
That Girl From The Hood

This series is about a girl who goes to a new high school and her parents are known to be serial killers but she is nothing like that. Despite that, she still finds it hard to fit in.

Seseanne_Wright · Teen
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3 Chs

Will You Be My Valentine


Its now the second month of new year; February. Paige already has a valentine who just so happens to be the captain of the soccer team. I was of course happy for her, but for some reason, I was not jealous. I just didn't feel like I needed a guy in my life to make me feel loved. Do you understand? And not just that, I also don't think I am the age to even have a valentine.

Ever since I became Paige's sister, people started spreading rumors that I am only apart of their family because I got lucky and that I am planning to do something really awful to the family. I felt so depressed for the month that I have spent with them. I mean, I have experienced many rumors like this, even worse, and I didn't really care. However, this time I was sad because rumors were spreading about Paige's family, the people who have been so nice to me for the past month. And that gave me a sense of guilt. They tried telling me that it was Ok but I was listening to no one. I locked myself in my room for four weeks and only came out for my dinner, I didn't even eat with them. I avoided Paige too. Her and her whole family were so worried.

One night, I couldn't take it anymore. I packed most of my stuff, took the money I had in my bank account and flew out of the country all the way to France. It all happened so quickly but luckily I knew how to speak French fluently (I took French classes so when I go to Paris AKA my dream vacation, I can communicate with ease) so I got along with others quite well. No one there knew me or about my parents.

Some of you may be wondering how would I survive.

Well, Paige's parents spoiled me a lot so I had thousands in my bank account. I even took all the money from it and made a new account in France. Incase of anything, I got a job as a cashier at a local supermarket to save up some more money. I even rented an apartment which had two bedrooms and two bathrooms with a huge kitchen. I started taking online classes to keep up with my education. In order for no one to find me, I changed my name to Jade Divine and cut my long, straight, brunette hair to my elbow and bleached it to a brownish orangish color. I was unrecognizable.

Of course, before doing all this I got an ID stating that I was 19 years old. I never told you guys this but I look a lot older than my age. My height is 5'9 and my body is really mature. So it was pretty easy to lie about that.

By now it was all over the news that I was missing but I really didn't care, I was living my best life here in France. I have never been happier in my whole life. I felt like I made the right decision. My secret was so safe that even if I was questioned by the Queen, she would never suspect that I was lying. I felt so free, I could finally make friends and socialize without worrying that people might avoid me again. I was living in a shadow my whole life because of my parents mistakes but now I could finally say...


Over the past few days, Paige and her family drifted out of my memory and I was now focusing on my present life. One day, I was cashing out a guy at the supermarket and he kept looking at me. I didn't pay him much attention because I felt like he was looking for a valentine, and I was obviously not interested. I was proven right when he started a conversation with me.

"Hey beautiful."

"I don't have time for this, now move there are other people in the line." I said in a firm tone.

"I won't move until you give me your number." he said with a smirk.

"Fine here."

Reluctantly, I gave him a fake number so he could leave me alone and get out of the line.

When my shift was over, I excitedly ran out of the supermarket to go dress up for a party one of my friends invited me to, but little did I know that I was supposed to expect more drama since the incident earlier. I started walking a few blocks away from the supermarket, then suddenly, someone pounced on me from behind and we both fell to the ground.

"Hey watch where you're going will ya, jeez!" I yelled in annoyance.

"Excuse me?" The person said, it was a girl.

I turned around on the ground to see a girl looking as mad as a raging bull.

"What do you want fr- "

Then she slapped me so hard I lost consciousness for second. I pulled her by her hair and kicked her so hard away from me.

"You crazy idiot what's wrong with you?", I said while getting up.

"You are! You disgusting swine, you were flirting with my boyfriend!"

"No I wasn't, your stupid boyfriend was flirting with me!" I yelled back.

Luckily my friend was wondering where I was and came looking for me on her way to the supermarket. When she saw me arguing with this girl, she immediately came up to us and stood in front of me, facing the girl who was now slowly getting on her feet.

