
Testing Sample of Girlfriend Rental System: In Isekai World...

Author: shubhamgosai
Ongoing · 239.3K Views
  • 170 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is Testing Sample of Girlfriend Rental System: In Isekai World...

Read ‘Testing Sample of Girlfriend Rental System: In Isekai World...’ Online for Free, written by the author shubhamgosai, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering REINCARNATION Fiction, R18 Light Novel, HAREM Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Looking back, I had nothing in every single life. I had been covered in the darkness, because of a single star, shining ...


Looking back, I had nothing in every single life. I had been covered in the darkness, because of a single star, shining brighter in my fate. But Now... If my enemy had a hero, I had a heroine by my side... If the enemy had a powerful demon by their side, I had a descendant of angle by my side. If the enemy had a demon lord by their side, I had a Goddess by my side. If the enemy had a noble behind him, I had the princess of that country by my side. If the enemy had a king behind her back, Then I had an Empress by my side... There is nothing, I could ask for as I have a rental girlfriend by my side. Dating those beautiful ladies, made my days worth living them... But I had a mission to save a world, so guys will you read this novel of mine, filled with love, lust, action, and adventure of a boy in the Isekai world? The picture doesn't belong to me, for this competition. I hope the artist will allow, me to use it for my novel. If not, please contact me inside the novel;

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
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The story has a lot of potential and is nicely written. Keep it up. Chapters are a little less but overall the start is quite good. 😊😊😊😊😊


Because English is not my first language, I have a certain level of tolerance when it comes to writing quality, but this story is just bad; the grammar is bad, the sentence structure is all over the place, the punctuation is use incorrectly, and some words are misused.




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