

Can we really decide our fate? Or is it just a string pulled since birth? Kevin KOERSOMBRE is a young and naïve boy, son of a village chief, living a peaceful and eventless life. Until particular one night... Abandoned by his own parents, and betrayed by the one he trusted the most, his life will turn into a living nightmare; in a world constantly threatened by the longinus: harbingers of death, lifeforms as ancients as the gods which scare even those immortal beings, wielding an ancient and destructive power: The REGAS. After being betrayed and hated, after everything he will have faced; will he still save his world, SHCAMERIN, a world governed by the goddess MEETIA and her heroes? Or will he participate in its downfall with the LONGINUS?

KevinMBEUTCHA · Fantasy
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414 Chs


"Pedro! You are retreating too much! Keep the lines!"

We have taken different positions to counter the Longinus. Esteban and Pedro are acting as vanguards, killing most of the weak Longinus. When a Sloin comes, they fall back and let it receive Peter's Sting in full. Then I jump in and kill it if it isn't dead.

The only problem is that I still feel a lot of them. And more importantly, there is a particularly strong one I can feel. After five minutes, Pedro starts showing signs of fatigue. He is sweating and isn't holding his weapon properly.

"Switch positions!!"

"Okay!" I change with Pedro under Esteban's signal and join the fray. It's good I came upfront now, the big one is coming. And he is not silent.