
That's What A Top-Tier Savior Is!

[Nomination for Best Newcomer of the Year 2022] [First Place in Bestselling Books for the Tenth Period of the Sci-Fi Starlight Awards] [First Prize in the 2022 Sci-Fi Writing Contest] Saviors are ranked as well. The lowest-tier saviors are inefficient. They take years or even decades to save the world once, causing countless people to suffer. However, they may not truly save the world. The third-tier saviors are manipulated by schemers their entire lives. They are ignorant and naive, just like puppets on strings. The second-tier saviors pay a huge price to save the world. They may lose their spouse, suffer a disability, sacrifice their friends, and suffer many other hardships. However, in the end, they only receive a useless title or even an epitaph. "These saviors have tragic lives. I don't want to become like them, I want to be a top-tier savior!" "What a top-tier savior is?" "Light-speed salvation!" "No casualties!" "Obtaining insane profits!" "Using the present sword to slay the near future, strangling the apocalypse in its cradle, acting entirely on his will, and collecting the reward he deserved!" "That's what a top-tier savior is!"

Dream Butterfly · Sci-fi
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273 Chs

Chapter 7 Blossoms Everywhere_1

Translator: 549690339

The person standing on the other side of the corridor was Lin Ying.

Her voice matched her beauty,

like a bowl of sugary sherbet,

both sweet and cool,

echoing in the narrow corridor,

not only did it easily disperse the restlessness and heat lingering in Wang Ran's heart, but it also gave Wang Ran the illusion that his ears were being massaged.

Why was she here?

Wang Ran hesitated, "I... I'm preparing supplies for a club activity, how about you? Why are you here?"

The words of the simulator were still in his sight.


[You have experienced a whole day of unspeakable stories]

Wang Ran gazed at Lin Ying's graceful figure,

his heart raced,

much like the feeling of getting caught in the act of doing something wrong.

Lin Ying asked in surprise, "You know me?"

A normal person would ask who Lin Ying was, but Wang Ran asked why she was there instead.

Wang Ran paused,

realizing that the tone of his response had been off,

but Lin Ying didn't seem to mind.

Lin Ying pressed on, "Which club are you with, what event are you organizing, and did you report it to the student council?"

Wang Ran fell silent.

He vaguely remembered that Lin Ying was a member of the student council and held an important position within it.

"I'm from the school debate team."

Wang Ran said with an unchanging expression, "Many seniors are graduating, and we're planning to host a farewell party for them. I'm not sure if the captain has reported it."

He felt a bit nervous.

First, he wasn't a member of the school debate team, and second, he left a note on the supplies written in the name of the student council.

If Lin Ying saw the note, he would be exposed.

Luckily, Lin Ying showed no sign of coming over. She said softly, "There have been outsiders wandering around the campus lately, your stuff isn't safe here, find time to move it away."

"A few days ago, a club organized an outdoor swimming event."

"There was an accident."

Lin Ying explained routinely, "Now all club activities must be reported to the student council first and can be held only after their review."

Today's summer was the hottest of the 21st century,

and many clubs had organized activities to beat the heat.

One club arranged for over thirty people to go swimming in a river, resulting in the drowning deaths of seven.

This incident caused a huge stir across the university town.

But Wang Ran was oblivious to external affairs; although he heard some discussions, he almost knew nothing about the accident.

Wang Ran held a two-second silence for the students involved in the accident.

"Is the review easy to pass?"

Wang Ran asked Lin Ying earnestly as if he really had an event to report to the student council.

Lin Ying said softly, "It's mainly about going through the procedure."

She was the person in charge of reviewing club activities.

Unless there were obvious safety risks, she would approve them.

"Then I'll have the captain report to your student council as soon as possible," Wang Ran paused, "By the way, did you come here specifically to tell me this?"

Lin Ying nodded slightly, "I saw you moving things and guessed there might be a club organizing a large event, so I came up to ask."

Wang Ran nodded, "Thank you for the trouble!"

Lin Ying casually said, "No problem, it's part of my duties."

She was a person who took her work very seriously.

As Wang Ran watched her leave the basement corridor, Lin Ying walked away briskly.

For her at this moment,

she could not imagine that someone as privileged as herself would be trapped in this dark, cramped place with a person whose name she didn't even know.

Even less could she imagine tasting Eden Fruit with Wang Ran.

Wang Ran silently watched Lin Ying leave.

[Continue Simulation]

[Day 11, you hear a series of explosions coming from the north, and you realize the chance to escape has come]

[You start to knock on the rocks blocking the basement]

[Due to your high Agility attribute, you're making considerable progress, and soon you carve a path to the outside]

[You wait for the military rescue hand in hand with Lin Ying]

[Suddenly, a strong light illuminates the basement through the cracks]

[You died]

Dead again!

Instant death!

Wang Ran stared at the last words with utter bewilderment.

He thought he would live a long time this round, but he didn't expect to kick the bucket just after the tenth day.

A strong light?

Could it be that the military fired missiles at the school?

But he was still here!

A thoughtful glint flickered through Wang Ran's eyes.

He had registered his location information; the military must be aware of his presence here. If they still fired missiles despite this knowledge, could something unforeseen have happened outside?

[You have triggered the Talent "Unwilling to Die With Aggrieve"]

[Your damaged eyeballs fall out of their sockets, and through the blurry vision, you see the rocks burying the basement completely blasted away]

[You notice a magnificent scene]

[In the ruins of the school building, a purple-red flower has sprung up, with a diameter of hundreds of meters. Its gigantic petals cover the sky, and countless monsters climb on the surface of the flower, like a layer of dark armor]

Wang Ran's mouth hung open in shock.

He had struggled to survive in the basement for ten days, and without his knowledge, a monster flower hundreds of meters in diameter had grown above his head.

One could tell with their knees that this was a boss-level creature,

possibly even the creature's lair!

No wonder the military targeted this place with missiles. Destroying a monster lair would surely reduce the difficulty of their rescue operations.

He and Lin Ying had become the sacrificial lambs!

Or perhaps the military assumed they were already dead since the area was swarming with monsters and it was unlikely for ordinary college students to survive until the military began their rescue operation.

[The recent explosion has caused great damage to the monster flower]

[Half of its petals have withered]

[Thick purple-red powder spreads in the air and moves northward with the strong southeast wind]

[Your and Lin Ying's corpses get covered with the purple-red powder]

[Half an hour later, a dense growth of mushrooms sprouts from your bodies, and you become nutrients for the mushrooms]

Wang Ran gasps sharply.

What on earth is this purple-red powder? In just half an hour, it devoured his and Lin Ying's bodies and sprouted a cluster of mushrooms.

If it fell on the living...

Wang Ran could hardly imagine the horrific scene.

[White shockwaves disperse the fog-like purple-red powder]

[Violent explosions occur above and below the monster flower, eventually turning it and the clinging monsters to ash in the blazing light and heat, but even more purple-red powder drifts northward]

[The sound of gunfire from the north gradually weakens]

[At dusk, the city returns to silence, as if nothing had happened, and nothing would happen]

[On the ruins, every mushroom sprouts a flower]

[The next day, flowers bloom everywhere]

[Time runs out, "Unwilling to Die With Aggrieve" automatically ends]

[Simulation End]

Before the bewildered Wang Ran could react,

accompanied by a heart-stirring sound effect, three lines of shimmering golden text leaped into his sight!

[Congratulations on completing the milestone task]

[Congratulations on obtaining an additional Talent slot]

[Congratulations on obtaining the chance to draw a Legendary Talent]