

"...here we are at the scene of the crime, but it appears we have arrived too late, the Police of Organized Ability Crime has already detained the perpetrators. There they are placing them into custody. It seems that all the rumors of the P.O.A.C being incompetent are just that, rumors. Let us see if we can get a statement from one of their officers."

The camera followed the reporter to a nearby officer wearing a grey overcoat. The man seemed to sense the approaching civilians and turned before the reporter could even call his attention. The man was probably the closest thing you could imagine a military commander to look like, except he was missing all the badges that they usually have all on their persons. This, however, did not stop him from having an aura of authority that stopped the reporter in place for a second when his eagle-like gaze swept over them.

The reporter, after the pause, continued to walk over to the officer, but with a more professional air to their step until they arrived near enough to greet him. "Good evening officer, we are from ONE News and we were hoping you could give us a statement for our viewers." The reporter said this with a slightly embarrassed tone due to the earlier show of fear.

The officer looked at the reporter for a solid five seconds without a change of expression which made the whole scene awkward until he slowly moved his head to look at the camera. He looked at the camera for another five seconds which unsettled the cameraman as you could see the camera shake a bit under his gaze. The officer then abruptly showed a wide grin and positioned himself to be straight as a spear and gave a salute. He took a deep breath and shouted with fervor.

"We protect with honor because we save the people, not hunt the guilty! We serve with pride because we hope to inspire others to feel safe! We uphold the beliefs of the people, for the people!"

This sudden outburst left the reporter stunned. The officer lowered his hand and continued with the same fervor, albeit lower voice, "Gifts like what we have shouldn't be squandered and should instead be used to improve everyone's livelihood. Although we, the Police of Organized Ability Crime, hope that we don't have to use our abilities against others, do so for the common people. If anyone is interested in our cause and wish to help those in need, we are always accepting applications." Once he finished his speech he left, "...just like that?" the reporter said exasperated.

"Well everyone, although we couldn't get a rundown on what occurred here we will keep you updated. Now back to those in the studio."

As the screen switched to those in the studio, the recording ended and the person watching clenched his fists. In front of the TV was a boy who had his eyes opened wide and was leaning forward. His mouth opened just as wide as the reporter earlier, except he wasn't just stunned, he was inspired.