
Teyvat: Pretender

[A Genshin Impact fic with no romance] cover souce: whitecookie1001 patreon.com/Bitum | patreon.com/collection/111104?view=condensed

Bitum · Video Games
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6 Chs

"I don't think I'm him."

Inazuma City, Tenshukaku.

"FIGHT ME, YOU SHOGUNATE SCUM!" a barbaric yell echoed through the Tenshukaku compound. [1]

Several Guards were on the floor unconscious, some of them already waking up but not in a condition to fight. These guards got knocked out when they tried to stop the 'trespasser'.

A lone samurai, standing at the gates of Tenshukaku, screaming at the top of his lungs, kind and peaceful words coming out of his mouth.

"WHAT? YOU DON'T WANT TO FACE ME?! ARE YOU SCARED!? THIS IS WHY WOMEN SHOULD NEVER RULE--?!" However, his speech was interrupted by an electro-infused arrow coming his way.

Sensing the arrow that was intending to penetrate his skull, he quickly analyzed that he wouldn't be able to completely parry the arrow, with that speed and power he would still be harmed, so he decided to face it head-on with his own electro-infused sword.

He lowered his body and slashed the incoming arrow in a swift, precise move.

Cutting it in half.

He felt half of the arrow pass by his left ear and the other close to his ribs and lungs just below his armpit, while he didn't sustain any damage, he still felt the danger despite cutting it precisely in half.

"I can't hear it clearly, do forgive me but can you repeat what you were about to say?" Despite the distance, some of the guards could still hear what the General of the Tenryou Commission, Kujou Sara said.

'Ahh, I thought it was the Shogun herself, that scared me.' the white-haired? gray? samurai released a sigh of relief.

"I was just about to politely ask for a duel." The samurai said, face filled with a sunny aura as if he didn't just barbarically roared at gates just to get the attention of the Shogun.

Preparing to state his reason, even without the other party asking, he took a deep breath.

"I can't accept the Vision Hunt Decree; every Vision holder has gone into hiding, afraid of having a part of themselves taken away, and now you're imposing the Sakoku Decree? I refuse to be under such ruling! So I ask, duel me. If I win, the Shogun shall vow to abolish these Decrees!" the young samurai yelled, hoping for the Shogun to hear him.

"I've heard your words, but do you possess the resolve to face death for this insolence of going against Eternity?" Unnoticed by everyone, the Raiden Shogun had already arrived and overheard everything the wandering samurai had said.

As the voice of the Incarnation of Lightning echoed, fear gripped the young samurai.

Even when he was emotionally prepared before he came here, the one he is about to face is a god.

For the people of this world, the Apex.

The Pinnacle of Might.

But he'll see this through to the end! god or whatever the fuck is out there! I WILL NOT YIELD!

However, luck didn't leave him yet, as the young man heard a sliver of chance.

"Your Excellency, I would like to propose that I shall be the one to duel this son of a—ehem, samurai on your behalf!" Kujou Sara said while looking coldly at the lone samurai.

But this cold and threatening gaze is a godsend to the young man because it means he doesn't have to face a literal god.

However, this doesn't make it any less threatening, as the one he is about to face now is the General of the Tenryou Commission and a Tengu warrior.

The Raiden Shogun set her gaze on Kujou Sara and agreed, She saw no problem with the General's proposal.

"Then I challenged you, General Kujou Sara, to a duel before the throne!" the young samurai declared.

"Proceed." the Raiden Shogun acknowledged.

As the words fell, the duel erupted in a blur of motion.

Kujou Sara vanished from her position, reappearing instantaneously beside the young samurai with traces of electro element crackling along her legs.

She immediately struck the samurai with a slash targeting his neck.

The samurai's eyes widened as he deflected the blow.


In the blink of an eye, they engaged in a deadly dance, exchanging techniques—feints, strikes, parries, deflects, punches?, and dodges. both aiming to deal lethal damage to the other.

In just a span of a second.

Drawing on their own elemental energy to enhance their bodies and using the power of electro to enhance their speed along with strength.

They don't intend for the other to create distance.

The unconscious guards that just woke up are now witnessing swordsmanship leagues above their own.

their blades clashed relentlessly, leaving a trail of cuts and burns, and cracks in the concrete floors wherever they moved.

The guards could see electro-sword slashes flying everywhere, forcing them to look for a cover.

"Carry the unconscious to a safe place!" One of the guards said to the others around him.

"S-safe?" a newbie guard retorted, "Don't you see those sword slashes?! it slices through concrete and steel disregarding hardness! WHERE DO YOU WANT US TO CARRY THEM? AFTERLIFE?!"

"I don't know! anywhere that isn't here--!DID YOU SEE THAT!!? I ALMOST DIED, STOP DISTRACTING ME! SHIT FOR BRAINS!!!" The one who told his comrades to carry the unconscious almost got divided like a certain Honored One, and of course, like every senior, he blamed it on the newbie, while he carried two people on his back.

and to add salt to the wound, one of the people he carries is already awake, just unable to move, whispered to his ear "Heh, you almost died as a virgin there."

