
That one time I got reincarnated as a handsome palace guard

Chris' life is a complete disaster: First her best friend commits suicide and then it turns out that her year-long crush is gay. To make matters worse, her school grades are so bad that she will probably not be promoted this year. She really doesn't think her life could get any worse... until one day she dies too?! Trigger Warning Mature content and strong language Mention of sex, violence, suicide, substance abuse and rape

Maryne · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

An exhausting night

🍋 [smut warning]

⚠️ Attention! This chapter contains more extreme/intensive themes and could possibly also have a disturbing effect on the reader ⚠️

Reader discretion is advised

"Come here. Sit on my lap." Cain commanded me as he sat comfortably on the bed.

I immediately complied with his request and straddled his lap. My face was turned to him. A winning grin crept onto his lips.

"You listen to me as well as a little puppy." He praised me in his own way that made my cheeks a little red.

"I can't wait to see Leopold's face when he finds out that you've been on my side from the start. And that's before he got his much-coveted information from you. It must have been a bad setback for him that I interrupted you two. But I couldn't help it: If I see someone tampering with my property, then I have to act ..." Cain purred, obviously pleased with himself.

Cain looked at me again with that intense look that made me instantly hot. His large hands began to caress my body and I felt myself melting under his touch.

His veiny hands slid under my shirt, over my waist, up to my nipples, which were somehow particularly sensitive to his touch.

"Do you like that?"

"Mmm." I just hummed in agreement because it all just felt way too good.

I let my pelvis circle over his crotch. I just couldn't sit still anymore. I wanted more.

"Oh, someone here is really needy." Cain remarked with a grin.

"Stop teasing me." I whimpered, to which he just laughed huskily.

I slowly felt his huge member come to life beneath me. With trembling fingers I started to open his shirt and shortly thereafter carelessly stripped it off. Now he sat in front of me with his bare, muscular upper body, which I just stared at admiringly for a while.

"Do you like what you see?" he continued to tease me. I just nodded and blushed even more than before.

How could he be so well built?

I then ran my hand in snaky lines down his body until I got to the bottom of his six pack abs. His muscles felt strong and warm under my fingers. I couldn't wait to see and feel more of him.

I quickly got to work opening his pants and running my hand over the bulge in his underwear. Cain just hissed briefly and then looked at me lustfully.

"You can't wait, huh?" He was still teasing me.

"Do I look like a patient person, Cain?" I asked wickedly, which made Cain halt for a bit.

"Oh we're getting a little more confident now, huh? Why don't you show me how much you want it and suck my dick?" He challenged me as we quickly took off our remaining clothes.

My heart started racing on the spot as, without hesitation, I slid off his lap onto the floor and now knelt in front of him.

I freed his cock from its ever-tightening prison, causing him to gasp in relief. He even let out a small moan as I wrapped my lips around the throbbing tip of his dick and began to suck it lightly.

"You've gotten better at it. Take it deeper in your mouth. I know you can." He said groaning when I sucked him in deeper and deeper.

I had to admit that he was anything but small. That's why I didn't manage to put it all in my mouth on my own. But he still let out a small groan of approval every now and then, which spurred me on immensely.

From time to time I let go of him and took care of his length with my tongue or let the tip of my tongue dance over his tip.

Cain just let me do my thing, which was kind of new to me, but also a welcome change. He really gave himself to me.

I could already feel him growing in my mouth and pulsing more intensely when suddenly two strong hands grabbed my hair and pressed me a little deeper onto his cock.

He kept pushing me down, even when I suddenly started gagging. He forced himself on me. Almost assaulted me.

I wanted to pull my head back, but he was merciless. He had suddenly somehow become quite dominant, which confused me at first.

When I looked up at him again, my eyes widened in shock. A lustful pair of scarlet eyes suddenly glowed menacingly at me.

He looked different.

Almost like another person.

I had never seen his eyes so red before.

Terrified, I wanted to get up and gain some distance, but this monster - or whatever he was right now - wouldn't let me go. Mercilessly he pressed me further on himself. Even thrust his hips to get deeper into my throat. I could hardly breathe. Tears pooled in my eyes.

