
Thallium Traces

Detective Jack who investigates the death of a woman uncovers potential suspects and motives, he also finds himself attracted to his unlikely partner, Alex. Together, they navigate the case and secrets that lead them to the real culprit. ~There isn't much to the story, I feel like I could have added a lot more to their characters and backstories but I didn't.. maybe one day I will re-write some bits or revisit for some extras~

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A Detective's Dilemma

Detective Jack Donovan had been on the job for over a decade, ever since he graduated from the police academy. He had worked his way up the ranks, earning a reputation as one of the best detectives in the department. Jack was a tall, lean man with sharp features, his dark hair cut short and his blue eyes piercing. He carried himself with an air of confidence that came from years of experience, but he also had a reputation for being difficult to work with.

Despite his success, Jack found himself struggling with the daily grind of police work. He had seen the worst that humanity had to offer, from brutal murders to horrific child abuse cases, and it had taken a toll on him. Jack coped with the stress by chain-smoking, a habit he had picked up years ago and had never been able to shake. His coat and clothes always smelled of tobacco.

Jack had just finished his shift and was looking forward to a quiet evening at home when he received a call from his captain. There had been a homicide in a seedy part of town, and Jack was the closest detective on duty. He knew he couldn't turn down the call, even though he was exhausted. He grabbed his coat and made his way to his car, feeling a sense of weariness settle over him.

As he drove towards the crime scene, Jack tried to steel himself for what he might find. He knew that this was just another day on the job, but he couldn't help the sense of dread that settled in his gut. He had been hoping for a quiet night, but he knew that wasn't likely to happen.

When he arrived, the scene was chaotic. The alleyway was crowded with police cars and forensic vans, and there were officers milling about, talking in hushed tones. Jack flashed his badge and made his way towards the body.

The victim was a young woman, her body sprawled out but no obivious reasons for death on the body. He surveyed the area, looking for any signs of possible evidence but it was very clean. With not much to work with Jack concluded he would need to question the paramedics and officers at the scene and wait for autopsy for further cause of death.

As he made his way back towards the entrance of the alleyway, he caught sight of a man lurking in the shadows. The man was shorter than Jack, with a lean build. He had dark hair and piercing eyes that seemed to take everything in.

Jack recognized him immediately as a special ops officer from the uniform, someone who was not typically called to handle homicide cases.

Jack called out to check, approaching the man.

The man stepped forward, his hands raised in a gesture of surrender. "I'm Alex Chen," he said, his voice measured. "I'm with the special ops unit." He showed his pass.

Jack had never worked with them directly. "What are you doing here?"

Alex turned to face Jack, his eyes narrowed. "I was called in to assist with the investigation."

Jack studied Alex for a moment, sizing him up. He had a feeling that the man was telling the truth, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of suspicion. He had always been a lone wolf, and he wasn't used to working with outsiders.

"I appreciate the offer," Jack said, his voice laced with skepticism. "But I don't need any help."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure about that? This doesn't seem to be a normal murder. I know this area better than anyone. I could be a valuable asset to your investigation."

Jack hesitated. He knew that Alex had a point, but he didn't like the idea of working with someone he didn't know. He had always been fiercely independent, and he didn't like the idea of relying on anyone else.

"I don't need any help," Jack repeated, his voice cold.

The two men stood in silence for a moment, sizing each other up. Jack couldn't help but feel a sense of annoyance at Alex's presence. He was used to working alone and didn't appreciate the interference.

Alex shrugged. "Suit yourself," he said, turning to leave.

As Jack watched him walk away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of regret. He had pushed away a potential ally, and he didn't know if he would regret it later.

Over the next few days, Jack found himself running into Alex at various crime scenes. Alex seemed to be everywhere, his dark eyes watching Jack's every move. Jack tried to ignore him, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of irritation.

Wanted to write a short Murder mystery/detective BL~

I don't feel super confident in my writing still, but here it is. its not that deep of a story tbh.

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