
Teyvat: I Have A lot of Unpaid Love Debt

Travelling to the world of Genshin Impact, Kyle got a simulator system as his golden finger. The continent to Teyvat has never been the same since then. [Bowing in front of the Water Goddess you pledge your loyalty and sword to her.] [With the Flower God and Greater Lord Rukkhadevata by his side he proclaimed himself the Emperor of the Desert.] [You listen to Rosalyne singing in the streets of Mondstadt.] [You take in a Pink Fox as your Pet.] Kyle's life has become chaotic with powerful women looking for him but wait "Why is Nahida calling me father?" Author's note: Inspired from various Chinese fics Cover art belongs to TorinoAqua on Twitter

Amayatsu · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


[Focalors as Egeria's de facto successor swiftly begins performing her duties and dealing with the problems currently plaguing Fontaine.]

One can not grieve forever, especially in turbulent times such as these. Fontaine needed a leader, a pillar to lean on. Not everyone agreed.

Focalors hadn't even been officially crowned or introduced as the next hydro archon but there was restlessness in Fontaine.

The other Oceanids refused to accept Focalors as the new hydro archon. To them Egeria was a sacred existence which cannot be replaced. She was the purest form of hydro energy, she was the Mistress of all Oceans of Teyvat. Oceanids in comparison to her looked almost like impure forms of hydro. 

Focalors the eldest of them and stronger by a wide margin than the rest of them combined didn't want to force them into submission against their wishes. So, she allowed them to leave Fontaine on their own terms.

Next were the humans, death of a god was a very unusual event for them. Most would not imagine to witness the death of a god in their lifetime, lest their own. Nobody had imagined Egeria who had lead Fontaine for over a thousand years, would one day be gone.

This sudden change had made the human populace restless as they were essentially a country without a god right now. While Focalors identity as Egerias student was common knowledge, no succession plan was know to them. 

Focalors and Kyle had their own different problems in the meantime.

"Delaying your coronation any longer is not feasible, should I start making the preparations?" Kyle asked.

Focalors sighed, her heterochromatic eyes reflecting the weight of the decision before her. "Yes, Kyle, thou art right. We cannot delay any longer. The people need stability, and they need to know that Fontaine still has a protector." She paused, looking out over the city that was now her responsibility. "But this one will not be the one getting coronated."

Kyle looked at her bewildered "What do you mean?"

"Well yes but no, semantics" She replied her eyes radiating amusement.

"Ever wondered what this one was upto for decades before we first met?"

Kyle's brow furrowed, confusion evident in his eyes. "What do you mean, Focalors? What were you up to?"

Focalors lips curved into a faint, amused smile. "It seems there is much thou dost not know about me, Kyle. Before Egeria took thee under her wing, I spent decades at the bottom of the sea floor until barnacles started growing on me thinking of a solution to the prophecy."

Kyle's eyes widened, he of course knew about the prophecy Focalors was talking about. It was Egerias biggest worry and problem which she couldn't seem to find a solution to solve, the prophecy which said that all inhabitants of Fontaine are born with sin that cannot be absolved. The prophecy also states that one day, the water levels in Fontaine will rise, and all individuals with sin will be drowned and dissolved, with only the Hydro Archon remaining, weeping on her throne.

"Did.. Did you find a solution to it?" Kyle asked hopefully

Focalors smile remained, but it carried a hint of sadness. "I have pondered the prophecy for many years, Kyle. The weight of it is immense, and the solution is not simple. The prophecy foretells a grim fate, one that Egeria and I both feared. But I believe there is a way to challenge it, to change our destiny."

Kyle's eyes were wide with anticipation. "What is it? What can we do?"

Focalors took a deep breath, her gaze steady and determined. "The prophecy speaks of sin that cannot be absolved, but it also speaks of the power of the Hydro Archon. If we can find a way to purify the waters of Fontaine and cleanse the sins of its people, we might be able to alter the course of our fate."

Kyle listened intently, his mind racing with possibilities. "But how do we do that? How do we cleanse the sins of an entire nation?"

"For that, we will require the help of an old friend, the old dragon," Focalors replied, her voice steady and confident.

Kyle frowned, puzzled. "Neuvillette? How will he help us? I don't think his current powers are sufficient enough to wash away the sins of Fontaine."

Kyle had met the distinguished man on a few occasions. As the successor of the hydro dragon, Neuvillette's presence had been sensed by Egeria, who invited him to live in Fontaine a few centuries ago.

Although he had refused to live directly among humans, preferring the solitude of a quiet hill near the sea, he was a frequent visitor to the city. He was curious, often experimenting with human literature, food, and fashion. More importantly, he was powerful—awfully so—and Kyle was sure he had taken action to help with the beast waves when Fontaine was in danger.

"It just means we will need to give him his power back." Focalors said stepping out and stretching out her hands, as if expecting praise for coming up with a brilliant plan.

Kyle was horrified.

There's a new honkai fic on my profile if you're interested. It's just a translation so it'll not affect the updates on this fic. Thanks for all the support.

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