
TGD: My Way To Achieve Peace

==== Alternative title; The goddess of destruction; My way to achieve peace. Disclaimer — I'm not good with Synopsis but you know what, Read ten or twenty chapters before dropping it. ==== Yo, this magnificent babe in this room goes by Iris Hope, the goddess of destruction. How do I know it, you ask? Well, let me tell you a thrilling tale... Blah blah blah.... yadda yadda yadda.... (FLASH FORWARD 10,000 YEARS!) You get that picture, right? Anyways, On our main topic... I've been chilling on this planet for a hotminuto now. And gigured I'd put my oh-so-impressive talents to better use. That's why I cooked up my own top-secret organization - Ecilpse shadow - the Lillte Homies of Havoc! They're completely under my finely-manicured thumb. Told you I was a total boss, didn't I? So there I was, casually strolling through a mortal world, when I stumble across these measly assholes trying to, I dunno, take over their tiny speck of a world or something. I could've flicked that ill-conceived rebellion into oblivion with my pinky finger, but I figured I'd let the little rascals have their fun. And that wasn't enough. Then I, who was reincarnated into the body of a bullied person whose own parents treated them worse than trash... ugh, I'm getting dimensional whiplash just thinking about it. But THEN... Then, in middle of my new story... I had to deal with this whole messy love affair with Amelia.. who left me when I was... pregnant with her kid... Ughhhh, Bitch I will kill you for this. ... But of course, a few years later, she comes back to me, love me more and she is more cute than before. Still I stopped liking her when she leave me alone with my child. (After a few months later) ... And you know what? Despite my hate for her, I just couldn't resist that fatally attractive gravitational pull. Yeah, I get back together in relationship with Amelia and we're living our best lives... uh, without much problem until it was time for deadnova protocol organization to be annihilated but this secrets society was controlled by goverment who was on the half step forward to rule the whole world in its dictorship. So I have soo much to done, plan and schemes but... It is not hard for a smart person like me, fufufu. This organization is done for nothing. ========= [Discord — Join it for any questions: https://discord.com/invite/DhUBStB2wd]

A_Jhonny · Fantasy
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77 Chs

CH-23 Rage

[Present time]

I confiscated the remodel surveillance device from Zeno, the very one I had previously seen in his possession.

Naturally, I disrupted their nefarious machinations as I desired to watch the crestfallen expressions upon their countenances when their horrible plot was live.

The appellation 'What an foolished youth' is aptly awarded to the Maxtern's cohort.

All was going according to my stratagem, as I had adroitly trades the espionage apparatus midway through without any impediment with their.

"May I take my leave, big sis… I mean, Miss Ely?" I almost started to phrase my sentence differently but veracious my choice of words in deferential.

"... Don't be so respectful. Afterall… we are siblings." With a grim expression, Ely told me and tapped on her smartwatch, implementing the holographic display above it. "I will transfer 10 lakhs worth of gold to your bank account!"


[Congratulations, Iris Hope!

You have successfully received a deposit of 10 lakhs credit from the account by Ely White. We at Nebula Banking give our best regards and look forward to platter your future banking needs!]

[Account Holder: Iris Hope

Bank Name: Nebula Banking

Account ID: BW-112-45..

Amount: 17 Lakh Golds/Credits

Status: Successful]

I verified my total balance. Each gold coin is equivalent to one credit in the bank, representing genuine currency.

Moreover, following my directive, Zeno transferred 7 lakhs in my bank account which was in my inventory. Admittedly, I am too indolent to visit the bank in person... Ahem!

For today, If I compare my money and status to the earth, I'm still a middle class member in this world.

"Oh, classes are about to start; I must hurry!" Glancing at my clock, it read 6:53, just moments before the start of class.

Like every debonair student, I honestly don't wish to be tardy since the teacher will scold me the whole period.


As I swung open the room's gate, Ely called out to me.

"M-Mia, may I ask about something?"

".... Firstly, Miss Ely, my name is Iris Hope, and Secondly, what is it?" I questioned her, my brows creased, studying the hesitation in her attitude. Hmm, what could be troubling her?

"...Yesterday, I overheard your cries from the infirmary when I was about to visit. But there seems to be a matter you are reluctant to discuss..."

Ely paused briefly before continuing, eager to confirm her suspicions. "Did Trump and his group... F-Force on you? When did this happen? You should have confided in us, your family. We are here to support you-"

"Silence your bitch tongue, you unsightly harridan!" My foot stomped hard with killing intent as I walked towards her with wrathful strides.

Ely's lips parted, gin prudently excited to grant us privacy. My frame quivered, fingers curling into fists so tightly that crimson droplets oozed and I confronted her.

"Do you have any understanding of the sacred bonds of kinship or family?" I thundered through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, I was raped that I never envisioned! Yet how could I talk with our progenitors? I mean, From the moment my core embryo, to sense se, you all considered me as some kind of trash that is compulsory to dispose of!"

"Never once did you ally yourself with my plight. I cannot recollect a single memory where you aided me or even offered comfort. Much less, I question whether you truly inhabited that domicile, or held any place in my existence."

"My siblings brothers, having inexplicable malice towards me from the dawn of my comprehension, chose me as a lab rat to bully for no reason, his cruelty nearly culminating in my death."

"Yet what did our guardians pursue in the face of this matter? Yes, Absolutely nothing! My first brother, Marvel, did nothing but receive preferential treatment, enjoying liberties I could scarcely dream of."

Water burned in my eyes, the raw of bad memories clawing at my insides. But away from the agony, I opened my mouth and the words spilled forth in a broken bark.

Why? Why did I feel this need to share my hurt with her? To lay bare the depths of my suffering before one who may not even care?

"I vividly remember the moment he was showered with a plethora of toys, granted boundless freedom, while I languished in solitary confinement within the dismal confines of my room."

"Throughout my junior school years, I was limitlessly bullied by other people, yet our parents seemed to overlook my torment. I distinctly remember an incident where my second youngest brother, Alex, was assaulted by a child from a lesser noble family."

"In stark contrast, ohoho~~ our so-called parents retaliated by killing the entire lineage of that noble family. How jealous I have felt, can you think about it?"

My heart felt as though it were being savagely torn apart by a merciless hyena. Tears began to flow uncontrollably as I recounted these memories without pause.

"'You speak of family?' A true family endeavors by all means to protect its members. And, your family creed, to place one's family above all else, was never gifted to me."

"T-That's not the case-"

"That's not accurate, you slut!" I threw a punch at her face.


As it linked, My wrist bones shattered and a sharp pain circuit through me; not physically but mentally. But the anger clouded any kind of it to feel, preventing rational thought.



Ely caught my hands before I continued my verbal assault. "Mia, you're causing harm to yourse-"

"Don't you dare address me as Mia!" I shouted, tears streaming down my cheeks, struggling to get rid of her grip. "The Mia you knew is gone — she died inside and out when those people violated her. She has been buried deep within me."

"You people, who don't have an understanding of familial bonds, should not have any children."

"Not a single individual in my white family thinks of me as a member. You should know that, upon returning home…. I plan to officially renounce my family name.

I took a deep breath, backing away after she released me. "If you regard me as a sister, then assist me in leaving your family. At the very least, prepare the necessary documents."

"Being alive in white family feels… suicide better to me."

what do you thinkkkkk? write down comments if you like it and share some power stones... okay, I'm Greedy...

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