

Yvonne wasn't late,the following day. Lexy heard her knock when she was still sleeping. She got up and went to open the door.

"Oh,my God,Lex! You're still sleeping?" She asked in genuine shock as Lexy casually rubbed her eyes. She then shrugged. She had never slept after five in the morning for the past ten years, ever.

She looked down at her then noticed that her belly was beginning to show. Her skin glowed as well. This pregnancy was pleasant to her. Should have been me,Lexy thought almost bitterly.

"Well, I am now doing things I never actually used to do. I read books now,and Forbes and True Love doesn't count. Did you know Paulo Coehlo is Brazilian? 'The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world and never forget the drops of oil on a spoon.' He said that!" Yvonne then laughed. "Come on in," she said then stepped aside to let her in. "Let me go make some coffee. I hope it's okay for the baby."

"No, it's not a problem."

"So, I have a list of things I would like us to do. What would you like to do first?"

"I don't know,I would let you take the lead."

"Good,cos I invited Andi," she said. Yvonne immediately felt agitated. Of course she would feel that way. She was guilty because she was the friend who betrayed her while Andi was the friend who stayed.

They had a busy day of moving from baby shops to eateries to more baby shops but she sensed bad blood between Andi and Yvonne.

"Alright,Romeo,speak," she said to him while Yvonne was doing a fitting.

"Nothing, Lexy. I just don't get it. She really doesn't deserve it," Andi complained.

"I would do the same for you and so much more but you're unfortunately not pregnant,Andi my darling."

"I know..But,why her? Like I said,she really doesn't deserve it. You're being too nice to her and I don't like that."

"Andi,I know you've always been jealous of Yvonne but let me assure you for the millionth time, she's not a bad person. You can spend more time breaking down her good side than trying to catch her in wickedness," she said. Like I did,she huffed.

"If you say so."

"You know who you remind me of? Billy Porter."

"I should take that as a compliment but you don't see me wearing a cute dress." They laughed to that.

They culminated with Lexy buying her the cutest baby crib ever. She was five months pregnant so she didn't know the gender, otherwise,Lexy would have splurged gender specifically.

Yvonne spent most of her time with Lexy for the next few days and Lexy regretted letting her in. She talked a lot about the baby and Nick,how her baby kicked in the middle of the night,how Nick stays up to ensure that she's okay,how sweet Nick is... As if she didn't know that! How soon she forgot! Well,if she forgot then she was lucky because Lexy still remembered.

Everytime she mentioned anything about Nick,and it was everytime,she remembered him,in the sweet and bitter. Like a spicy rum cake. She knew all those things about him and so much more. She hated talking about him.

One night she heard a knock. It was the same day that she had organized an exclusive baby shower for Yvonne. They had found out she was a girl. She was the second one to know because she was right there with her in the hospital.

She went on to open the door and her heart skipped a beat. Nick. He was looking like the exotic flower that she'd always seen him. He looked exhausted but that seemed to work in his favor because the daze in his eyes held their own charm. It took all she had to remember that he was going to be a father,and that he had betrayed him and not once. Ah,the effect he had on her even a few months later.

"Hi Lexy," he said then flushed the bottle of wine. "Dom Perignon. Your favorite." She only smiled but wistfully. She remembered when he showed up on her door sometime back right after her company signed a deal with his company. Good 'ole days.

"You're right,it is my favorite. Do come in," she offered and he walked in as she took the bottle from him. She set it on the table then sat opposite to him. "Aren't you going to open the bottle?"

"Nope. There's nothing celebratory about you showing up on my doorstep with my favorite wine." He sighed then got up and walked to the kitchen then came back with two wine glasses. She didn't protest. She only watched him all the way till he reclaimed his position.

"It's not celebratory. It's me trying to apologize," he said as he opened the bottle. "You have shut me out for a very long time that quite frankly,I am more mad than remorseful."

"Well,in that case,I am sorry, Nicholas,sorry I have shut you out. Do you forgive me?" She spoke with sarcasm.

"I know you're only being sarcastic but,yes,I forgive you," he said back just as lightly. "Listen, Lexy," he said as he pulled his chair before her then took her hands. "You don't know how sorry I am about what happened," he said. She didn't speak a word. "I'm sorry you found me in,well,that compromising state." More like I'm sorry you caught me, even though I didn't feel remorseful enough to stop. She got up then took the glass of wine and chugged all of it. She needed to be a little inebriated to take all of his hogwash in. "I know you're likely to never forgive me but,I just thought I would apologize in person."