Somehow I was scared, but somehow it also made me incredibly horny to be used by him like that. Gradually, some saliva ran down the corner of my mouth. The silence was broken by lewd slurping noises. Slowly my throat started to hurt like hell, but the lust suppressed this pain pretty quickly.

Just as I thought I was about to pass out, Cain suddenly let go of me and released his cock from my mouth. I immediately gasped for air and grabbed my neck in fright. I staggered backwards and finally landed on my butt. My knees were weak. My breathing was shaky and irregular.

"C-Cain?" I asked anxiously.

"I'm not Cain." He suddenly said dryly. His voice sounded even deeper than before.

I almost felt like I was talking to a demon.

"W-who … or what are you?"

"Me? I am the true monster. The monster that can only reign when Cain's mind is weak." He informed me almost casually.

His red eyes stared down at me. An ice-cold shiver came over me.

He knew what he wanted. And he would just take it, no question. His eyes made that unmistakably clear.

This wasn't the real Cain anymore. That was also clear.

"P-please. Bring Cain back again!" I pleaded.

"Why should I? He held me down for so long, it was maddening. I'm as much a part of Cain as everything else about him. And besides, how could I have resisted now? Otherwise the little shit would have come straight away and ruined the rest of the game. Besides, I hadn't had decent sex in what felt like a thousand years. Imagine how starved I am." The stranger whispered in a rough, agitated voice and came towards me determinedly.

Terrified, I crawled backwards until I hit the wall with a startled gasp. It was cold on my back. I looked up at him, still scared. He seemed to enjoy seeing me sitting on the floor so submissively.

"You made me incredibly hot. And now you're going to have to take the brunt of it, my pretty one." He said with a finality in his voice that didn't allow for any arguments.

This dominance was unlike Cain's. I felt no affection or playfulness at all. It was sadistic. It was menacing. It was scary.

He then grabbed my hair and pulled me up, making me hiss in pain. I almost thought he was trying to pull all my hair out at once.

Then he carelessly threw me onto the bed behind him. With a little yelp, I landed harder than I expected on the pillows.

However, when I tried to quickly crawl away from him, he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back to him with immense force. I cried out in shock.

He took both of my wrists and pinned them together over my head and ran his warm, wet tongue down the crook of my neck, leaving a cool trail of his saliva.

"P-please. I don't want that..." I begged miserably, my voice almost cracking.

"I don't care what you want." He said in a deep voice as he kissed from my neck down over my collarbone and then began sucking hard on a tender spot, causing me to give out a small groan.

However, I didn't want to give up just yet. So I squirmed beneath him, trying somehow to break out of his strong grip. But he continued to hold both of my hands above my head in check. And now even with just one hand. I felt incredibly weak and powerless.

"If you continue to fight back like this, I will have to punish you." He whispered promisingly, causing me to shiver. I noticed how my abdomen contracted with pleasure.

Why did his behavior turn me on that much? Somehow I didn't want that and then somehow I did. It was a strange feeling.

The more I struggled, the deeper and harder I was pressed into the mattress. He was incredibly strong. Much stronger than Cain usually was.

Actually, I wasn't really weak. In the past, I could have freed myself from Cain's grasp many times if I wanted to. I knew the movements with which you could free yourself only too well from my self-defense course in my previous life. I just didn't really want it until now. I actually liked being dominated by Cain, so I never really fought back.

But this time... this time was different.

His power felt inhuman. I felt helpless.

When I still hadn't stopped fighting back, he finally lost his patience.

Shortly thereafter, I found myself tied to the bed frame with Cain's belt. I tried to free myself, but it was useless. The bonds were extremely tight.

"Now you're completely powerless." He almost sneered, abruptly grabbing my thighs and against my will, spreading them apart for himself so he had enough space between them. He even spread them wide enough that a small, pulling pain ran through my thighs.

However, I also noticed that I was getting harder. harder for him.

"Ah!" I yelled as he bit my inner thigh with relish.

