
That Idol was a Gangster

A former gangster struggling to become an idol. Presenting: Our little tuna! 3 years had passed since young Geon ran away from home and joined a shady organization. The self-centered brat died; replaced by a young gangster with plenty of experiences. A lot of absurd things happened and now, he's back home with a goal: Ding! [Restarting system...] Ding! [Good day, Geon! You have been granted the main quest [Was it Worth It?]. Get ready to step into the world of stars-- find out if your best friend's dream was worth dying for. Become an idol.] Oh, come on, [System Window]! He just turned 17. (7 new chapters a week)

Pr0copio · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 19: Dramatic Betrayal

The second verse started.

[~Will I ever experience ascencion?

I was young, I needed protection

Everyone feels my suffering

Yet no one sees me trying~]

Once again, the haunting sounds of drumbeats slowed down at the pre-chorus.

[~You can watch and everything

But you cannot do anything~]

The gentle tapping on the lyres came in, replacing the strong, spine chilling sounds o the f drumbeats.

[~Our fates are set on stones

But we should learn how to leave our zones

Strive, live, and survive

Let your insecurities die

We dream for a better tommorow

We hope for a better future

It's okay to cry

It's okay to sigh~]

The rythm of [Dreamers' Land] slowed down at a considerable pace, its accompaniement's volume went down too.

The bridge came.

[~I can't hold your hand

We're like dusts in the sands

You don't deserve the world

Fellow dreamers were spoiled

In the darkest land

I don't know where I'll stand

For the world is full of sinners

And dreams become killers~]

The song ended with its outro, which message's touched the trainees' hearts.

[~One, you gotta know this feeling

Or are you just gonna watch me falling?

Two, you can laugh at me failing

But who, let's see who you're fooling

Three, those truths you kept denying

Why do you keep lying?

Dreamers with their tragic ending

Best regards, to you I'm sending~]


'That was... That was fuc-- cool.' Geon had another discussion inside his mind.

One of the trainees cleared his throat.

Those who were spaced out was brought back to the reality.

And then...

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Someone from the trainees clapped his hands.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Everyone clapped their hands.

"Wow! I've never felt this way after listening to a music!

"Senior [MiracleYou] is a real genius!"

"Oh my goodnees, we're going to perform this masterpiece?"

"I feel so much pressure."

"Everyone seems to be pleased by our signal song." Kang Sejin smiled in agreement to the trainees' reactions.

"It wasn't my first time hearing this-- the director showed me this song in advance, but wow! I keep getting amazed everytime I hear this song." Kang Sejin shared.

After a while, the trainees finally calmed down.

"And now..." The tension was back once again.

"I will now explain the distribution of parts for this song."

"I'm hopeless."

"I'll be getting the end of the stick, should I be glad since [Dreamers' Anthem] was too high for me to sing in the first place?"

"I suddenly miss my mom, haha."

The trainees started to comfort each other.

Some were genuinely worried for their friends while certain ones were just mainting their image as a gentle chakalaka trainee.

"Just to remind you, [Cap-Teen-Vating] is a contest. It's a survival show. The more talented and popular you are, the higher your chance of winning."

'Nah. I'm pretty sure that this show is another rigged one.' Geon internally scoffed.

"So for every round, the group [5 Stars] will always have the advantage."

The trainees from other groups groaned in frustration.

"If you want to have a share of the top groups' benifits, work hard to ascend or maintain you current ranking.'' Kang Sejin adviced.

Some trainees noddes in agreement.

"Okay, back to the topic." Kang Sejin smiled a bit.

"Each group will have a mentor for singing, dancing, and rapping." He started.

Murmura and gasps were heard from the trainees.

"The mentors will monitor your skills and potential. They will hold a meeting with each other after one day to discuss who suits best what part of the signal song." Kang Sejin continued.

"I wish our mentor would be someone nice and understanding..."

"Sigh, I really don't want to have a strict and intimidating mentor."

The trainees discussed amongst themselves.

"Take a rest, everyone. Tommorow will be a long day."


"Good night, guys!" Kim Taehyun's cheerful voice echoed in the dorm.

It was 8 in the evening.

"Good night." Geon yawned.

"Good night." Min Sungjae turned off the lights.

"Yeah, good night." Kobayashi Yamada said back.

Room [13]'s trainees fell asleep.


"I'm quite nervous." Gunnar exclaimed as he walk down the stairs.

"Just do your best." Geon adviced.

He was walking behind Gunnar.

"Just give up." Aoi, who was beside Geon, adviced.

"Just shut up." Gunnar rolled his eyes.

"You're not that good."

"You're nothing but cockiness."

"Says the one who post every achievements he got in the internet."

"You're just jealous since I'm popular in the internet."

"You only got 1,000 followers, what are you so proud about?"



"That's enough." Geon sighed as he held the two rivals' arm.

He was now walking between them.

"Don't let a camera catch or hear you. Do you two want to go viral in the internet?" Geon scolded.

"Hmp!" Gunnar crossed his arms.

"Geon, we both belong in the group [3 Stars], so it's only natural that we walk on the same way. But what is this old man doing with us? He's one of [5 Stars]'z members, his practice room is on the other way." Gunnar grumbled.

"Just shut up." Aoi crossed his arms too.

"Just stop." Geon shook his head and sighed.


"Who do you think will be our dance mentor?" Gunnar gidily asked Geon.

He was feeling all nervous just a moment ago, and now, he was acting like an excited fan.

"I don't know." Geon shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, you were unfocused since yesterday, I think." Gunnar examined older boy's face.

"What do you mean?" Geon raised an eyebrow.

He was looking at Gunnar's general direction.

"Look into my eyes." Gunnar demanded.

"Are you joking with me?" Geon pinched the younger boy's side.

"Why? Why can't you look me in the eyes?" Gunnar said dramatically.

"Did you do something wrong? Did you lie to me?" He continued.

"Just shut up." Geon shook his head.

What is he gonna say?

That he couldn't look Gunnar in the eye because he was still under the effect of [Temporary Blindness]?

Can a blind person stare at something specifically?

"You! I knew it! You betrayed me!" Gunnar kept being dramatic.

"What are you saying?" Geon sighed.

"You... You told someone about me and that old man, didn't you? You told someone about our secret?" Gunnar whispered to him.