have said, time to face the music, old chap. You keep on snapping people's heads off ever since you've returned" Edward pushed himself from his position near the book case to stand before his friend. "Get some sleep, will you? You look like hell" Edward strode to the door, continuing before he exited. "I'll see you tomorrow"

* * * * * * * * * *

And he did. Two days to be exact. He slept and slept. Apparently his entire household knew him too well to brave the lion's den and raise him.

He awoke during late afternoon, still dazed he reached for the bellpull to summon his valet. He felt oddly slumberous and he realized he needed a bath, a hot one. And food.

After the tub has been filled and a generous spread of mini buffet being arranged by the ever so efficient Rigby, his valet assisted him out from his clothes as he slid gratefully into the hot suds and felt his mind and muscles relaxed a bit. Only then, Gavin dared to reminisce what Edward had said a couple of days before.

It was true, nonetheless. He has to confront Daniela and straightened things out. He cannot hide forever, much less avoiding the society's demand of the conclusion of his so-called 'romance' with the lady who was once the apple of his eyes.

But he wasn't certain what he should say or act when the moment really came. Gavin sighed audibly as he stared a number of bubbles floating lazily on the water before him. 'Oh, good day to you milady. Remember me? I'm the fool whose heart you stomped into a pathetic piece of meat'. Gavin nearly laughed out loud as he thought about the predicament he put himself into. He never thought he felt so anxious of brazing it out with Daniela. The question is, did he really want to conclude of his pursuit with Daniela? Now with him titled and as Sandhurst pointed out, wealthy and powerful? No doubt that he had Daniela panting at his beck and call.

Gavin slid further down into the water as he ignored the chill circling his bones. He really did thought that Daniela was the love of his life. His first love, to be exact. Now that he contemplated it further, he really wasn't sure he was in love with her. He never felt alive whenever she was near. Daniela Harlow was insufferable little girl who was trapped inside a twenty year old body. She was famed for her dictatorial performance with her father's staff and egotistical to his acquaintances. His friends particularly shunned him because of her uncouth behavior.

Whatever the situation is, he had to end it. The sooner the better. Gavin decided as he raised from the water naked. As if by magic, his valet slid into his rooms to drape a towel over his abdomen. The water had taken the chill but Gavin hardly noticed it.

Just as his valet was propping his shaving utensils near the china basin, a distinct knock sounded at the door. At his bid of entrance, Rigby graciously bowed his head to inform him that Sandhurst has come to call.

"Direct him to my rooms, if you please" Gavin meant the private sitting room adjoining to his chambers where he always entertained his close friends.

Gavin patiently waited as his valet skillfully shaved him thorough and help him dress. It is always rewarding to be the man of titled. Moreover, a wealthy duke. Gavin silently added as his mouth curved into cynical smile. How the irony of it all.

"Thank you Morton" Gavin nodded to the man as he finished tugging his Hessian boots. Gavin felt more of a human after a bath and a shave.

"Your grace" his valet muttered before scraping and bowing himself out. Unconsciously, Gavin gritted his teeth. If there was more demeaning act of facing Daniela, is the way his servants were behaving since he retained the damn dukedom.

Gavin yanked the door connecting to the next rooms, grumbling the indifference of some people. He ignored Edward who was stretched out comfortably in his chair as he read a newspaper, a glass of claret dangled in his other hand.

"I thought you never raised" he murmured without looking up. "You slept like the dead"

Gavin took his plate and he began serving himself with kedgeree, poached eggs and strips of bacon.

"I wish I am" His stomach growled at the smell emanating from the spread. He never thought he was hungry. When he was in Punjab, he rarely ate, only took slices of dosai to suppressed his appetite. And his cigars, of course.

"Reilly will be coming this afternoon" Edward supplied , adding the scowl to his friend's face.

Nevertheless, Gavin took his seat on the matching leather wing back chair across from him. He didn't readily reply to Edward's information as he wolfed down his meal.

Again, Edward has successfully put him to shame by pointing out the obvious. Gavin hated to admit, but he deemed Edward was correct. He had to assume his responsibility to upheld his name to the title. But Gavin decided not to satisfy Edward's candid ego by admitting the truth. He will swell his head larger by 2 times, and Gavin was reluctant to endure his endless gloating.