I didn't know until that moment that he had sharp fangs. A little blood gushed out of the bite wound, which he licked up with a small grin. Then he sighed almost appreciatively.

"Mmh, you taste really damn good. Be careful, maybe I'll eat you up later." He threatened me in an agitated voice.

Somehow I also had the feeling that his threat was actually real. Another shiver came over me.

He came back up to me shortly after, so that our faces were only a few millimeters apart. He then pressed his lips firmly to mine. His kiss was hungry and full of desire. I didn't want to give in to him that easily at first, but he was just a damn good kisser. He knew what he was doing there. That much was certain.

However, when his tongue teasingly stroked my lips and relentlessly begged for admission, I came a bit back to my senses for a moment and pressed my lips together. This didn't seem to bother him in the slightest, however, as he then leisurely began massaging my chest with his large hands. A small moan escaped me as he worked on a particularly sensitive area. He used this moaning to finally get his tongue into my mouth.

He explored my mouth - No, he dominated me. Me and my tongue. He left me no choice but to submit myself completely to him. It was strange that I could taste my own blood on him.

Now he continued kissing his way down my stomach and my breathing continued to accelerate. I was completely at his mercy. But I kind of liked it.

I stifled a moan as his hand made its way down and he curled his thumb around my tip.

Then he licked two of his fingers and penetrated me.

"You're already so hard for me." He murmured excitedly as he thrust his fingers into me with deft movements.

"You seem pretty aroused for someone who doesn't want this." He then remarked, almost amused, which made me look away in embarrassment.

Then he turned me over with a jerk so that I was now lying on my stomach and my tied hands were twisted uncomfortably.

"Ah, that hurts." I hissed softly.

"Did I allow you to be comfortable? I don't remember." He replied sadistically, musing as he roughly grabbed my hips and pulled them toward him, forcing me to unintentionally present my butt to him on all fours.

I was certainly sure that tomorrow I would have bruises. He wasn't gentle with me.

He pushed my legs apart again so that he now had a completely free access to anything that was necessary to him.

The whole thing was more than uncomfortable for me, but any attempt to close my legs again failed miserably due to his strength. I was completely at his mercy. And that turned me on extremely, which didn't exactly improve my situation.

Without warning, he suddenly rubbed his length over my entrance. But without penetrating me. He just moved back and forth gently. Teased me. But otherwise he did nothing. It was a tormenting game he was playing there. A sweet torture.

He repeated this process over and over again until I finally buckled. I just couldn't take the tension any longer.

"Ah...p-please..." I whimpered as my fingers dug into the blanket beneath me and I wiggled my butt at him invitingly.

"Please what? I thought you didn't want to." You could practically hear his wicked grin in his voice.

Then he rubbed his tip again painfully slowly over my entrance. Again without penetrating me. It drove me crazy.

"Hah... y-yes... I… want it… p-please." I just repeated.

"You have to be more specific. I'm not sure what you want." He continued to grin behind me while still teasing me.

"Ngh, damn...please...just f-fuck me." I wailed almost pathetically.

"Call me my king and I'll give you what you ask for." He suddenly made the condition.

"What?" I asked honestly confused and then got a hard smack on my ass that made me jump in shock.

The spot he hit burned like hell. But the lust drove that pain away just as quickly as it came. Basically, the pain just spurred me on more.

"Accept me as your king and I will fuck you. Until you can't walk anymore." He said in a raised voice. It sounded like an order.

"P-please fuck me, my king." I finally said in agony.

I just wanted to feel him. In me. I didn't have anything else in mind at the time. I didn't care what i should do for it. I probably would have done almost anything for him to finally fill me up.

"Okay then, be prepared. It's going to be a long and hard ride." He just said cold-heartedly and then impaled me with a single thrust, so that I moaned briefly in pain. His length was quite long and thick and therefore stretched me quite a bit.

He immediately began to move inside me with hard, deep thrusts. He didn't give me time to get used to him. My entrance hurt and throbbed at the same time. It hurt, but at the same time it felt incredibly good. I felt a tingling sensation.

