
TGD: My Way To Achieve Peace

==== Alternative title; The goddess of destruction; My way to achieve peace. Disclaimer — I'm not good with Synopsis but you know what, Read ten or twenty chapters before dropping it. ==== Yo, this magnificent babe in this room goes by Iris Hope, the goddess of destruction. How do I know it, you ask? Well, let me tell you a thrilling tale... Blah blah blah.... yadda yadda yadda.... (FLASH FORWARD 10,000 YEARS!) You get that picture, right? Anyways, On our main topic... I've been chilling on this planet for a hotminuto now. And gigured I'd put my oh-so-impressive talents to better use. That's why I cooked up my own top-secret organization - Ecilpse shadow - the Lillte Homies of Havoc! They're completely under my finely-manicured thumb. Told you I was a total boss, didn't I? So there I was, casually strolling through a mortal world, when I stumble across these measly assholes trying to, I dunno, take over their tiny speck of a world or something. I could've flicked that ill-conceived rebellion into oblivion with my pinky finger, but I figured I'd let the little rascals have their fun. And that wasn't enough. Then I, who was reincarnated into the body of a bullied person whose own parents treated them worse than trash... ugh, I'm getting dimensional whiplash just thinking about it. But THEN... Then, in middle of my new story... I had to deal with this whole messy love affair with Amelia.. who left me when I was... pregnant with her kid... Ughhhh, Bitch I will kill you for this. ... But of course, a few years later, she comes back to me, love me more and she is more cute than before. Still I stopped liking her when she leave me alone with my child. (After a few months later) ... And you know what? Despite my hate for her, I just couldn't resist that fatally attractive gravitational pull. Yeah, I get back together in relationship with Amelia and we're living our best lives... uh, without much problem until it was time for deadnova protocol organization to be annihilated but this secrets society was controlled by goverment who was on the half step forward to rule the whole world in its dictorship. So I have soo much to done, plan and schemes but... It is not hard for a smart person like me, fufufu. This organization is done for nothing. ========= [Discord — Join it for any questions: https://discord.com/invite/DhUBStB2wd]

A_Jhonny · Fantasy
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77 Chs

ch-21 Plan failed

"...May I see it?" Ely expressed her skepticism, requesting tangible proof to substantiate his claim.

Maxtern offered a cunning grin to me. He deftly extracted a small chip type button from his shirt's pocket.

"I've captured everything on video; your actions were just recorded a moment ago. As you mentioned, the entire world labels you a third-rate villainess. Thus, I deemed it prudent to take precautionary measures."

"..." I was lost for words, whether by design or instinct, as I pondered his motives just like my prognostication.

Mmm, His polite attitude in the corridor, while others remained conspicuously quiet, hinted at machinations planning going on just like they planned it.

I would credit him with a modicum of cleverness but he was no match for my own acumen; I'm smartest, Afterall.

"This marks the end of your reign of intimidation! We refuse to be shackled like slaves by you any longer. The sins of yours are overfilling the pot."

Maxtern loudly mumbled, pressing the button and placing it at the center of the table. Instantly, a holographic screen formed above.

With a sharp 'tsk,' I clicked my tongue in annoyance and Half-closed my eyes, scanning the group whose expressions blatantly conveyed contempt and disdain: 'It was fuck you, ugly bitch' gesture.

'Just wait! You will all regret this.' I thought internally.

"..." Ely, with a cold face, glared at the transparent display. As the video played…

"Ah! Ah! D-Daddy, put your long katana in my pink pussy, Argh! S-So deep!"

"You are so tight, babe! I-I Think I'm cum- Argh!"

—thwop! —thwop!

"Ah~~ Ah! F-Fill my womb with your special sauce, My love, kyaa!"

—squelch! —squelch!

"...!" Ely and Gin had eyes wide in the thunderstruck.

"WHAT?" The young master's group balked, their eyes bulging in shock. Woah! This servants shared their masters' dumbfounded reactions.

"...Hahah~!" I struggled to stifle my laughter so covered my mouth with hands before anyone's notice while Harriet, internally, guffawed like a mad woman.


"...Ahem… Would you consider this a slight against my honor?" I asked darkly, my expression menacing and eyes lifeless, as I stood, unsteadily yet shaking legs and hands like a leaf in a tornado, with my chair knocked backward. it tripped onto the ground.


I slammed my right fist hard on the table, "And what is this supposed to mean? You said to have recorded my video? Are you suggesting that the girl in the video is me? Just because she bears no resemblance to me other than our shared hairstyle and color… d-does it make us twins figure?"

—Sob! —Sob!

"I-I..." My words were cried out, choked by emotion, as Ely rushed toward me and shielded my face from the camera's view.

"... Explain it!" Gin hastily off the video and stared at their white form, a visible shiver of fear running through them.

"It's okay, nothing's happened! Your big sister is here." Ely reassured me, gently rubbing my head.

I wanted to push her away, but conflicting emotions inundate me — a tight, kneading commotion in my chest yet it hobnob with a sense of relief and happiness.

It's time to shake off this feeling. I deleted myself from her clutch like a waste app from the computer. "M-Mrs. President, may I have some water, please?"

"...Of course," Ely spotted my reluctance to be consoled by her. She hands me a glass of water and returns to her seat, her expression laden with sadness.


"..." I sipped a glass of water in one gulp motion. And settled on another seat plus my body shakes with glass.

[My, Master, aren't you a weak thing.] Harriet was sarcastic, though I was largely unresponsive.

"You're all in this together. At first, I intended to mete out punishment to Chen Shen and Chen Shen alone. But at present… the situation has changed, it's far more troublesome now, and you have all colluded in the shameful act of belittling this poor girl."

Ely's voice was as cold as a glacier, but I was not scared off… all thanks to my experience with deadly battles.

"You will each be paid 10 lakh gold coins as compensation to Mia and will be suspended from school for a week." Ely announced. "Consider yourselves fortunate. This is your first mistake, and I am issuing you this leniency."

She then activated her Cultivation Aura of the Transcendence realms, making it clear that she meant business.

"Make no mistake in future because the consequences of your actions will not only agitate you but your families as well… If they are implicated, all of you will be unable to reinforce the parcel of the penalties I levy."

"You might have imagined that this punishment is harsh due to my personal connection to the victim, but you are mistaken. My perspicacity will be the same no matter who is inculpated."

"U-Understood!" The young master's group saluted like soldiers.

"Then get off my property." Ely said with an eerie expression. As they ran away. If they had tails… heh, it would indeed be tucked between their legs like a frightened cat.

As for what crop out here? The circumstances were simple. I was wise of a recording chip updated and enthrone within the young master's button.

I had the ability to penetrate any kind of barrier. For instance, I can make clothes vanish for my eyes to locate objects inside it even when someone is wearing them.

Even with their trial to be stealthy, I could still discern the items concealed in their clothing. Although they were behind me, I reconnoiter everything.

During our adventure on our way, the young master confiscated the chip from the button and discreetly placed it in his pocket… which I changed with fake one, hehehe~~

How do I know their plans… It happened last night.


—Knock! Knock!

"Hello, Iris, are you there?"

"Huh!" Who could it be this time? The voice rings familiar. Rising to my feet, I was quicker than Amelia, who was also about to step out of bed.

"This must be Luna! I'll go for a short jog with her." I murmured. Amelia gave me an endorsement nod after a moment's hesitation.


Sighing, I opened the gate and saw Luna standing there, her expressions were concerned. "Actually, Iris, I forgot to mention something important to you."

Any guess what happened? comment if your like... Ah, Sorry if I added some dirty things but it was just words so I didn't Mark it R-18. should I do it?

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