'What do you want with my friend you bastard!' she yelled. Her name is Blair.

Suddenly the girl burst into tears and started to cry hysterically.

'What's wrong?' I asked confused.

'That boy and I,' the girl said still crying, 'we broke up 2 weeks ago because we thought we were better off without each other. We both think the same about each other. I think he hates me and he thinks I hate him, but I am scared to tell him this now. So that's why I got jealous when I saw you with him. I am so sorry that I picked a fight with you, please forgive me.'

I was in total shock and so was Blair Bourgeois .

'I-I-It's ok I forgive you, and uh if I see that boy again, I will tell him for you.' I managed to say still in shock.

'Really?! OMG thank you!' she yelled in excitement.

'Your welcome! Ok girl, drama time is over, we got a party to attend!' Blair exclaimed.

As she pulled me to her car, I turned and yelled to the girl,

'What's your name?!'

'Lia Vincent!' she answered.

The next day I was at the supermarket cashing someone out when they suddenly mumbled.

'Don't you remember me, la mignonne (cutie)?'

I looked up to see the boy from yesterday, the one who was Jade's ex!

'Hey I wanna talk to you in private after my shift, it will be over in 10 minutes.' I quickly said.

'Sure!' he said.


After my shift, we went to a fast food restaurant to talk there.

'Look, I know this is a bit straight forward but your ex, Lia she loves you still, so so much.' I said.'

'How do you know?' he asked confused.

'She fought me yesterday after you flirted with me cause she was jealous.' I said firmly.

'You don't understand, when I broke up with her I knew I made the right decision because she is not a very nice person. She doesn't really love me. She only loves my money.' he said angrily.

'So are you saying that she is a gold digger?' I asked slowly.

'A big one! She used and abused me for my money and I was too blind to see it. I don't love her anymore, in fact I never really loved her.' he said starting off angrily and ending sadly.

'Huh', I said in confusion, ' But she told me that you both loved each other but thought the other one hated you.'

'She lied!' he yelled angrier than before.

'Well, I am really sorry, I thought I was helping, I didn't mean to make you angry.' I said while getting up to leave.

As I was walking away, he gently held my hand and said something that left me in total shock.

'You're the on one I love.'

I turned to him, shook as he softly said,

'Will you be my Valentine?'

I didn't know what to say, he doesn't even know that I am only 14 and I ran away from another country.

As I regained strength to talk I did the most stupidest thing ever.

I. Told. Him. Everything.

About how my parents are serial killers in America and got arrested, how my best friend's parents adopted me, about how I was being bullied mentally, how I am nothing like my parents, how I ran away from home and changed my whole identity, and how I am only 14. I just couldn't take it anymore. I didn't even know the guy like that but I just needed someone to tell. I was just so tired of lying.

'That's Ok.' he said with a smirk on his face.

'What do you mean?' I asked puzzled.

'Well, long story short,' he started, 'I am just like you. My parents were rich businessman and woman in Florida and I pretty much had everything. I was happy with my life until one night it was my parents' 5th anniversary and I was 5 years old. I waited for them to surprise them with a party I planned with all their friends. As we were waiting, we got some shocking news from the report that night. I heard that my parents had scammed over 20 billion dollars from another company and ran away with it. Their friends tried to console me but I just ran through the door and ended up in a homeless shelter and grew up there until 2 years ago when I was 13, I was being bullied too so I did the same thing you did, I ran away and changed my whole identity.'

'So does that mean you're actually 15?' I managed to say shocked.

'Yup. That's why we make the perfect couple mon amour (my love).' he said.

But I wasn't even listening I was both shocked and glad that I have someone I can relate to.

I told him I'll think about it and get back to him as soon as possible.

I asked his name and he told me it was Tom Gustin. I thanked him and slipped away uncomfortably.

Well I guess love does come in all shapes and sizes. What do you think?