"Nick,you were sleeping with my assistant,well,former,and you still are and you're even the one who informed me of her pregnancy. What are you apologizing for?" Or you're just here to make ammends with your chequebook.

"I... I don't know what to say."

"You know what?" She started as she filled her glass then chugged it once again. "It's all in the past. Yvonne is my friend. You were more than a friend to me, all is forgiven," she said. She was starting to feel the effect of the alcohol. "Although,I must admit,Nick,you really hurt me. I tell people that I went away because of what happened at work but it's actually because of you," she rumbled as she filled her glass again. She was clearing the bottle too fast. He should be worried that soon she would be a drunk mess but he needed her to vent. He had honestly missed her. "You... You saw the baby shower I threw for your girlfriend? How exclusive? With all the cool people in the party?" She asked,her speech more sluggish. Yes,he saw through Yvonne's Instagram and he could clearly tell that she was more happy for the shower than the pregnancy. "I...even bought your little girl a crib... That should have been my crib... What is wrong with me,Nick?" She went on then started to cry.

"Nothing. Are you kidding me? You're perfect in every possible way. There's nothing wrong with you. I'm the one with a problem."

"Nick,you...you brought me my favorite wine because you knew that I would get this drunk so easily. You're evil. I cannot believe how evil you are. Are you trying to get into my bed?" She asked groggily.


"Oh my God! You pervert,father-to-be! You should go now...Your wife,oh,oops,your girlfriend... Is she your wife? I don't know. She would tell me if she was but she never said you were dating,either. What are you?"

"Oh, we're nothing,yet. None of us was ready for the baby so we're just going with the flow."

"Oh! With the flow! Like a river!" She said then laughed at her own impertinent joke. She was completely drunk now.

"Lexy,I so wish that you were the one with my baby," he said and her drunk ass got that. She used to wish that too. Her baby and Nick's. Like a gift to the world. She however suppressed those annoying desires then replaced it with the rage she felt initially,all thanks to Penny.

"Nick," she called,with her dazed eyes deep into his dazed own. She missed drowning in his ocean eyes. The ocean eyes that choked her to death. "We would have the most beautiful baby," she said wistfully. "We should have the most beautiful baby," she added, while seductively charging towards him. "Come here you, let's make a baby...or not... let's just have sex," she issued but he was sure it was the alcohol speaking. He however played along,after all,that was the whole purpose of the wine. He would easily manipulate her when drunk. He went on to kiss her and as soon as he did, he remembered just how flavorful she was and before he knew it,they were tearing each other apart like raging animals, with their bodies celebrating this seething union.

She was always willing to give more than take. She was submissive and stubborn enough. She was insatiable and thankfully,he was hungry and not just for her lava-hot woman core,but for her touch as well. He was hungry for her tender skin and firm breasts,her moans that were just as musical and how his name rolled of her tongue like it was coated with caramel. He was hungry but, thankfully, he was going to eat.

Multiple orgasms later,she was too guilty to look him in the eye.

"Aren't you going to look at me?" He asked as he stroke the small of her back. She didn't stir,she only trained her eyes towards the heavily draped window, lying on her stomach,with the bedsheet covering her bare body from the waste down.

"If I look at you,I will kick you out," she said. "Nick,how do you manage to get me weak on the knees?" He rolled over then kissed her neck as he lightly ran his fingers through her hair.

"I could ask you the same thing. The feeling is mutual." She jerked up and looked at him.

"The feeling is mutual?" She asked in disgust. "The feeling is mutual?" She reiterated.

"Yes,Lexy. You have no idea! You have no idea just how you make me feel!" He begged. Why was he treating her like a teenager? She felt patronized.

"Nick,I am now looking at you in the eye. What does that mean?"

"That you're kicking me out?"

"You're smart as you are good looking," she said as condescendingly as she could. "It was nice to see you again," she said then pulled the covers to her head. Nick was confused. "Close the door on your way out."

"Are you actually kicking me out?"

"Ever heard of 'Akufuzaye hakuambii Toka'? So if I ask you directly,it might be misconstrued,so I'm asking you indirectly. Which is to say I don't want you here. Goodnight,and,thank you for a wonderful time."

"Are you still mad at me?"

"Nick,no, I'm not still mad at you. I do get where you come from. I would sleep with both Yvonne and me, it's hard to choose. Goodnight." He was short of words,as he walked out of the house.