"Do I have a choice?" Gavin finally said as he strode to the sideboard to have a spoonful of mashed potatoes. Edward chuckled in amusement.

"If I said you do, would you believe me?"

"No" Gavin answered handing him a fresh new glass of claret. Edward took it good naturedly.

"Well" Edward raised his glass in mock salute "Here is to you. Good luck in fending off scheming mamas and marriage hounds" He hid his grin behind the rim of his glasses as his friend muttered an uncultured curse.

Silence reigned for a few moments before Edward spoke. "Have you decided yet?"

Gavin polished off the last bit of his bacon before replying. "Decided what?"

The corner of Edward's mouth lifted. "About Daniela. Apparently she had been hunting you high and low since you have arrived" Edward sighed. "I swear I will have blood coming out of my ears if I have to suffer more of her mindless queries"

"Why would you ever attend gatherings that will include her?" Gavin's dark brows rose suspiciously.

Edward shrugged innocently. "I was escorting Priscilla and her aunt"

"Do not tell me that Miss Felton is your latest conquest?" There was an edge of concern in Gavin's voice. As much as his diffident support of Edward's status as 'the ladies' man' , Gavin wished the good lord would somehow send him the right girl to tame him into matrimony.

Edward smiled at his friend. "Let's just say she amuses me for awhile"

Gavin scoffed. " That was what you say about Rachel Faulkes" He leaned back in his seat crossing his arms. "As much as I love to cover your ass like meeting Kenneth Faulkes at dawn in Regents Park, I gather you have a sound plan this time?"

Edward sucked in a ragged breath and smile faintly. "I never thanked you for that. You saved my carcass more than once" Edward said quietly, a touch of gratitude crossing his features.

"Well then don't ever mentioned that to anyone" Gavin warned, his memories biting at that fateful morning. Loyal friend that he is, he seconded Edward during his face-off with Rachel's brother. Unfortunately, Kenneth caught his sister and Edward in a compromising position and demanded Edward to marry Rachel the next day.

"I was just kissing her" Gavin remembered Edward saying. "It is not that I straddled her or anything. As I recall, Rachel found that kissing was a disgusting act. She was not a good kisser, anyway"

"I also recalled that you agreed to meet Faulkes at dawn" Gavin reminded him. "Which is a foolish thing for you to do since you don't know squat about pistols"

And so, just as before Gavin being the steadfast friend of his friend, no matter how revolting his act was, stood by his side and manage to injure the young Kenneth Faulkes. Gavin did not have the heart to kill the poor boy. Naturally as a brother, it was the sheer instinct in defending one's sister's honor. Although dueling is against the law, Gavin discovered that it was rather enthralling.

"Well, no use ogling each other when we can get some fresh air outside" Edward said, springing to his feet. "I have your horses saddled up few hours ago" he continued pointedly as he saw Gavin was still in his seat.

With a resigned sigh, Gavin got to his feet. He acknowledged that Edward meant well. Trust Edward to be the settler of his emotional turmoil which he guessed was evident on his face.

Granted, he was the one who fled to India with his tail between his legs a year ago.

Edward clapped him soundly on his back. "Come now, it won't be that bad" Gavin cursed and summon Morton to fetch his gloves and hat. Edward know him too well, Gavin unconsciously ground his jaw.

When at last they descended the steps of his townhouse, the air was crisp but the sun was warm. Gavin felt oddly relieve to be outdoors.

Together they rode at a sedate pace towards downtown. Gavin relaxed a bit as they passed through the pebbled driveway. Their horses' hooves clicked in rhythm as Edward updated him on the latest news from the parliament and of course gossips circulating the ton. The road was not as crowded as Gavin thought it would be. He presumed it may be because the weather had taken the chill.

They rode past a few acquaintances halting briefly to exchange a few pleasantries. Gavin noted his old friends and much newer ones and was quite surprise that the younger ones knew him although he never came close of hearing their names.

"Well, well" someone jeered between the small crowd. "If it isn't Hemington. Finally decided to come out from your hole eh?" Hush fell on the group as the onlookers abuzz whispering to each other.

Edward's head whipped around to the direction of the voice as Gavin managed a low curse. He clearly recognize the voice. "Radcliffe!"

