
Thank You for Making Me Love Myself

Due to a serious relationship problem Maria ran away from her home to China. She started teaching English in school during day and learns dance after the school. After winning a compitition she became full-time choreographer of an entertainment industry after a lot of struggles in her career and love life. After three years of it she opened her own dance institute with a few of her friends .

Babylove08 · Urban
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59 Chs

28. I am sorry (2)

# Mr. Wang POV#

After I decided to leave the place for sometime so I also have to decide a perfect reason for me to go anywhere for my parents. So the most reasonable one was going to US to resume my studies as the crisis of the company is already under control, my resturant is also doing well and also appointed a good manager I can trust and I can do my work from US . My situation was good enough for me to leave right away but I felt that I should let her know about my leave. So I decided to write a letter to her about my leave and also answer the questions she asked me. Even if I decided to leave for sometime but I couldn't let her go . So I decided to be honest about everything and express my feelings and ask her to wait if she wants to. So I wrote a latter and as a promise to sincerity I decided to give the bracelet I never took off me and as a gift I edited a photograph of us and bought a photo frame made of white jade. I packed it all and entered her apartment through the balcony as I didn't have the keys of her apartment.

After I entered I went to her bedroom and found she was sleeping . She looked too cute while sleeping. I kept the things I carried on my hand on the table and sat beside her. I caressing touched her hair and then her face while I was thinking how would I survive with looking this face and her smile. I encouraged myself and kissed her forehead. She moved her lips as if she was inviting me . I couldn't hold myself back and peaked her lips with mine.

Suddenly I heard some sound and realized later that it was her stomach. I smiled by calling her " Silly girl. How can you sleep with your empty stomach."

I knew once she wakes up she will be very hungry and she will have to cook by herself in this state and I didn't want her to do so. So I decided to cook for her. I was a good cook as I had to cook by myself when I was abroad and took training on cooking before leaving for US in China . So I cooked very common but famous dishes for her . Later I set the table for her and wrote it's ingredients and how it is cooked so that she won't eat if she has some allergies with any of the ingredients I put in the dishes. I didn't want her to suffer the slightest pain.

After I was done setting up the dining table suddenly it ran into my. mind that she won't be able to enjoy the dishes if she sees the latter before food and she might even forget her medicine. So I went back to her bedroom and kept the photo frame inside the drower and wrote the instructions at the back of the photo and kept it inside the envelope . I also kept the bracelet inside the envelope so that she won't be so curious. Then kept the envelope on the dining table with a stick note written with instructions when to open it. When I was satisfied I went to her bedroom and sat beside her and watched her . I wanted to watch her as much as I could and fix every detail of her into my head so that I can see her whenever I want when I am abroad. I also took few pictures of her .

After about half and hour she moved her eyes and I knew that she is about to wake up . I slowly stood up from her bed and tip toed as fast as I could towards the balcony.

I removed the things that I fixed before she entered the appartment so that she won't be able to come to my appartment for checking.

I also put white cover on the furniture only in the area which was visible from her balcony to make shure she thinks i left the place as written on the latter. I put off all the lights to make it more obvious and stood near the balcony where she couldn't see me. I knew she will come to her balcony to read the latter. Actually it was her habit to sit there for everything she does other that eating , cooking, bathroom business and sleeping. I wanted to see how she reacts to it.

I saw her coming to the balcony after about an hour or maybe a bit more. She came to the balcony with a pleasant smile on her face and the closed envelope in her hand. I frowned to see that she was smiling as I thought she liked that I left.

Then I heard her say , " Let's see Mr. Wang what you have to say that you didn't have the guts to say face to face"

I don't know why but I felt happy to realise that she didn't see the latter yet. Maybe because I hoped she loved me back and wait for me. I know that I was getting selfish but I couldn't help it . My selfishness grew even more each time I saw her smile and that cute and attractive face of her.

She opened the envelope and everything fell on the floor. I smiled at her carelessness. But she frowned when she my bracelet . She knew that I never took that off me. So she immediately picked up and saw it as if she didn't believe her eyes. She read the note and her smile widened. I wanted to go and kiss that lips of her that makes me crazy but I know that i have to hold myself or else she might not let me go. And I didn't want to be the reason for her to lei her dream which finally ends to me. So I stayed back and continued looking at her each expression and I didn't want to miss it .

(Author's Note: Please support my story with your valuable comments rating and power stones

Thank you ❤️❤️)