
The Set Up

Let me take you back at least a decade. The year was 2008, and I being the ever innocent 8th grader I was, auditioned for my schools musical. Now the musical call was open to anyone from 8th grade to 12th grade. So there were a wide variety of kids trying out. I believed I had the talent to get in, after all I was in choir and band, and lamely I also did marching band.

Auditions were 3 days long and the cast results would be posted on Friday. So I tried out and let me tell you, I was so nervous. On that first day there were at least 200 people there to audition. Most of whom I already knew from marching band as it went without saying bird of a feather flock together. Meaning if you did marching band most likely you were in a choir class or two and band class. So there were plenty of friendly faces I already knew which took the edge off. On flip side of that, there were plenty of people who I had never met. I'm a pretty shy girl with people I don't know, but once introductions have been made I tend to be very outgoing.

One person in particular caught my eye. He was tall and oh so cute. My little heart instantly melted seeing him smile and joke with his friends. But it wasn't like I could approach him, I didn't know who he was or any of his friends. Also back then I was vehemently stubborn that the man should make the first move. In order to get him to notice me, I literally would look over my shoulder in his general direction making 'I love you' eyes at him.

Looking back on it now as an adult, yeah it was incredible dumb. And my husband teases me constantly, saying, "if you had spoken up who knows what might've happened. I thought you were cute." But I was young and at this point I don't think I had a boyfriend, or had even kissed a boy yet. Plus I got all my romance advice from...ahem romance novels. So already starting off on a bad foot.

Needless to say, that tactic didn't work any of the 3 days. And by the end of the last day I still didn't even know his name. I auditioned with my group and we were sent home with high hopes of getting in.

I remember that night I laid in bed thinking of him. That handsome boy with a killer smile and gorgeous brown eyes. And thus the crush began in full force. I thought of what it would be like to date him, kiss him amongst other things. Then my insecurity struck, what if I didn't make the cast? What if he didn't? Then how would I go about seducing him?

I slept awful that night, and by awful I mean not at all. But I went to school and waited for the results to be posted. Of course the music department waited until the very end of the day to post them outside the band room doors. I scoured the list for my name. Where was I. Down down down...there! My name was on the list. I made it! I literally let out a scream of joy. I looked at the list closely and saw a lot of names I knew on there. So I would be in the musical with plenty of my marching band, band and choir mates.

And thus began the start of my all consuming crush on my future husband.