As if on cue, his nemesis, a tall but lanky young dandy stepped into the circle. He brought himself with an air of exaggerated demeanor and having held his head high and erect, he scanned the crowd before his gaze rested on Gavin and Edward, striding their steeds. Gavin remembered him a much younger version but it was a year ago. Obviously Radcliffe has sprouted to be a young gentleman. Edward glanced worriedly over to him, his expression tight but Gavin arched his brow to him discreetly telling him he was well under way of tightening his temper under control.

"A jolly good afternoon to you too Radcliffe" Gavin said instead, schooling his expression to a bland but almost bored look. He looked down his nose to the young earl who, silly squire that he is, dared to venture within Gavin's circle on foot, only with the aid of his cane. Clearly, Gavin have the upper hand.

"I heard you have returned a couple of weeks ago. I wondered when will you emerge from Sandhursts' back" he snickered, looking up with amusement. The crowd murmured but however fell silent as if anticipating Gavin's answer.

"I say, listen here you-" Edward began, urging his steed forward to Radcliffe but Gavin forestalled him with his hand whip.

"Funny thing about someone's back, as you called it" Gavin drawled, examining his gloved hands.

" How is Lady Daniela's back nowadays, Radcliffe? After you so discreetly stabbed it?" Radcliffe stiffened noticeably and Gavin noted with satisfaction as his face grew crimson red.

"I-I have no idea what you are about" He managed swallowing hard.

"Oh?" Gavin quipped, cocking one brow arrogantly as he settled more comfortably in his seat. He has the premonition that he will be enjoying the day after all. "I must say I envy you, Radcliffe" he continued, gazing down at Radcliffe between his leader's ears. "I sincerely admit I do not have the gall of facing my failure in pursuing the lady in question a year ago as I fled whimpering to the farthest corner of the world" Gavin surveyed the crowd with a haughty look. "After your unfortunate incident with Miss Birch last evening, I do hope you could teach me a thing or two"

The crowd murmured excitedly. Gavin heard Edward chortled.

"I do not have the faintest idea-"

"I also believe Lord Colville will not have the good name of his niece tainted by your little mishap now, will he?"

"Are you blackmailing me, Hemington? If you are, you surely choose a perfectly suitable location not to mention witnesses. Prinny will be having a field day about you" Radcliffe challenged, eyes narrowing. He grew more redder by the minute.

Gavin made a noise behind his throat. "Do not worry about me blackmailing you. Or are you forgetting something, Radcliffe? The ton has more ears than a field of corn. Correct me if I am wrong" Gavin

deliberately turn to his friend who is smirking now. "Does the old saying still stand that when you are culpable, the truth will prevail? Or maybe I have been in India too long that I somehow missed out on something?"

Edward made a great show of thinking and pursing his lips, effortlessly furrowing his brows. "Last I checked, it is the same old, same old"

Someone snorted. Radcliffe clearly outdone, glanced around him. His hands fisted on the top of his cane. "If you ever let it slip to Daniela, Hemington, you will regret it"

Gavin smiled. He had hit home. "I think Mrs. Cole had perfectly done the job" Mrs Cole is and always the bringer of the latest gossips concerning the ton.

Dumbstruck, Radcliffe thumped his cane before turning away fuming.

"As for your phrase of me regretting it, name your time and place" Gavin could not resist of calling. Radcliffe paused but didn't look back, Gavin saw he squared his shoulders and continued on.

"Are you insane? You know as well as I do to suggest a duel is illegal and in broad daylight and in public!" Edward whispered frantically as they urged their mounts forward. The small gathering had began to disperse but not before receiving whacks and claps on his back for giving Radcliffe his just desserts.

Gavin felt peculiarly better than he had a few weeks ago. He found himself grinning to Edward. This was a good sign. Gavin mused. He felt his confidence stemmed. The soon to be rendezvous with Daniela did not seem terrifying anymore.

"If ever I were to confront Radcliffe, wherever it may be, whether it is in Hyde Park or Regents, you will seconded me, will you?"

Edward turned sharply to Gavin. "You know I will." His eyes laughing. "Maybe that will be the time you finally got your wish"

Gavin pulled his rein, his steed obediently halted.

"My wish? What wish?"

Edward's casually passed him on but not before he replied.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

dagnabitcreators' thoughts