
Thanos vs Sorcerer Supreme



Huge torrents of fire erupted like a pillar until the searing flames reached the sky and touched the clouds.

A hole was made in the atmosphere as oxygen burned away for fuel. The people around were forced to bear the heat of the pillar of hellfire and they couldn't even breathe properly due to the lack of oxygen, yet their lungs burned too when they took in the scorching air.

The surrounding buildings, steel, and concrete were reduced to nothing but ash and lava as the magical pillar of fire burned everything without discrimination.

But soon the flames died down and the Ancient one came out of the mirror dimension to check the aftermath of the trap.

As the fire slowly dispersed, leaving lava and scorched black ground, Thanos stood in the middle, his body suffered first-degree burns all around but they were healing at a pace visible to the eye.

Thanos sighed, "That was not something I would like to try again."

"Flames of Faltine, said to be capable of burning through divinities and the fabrics of Space itself." The Ancient One cited, no nervousness in her voice and there was a knowing smile on her face.

"That's one of my strongest spells and you easily took it even after I caught you by surprise. What shall I do now I wonder." She said while Thanos looked at her with narrowed eyes.

His skin smoked and twisted weirdly as they healed. It hurts him but the pain was something he could bear.

It was a stretch to say that he was caught by surprise because, in his hand, he held the tesseract. At the last moment, he manages to use its power to erect a space element shield around himself.

But as the Ancient One said, the fire was capable of burning Space itself and he was still affected by it. If he were to take it without the help of the stone, Thanos reckoned he would be in serious trouble.

As he thought, dealing with the Sorcerer Supreme was not easy at all.

Normally he would've charged at her and dismantled her, especially since she was right in front of him but he did not move a muscle. He was greatly uneased.

In his fight with the Avengers, he did not play around. He tore apart his enemies without any delay, unlike what you often see villains do in shows and comics.

But right now, he was hesitant.

The Ancient One was a bald and thin woman wearing yellow robes, who appeared as harmless as one could get. She looked like a cancer patient who could die in about a week.

Yet she was capable of inflicting such nervousness in him. He had trusted his instinct from the moment he came to this universe, and that same instinct was telling him that something was amiss.

He did not feel like the Ancient One was stronger than him, no, far from it. He was sure he would be able to kill her.

If he had to give an example, it felt like an old small teacher was looking down at you and you are her student.

He could kill her sure, but he feared that it may lead to something worse. Something he won't be able to deal with. This fear ultimately stems from the fact that he has no knowledge in magic.

"Cautious are we?" The Ancient One smiled seeing him standing still in his position.

"Why?" Thanos asked in his deep ancient voice, "Why do I sense no fear from you?"

"Hah!" She smiled, "I have lost my fear about the millionth time I faced you."

Again, there she goes. Revealing that she could see the future. Thanos knew that she was not someone stupid enough to reveal something like that yet she did.

Meaning there must be a reason why she was so open with everything.

"Why are you telling me that?" He asked and he immediately got an amused reply, "You asked no?"



"Hahaha" She laughed, "My~ It's so easy to get into paranoid people's heads."

"It's like a game of chess you know. To surprise a chess master, sometimes you do not need a grandmaster but an amateur. You can't figure out anything if the other opponent has nothing to figure out."

She's annoying, Thanos noted down. She always appeared to be a step ahead, and he did not like that. He was the transmigrator here for God's sake.

"And I do not even need to worry about telling you all this because, in your mind, you will think that I am telling you all this to distract you."

"You are just trying to outsmart yourself." She said and shook her head in amusement.

Then at that split second when she closed her eyes and shook her head, he launched himself at her.

He cocked his arm back and swung at her with all his strength, but he finally realized that she was just an illusion.

Her figure disappeared and turned into something like a diamond in space. It was an opening to the mirror dimension and he threw himself right in it.


His surroundings did not change as he entered the mirror dimension but he could feel the difference. The reality here was absolutely thin, it would be possible for anyone with some connection to change it to their whim.

He looked around the surroundings. It was exactly the same as the outside world except everything was inverted and dead silent.

The sound of screaming, explosion, and death was nowhere to be found as if they had suddenly ceased to exist. Also, now his left side was right and his right side was left.

It took some time for him to adjust to the inverted direction but it was hardly a problem. He then caught a flying figure of the Ancient one, dressed in a yellow robe in the distance.

He leaped with all his might and in the breath of less than half a second, he was right in front of the Ancient One.

For the first time in their whole confrontation, the Ancient One finally had a pensive expression, much to Thanos's pleasure.

"Shield of Seraphim!!" The Ancient One moved her hands and erected a golden shield construct and Thanos smashed right at the shield.

The force behind the punch was immediately nullified by the shield but she deemed it no longer safe to stay in her place as she slipped into a portal that appeared below her.

Then Thanos fell to the ground, but he never landed.

The entire city of New York- No the entire world of the Mirror Dimension began shifting as if they had minds of their own.

Thanos watched as the ground opened up to make an abyss for him to fall endlessly. The ground became the sky and the sky became the ground.

The sense of direction was manipulated to a person's whim as trains flew around the city. Buildings float around in their own revolving system and nothing made sense anymore.

Thanos continued falling and falling until he grabbed the tesseract in his hand. he gave it a squeeze and with a blue explosion, the tesseract broke and the Space Stone revealed itself.

Now it was no longer limited nor chained down.

Thanos harnessed that power as a blue cloak of energy wrapped around his entire body and he stopped falling, suspended in the air.

The reality continued to shift and change. buildings shrunk and enlarged and they moved as if they were an escalator.

Then the world finally stopped rearranging itself. Now the reality of the mirror dimension has no ups or downs, There was a city in what was supposed to be the sky, upside down, and below him where there was supposed to be ground was the sky.

The landscape seemed to be folded into different parts by a child. Yet the dimension did not collapse and was holding together. Everything seemed to be normal.

Thanos realized then, that the Ancient one was not defying logic but rewrote it. Because in all that chaos there was also a sense of order.

He had no more time to think about all this because the world began to fold itself on Thanos, trying to crush him.

He looked around, contemplating what he should do next before he saw the Ancient one standing upside down in one of the buildings. She was making different signs and gestures with her elegant hands while chanting something.


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