Hearing the whisper, in response, he dropped the guy. "pwughk! is this how you handle the injured!? bro, I can't move! don't leave meee!"

The duel continued, the young samurai giving it his all, he even used kicks and punches because, for him, this is the way of a swordsman!


He retreated just out of distance, the tip of Kujou Sara's sword passing an inch from his nose.

When he was learning swordsmanship, he always wondered why they considered it dirty when someone utilized their body to gain an advantage in a fight between swordsmen.

To him, it sounds so absurd.

Everything is a weapon!

If you have to consider your sword to be one with your body, why can't your body itself be the sword? [2]

Why did they make it sound so disgraceful? when it should be the norm.

Is it truly dishonorable?

'It is not' is the answer in his mind.

Therefore he theorizes that 'One of these arrogant assholes from ancient times lost to someone like that, someone who embodies SWORDSMANSHIP!'

So, he became this imaginary embodiment of swordsmanship, he utilized everything, his elbows, knees, legs, head, every part of the body that can exert force!

However despite all efforts, exhaustion, and injuries were taking their toll on the samurai, his injuries were already hindering his movements causing mistakes and more injuries to his body.

Sara isn't unharmed either as cuts and some non-lethal injuries could be seen on her body. Though she is starting to get tired, she is doing far better than the samurai.

Her being a Tengu, her speed should be superior to her opponent coupled with enhancing her body with elemental energy and electro element for more speed and power, this was supposed to be easy, and yet.

The samurai just wouldn't give up!

He kept going!

Sometimes even trading an injury just to inflict damage on her!

"Lunatic," Kujou Sara muttered under her breath.

"I know right? Crazies." Dantalion said, shaking his head.

"Shut up, the Shogun is watching," Kujou Sara whispered. "...Why does it sound so immoral? Damn you, stop tricking me!" she continued, her whisper almost a shout.

"you on crack or something? I didn't do anything! I suggest refraining from inhaling dust while fighting." (Yes, He didn't do shit)

Because of the distraction from Dantalion, the young samurai managed to create distance, However, it didn't last long.

Sara closed in instantly, leaving Electro and shockwave in her wake.

Fortunately, within that short time, the young samurai was able to think of something.

He could see Sara was wary of his techniques as she was not familiar with them, he would use this to his advantage! And just as Sara was about to slash at him, he moved forward and within those same instances, Sara was already at arms reach.

He lowered his body and threw an unexpected left hook on her ribs while still holding his sword in his right hand.

Kujou Sara, who was not expecting such a move, did not evade and let the punch land, intending to tank it.

Of course, the young samurai expected this, so, just as the punch was about to connect, he held his sword in his right hand as firmly as possible, there was no time to deflect the sword coming his way, if this failed, it's over. So he decided that this would be the last move of this duel.

Landing a punch on Kujou Sara's side, this punch is not intended to damage

But to disorient

Sara despite not feeling much pain from the punch, was pushed back, causing her next strike to miss.

'There!' Seeing the chance, the young samurai's right hand moved, striking Kujou Sara with his sword with all his might! Electro Element in his arms and sword, elemental energy strengthening his arms, successfully wounding her.

After his final attack, he couldn't lift his sword anymore.


Kujou Sara, after receiving the strike, Sara was about to retaliate.

However, upon seeing her opponent already unable to continue, she refrained from further action despite the annoying voice on the side of her face telling her "Daaaammnn, what? No retaliation?" "So you just gonna let that slide huh?" "See me personally--"



The young wandering samurai asked himself, 'What is it that I want..for me to initiate a duel before the throne..'

This is not him regretting his decision, no. it was simply him, trying to remember.

A memory surfaced—in that memory, he asked a friend of his about a sword art.

The pinnacle of the Raiden Shogun's skill that can only be witnessed when divine punishment is administered.

A symbol of Ultimate power.

He remembered telling his friend "There must be one who can withstand it" and that "There will always be those who dare to brave the lightning's glow"

As he looked with difficulty above and observed the Shogun floating, he could see she was saying something from the way her lips were moving, but he couldn't hear anything.

The only things he hears are buzzing and a continuous high-pitched noise.

And there, he witnessed what he truly desired.

But isn't his desire to inspire others to stand up for themselves even against an impossible odds? To put back some sense to their Shogun who has gone astray for the betterment of the whole Inazuma? No.

Yes, it is one of his intentions but no, it's--

To witness a sword art like any other.

He doesn't care if after this ordeal he gets forgotten by the masses or is labeled as a fool.

None of those matter.


The pinnacle of all swordsmanship is in front of his eyes.

The Musou no Hitotachi.

Coming face to face with it is all he truly desired. [3]

And with a small smile on his face, he spread his arms, ignoring all the pain, he embraced the divine punishment.

All he saw after was pure darkness.

-Chapter END- 


-There are 4 Advanced Chapters now (I'm busy okayy! forgive this me!), and starting chapter 11 the chapters will be significantly longer.



[1]: Have no idea what's the personality of this guy supposed to have.

[2]: Yes, with my yapping, it works that way. (It's North-God Style from Mushoku Tensei)

[3]: Crazy, I know hahahaha