"Yes, that's good. You are taking me so well…"

He groaned.

Still, I had to admit that it all felt more than good now. Especially when I was able to get used to its size after a while. I couldn't hold back my moans anymore.

"Yes, exactly. Moan for me. Let everyone hear that someone here is fucking you really good." He just growled.

He grabbed my hair and used it to pull my head back, forcing me to present my neck and arch my back even more. So he managed to get even deeper into me. I could feel everything more intensely again.

"I'm so incredibly deep inside you right now, little one. But you like it deep don't you? Because you're a little whore who likes to be fucked." He only murmured excitedly. I could only whimper softly at that.

He railed me mercilessly. And I already felt the familiar knot building in my stomach, which gradually tightened more and more. His thick shaft rubbed more and more between my ever narrowing walls. He elicited one moan after another from me.

"Ah... I-I..." I just stammered to myself.

But he knew what I was getting at. He picked up the pace again. Pushed himself even deeper into me. Filled me up even more than before. Took me even harder.

Until finally the knot inside me burst. I was overwhelmed by the most violent orgasm I had ever experienced. Fireworks exploded before my eyes. It was an incredible feeling.

"Do you like that, my little whore?" He whispered in my ear while continuing to fuck me mercilessly through my orgasm, thus prolonging it.

I was completely exhausted and shortly thereafter sagged a little. But he didn't seem to be finished yet. He kept screwing my mind out of my head. With hard, rhythmic thrusts, he continued to move inside me. He didn't give me a break or rest. He just kept going. Chased his own salvation.

"P-please Cain! Please be a little gentler. I just- Ah!" I cried out as I felt his hand slap my butt sharply again.

"I'm not Cain, how many more times do I have to tell you that? Did I already fuck your brains out, or have you always been this stupid? Although...well...most of Cain's environment couldn't really tell Cain and me apart. That's why I guess I can't blame you completely." He just said with a cold anger in his voice that made me tremble a bit with fear.

I desperately bit into the pillow beneath me to somehow endure his violent thrusts. A feral growl escaped his throat, which only fueled my lust for him. This sensory overload caused everything in my abdomen to contract again. That just could not be the case.

Or does it?

My muscles tightened around him again with ultimate certainty. A second orgasm shook me.

I groaned unabashedly.

"Again? You can't seem to get enough of my cock." He groaned as he sank into me over and over again, riding me through my second orgasm as well.

His thrusts became more irregular now. I could feel it swelling and pulsing inside me.

"Fuck." He just exclaimed as he jerked and spilled his seed into me.

I shuddered.

Even though it was theoretically still Cain's body who did this to me, I felt kind of dirty and used. As if I betrayed him.

As the lust began to ebb away and my mind cleared a little, I finally became aware of what had just happened.

Tears pooled in my eyes and clouded my vision. I felt incredibly bad that I somehow wanted this. Because it felt good. Because he looked like Cain.

But now I just felt sore. As if I were the biggest scum.

I collapsed completely exhausted.

I suddenly felt Cain's big hand on my jaw, forcing me to look at him.

"This stays between us, do you understand?" He asked urgently with a dirty grin.

When I only looked at him with a shocked frown, he simply said:

"If you don't keep it secret, then I will make your dear little friends - Jon, Armon, Amadeus and even Commander Braven - suffer, do you understand?" His words immediately made me sick.

I nodded timidly.

"Good. I think you're quite handsome and... useful. That's why I allow you to live. So that later you can satisfy me and my needs well." He just informed me while giving me a wicked smile again.

I wanted to ask what exactly he meant by that, but I felt that I was at the end of my strength. I couldn't even open my mouth properly, let alone make any sounds.

I noticed black dots dancing in front of my eyes and I gradually lost consciousness in a feeling of dizziness…

I would like to make it clear at this point that I do not want to glorify forced sex or **** in this story.

I just wanted to show that within Cain lives another insidious being who knows neither love nor affection nor kindness.

I'm sorry if this part triggered you ://

Marynecreators' thoughts