

I set the little black kitten on the bed and turn to get changed. Obviously, I know she isn't actually a kitten, but I've got demon blood on me, and I want to take a shower before I start cooking. There will be a lot of guests this evening, and I need to start soon.

My shirt comes off, and I reach down to grab another from the drawer. I feel a pair of warm and soft breasts pressed to my back as I stand up. I pause for a moment before continuing to prepare myself.

I take a slow breath. "Kuroka, as much as I'd love to play this game with you, I need to take a shower so I can prepare dinner. I have a lot of company coming over and only so much time."

"Ophis told me you could help me see Shirone, nya," she says. I feel the edge of her claws scrape against my skin. "If you're lying, I'll-"

Kuroka is caught off guard as I spin and catch her around the throat. Lifting her in the air, she squirms and struggles to free herself before I give her a little shake. "You'll what Kuroka? Keep following around those fools and lending weight to the words of the filth that framed you?"

I slam her naked body down on the bed and drop my weight on top of her. "Threaten me or those I care about again, and I'll turn you into little more than an onahole to clean my cock in between orgies. Koneko is a sweet girl who was traumatized and seemingly abandoned, and she doesn't need you acting like a fool. She needs her sister. Or would you rather I continue being her big brother?"

"Don't touch Sh-"

"Shut up," I say, annoyed. "What Koneko and I do or don't do is none of your concern right now. She is perfectly safe, and nothing will happen without her enthusiastic, probably moaning consent. You, on the other hand, are a problem right now.

To be honest, I thought you wouldn't arrive for a day or two when this evening's activities were over and the events of tomorrow will be behind us. I am going to have a houseful of devils tonight, and most of them are still unaware of you being framed as a brutal unhinged killer and will likely alert some authority if they find you before we've straightened them out.

So, I need you to stay cute and kitten-like until such point in time as I can arrange things. In fact, I suggest you wait here in my bedroom until morning. Do that, and I guarantee you private time with Koneko and allies aplenty to help keep you both together.

Now, are you going to be a good kitten, or am I going to turn you into a sex slave and have to rush to put dinner together?"

'I think she'd like option two, honestly,' Ddraig says. Kuroka's erect nipples and the wet spot forming on the bedspread around her nether region were pretty obvious.

[Yeah, Issei, you should probably stop giving horny nymphomaniacs that option.]

'Never,' I think back with a mental grin.

Kuroka nods as much as she can with my hand around her throat. I release her throat and a cleansing sigh. "Damn, I was kinda hoping you'd go with the second option."

She frowns at me. "Now," I say. "This is what's going to happen. I'm going to take a shower and then make dinner for..."

I start counting in my head.

[Assuming everyone shows up who you invited and Kuroka gets food as well, you're at approximately forty-two people.]

'Holy shit,' I think. 'Well, I guess it's a good time to practice time magic.'

Looking back at Kuroka, I sigh once more. "More than forty people."

She shudders. "Why so many? How are you going to manage that?"

"I haven't been learning time magic for no reason," I say with a shrug. "Now, do you want to join me in the shower, or would you like to curl up on the bed?"

"Pfft. You wish. Just because you caught me off guard doesn't mean you qualify to be my mate," she says.

I smirk. "Sweetheart, I have the blood of gods, demons, heroes, and dragons in me. I have the strongest bloodline you've ever even heard of, and on top of that, I can fuck you to give you power. Every woman I'm with will become more powerful than you could ever dream of, including your little sister when she's ready. It's not if I 'qualify' to be your mate. It's if I let you be mine."

[This is a different side of you, Issei.] Sasami says.

'Yeah, she's been playing the bad girl for so long she almost believes she is one. I need to disabuse her of that, or she'll cause problems later on. The only thing to do is to remind her that she's not the badest bitch in town.'

[But you do want her in the harem, right?]

'Oh, fuck, yes. Have you seen her? I've fucked six succubi today, and I still want to drain my balls into that pussy.'


'Sorry, I've got a thing for catgirls, I guess.'

[Hide Ryo-Ohki!]


'Very funny,' I think in the drollest tone I can manage without laughing.

I start walking away from Kuroka and enter the bathroom off my room. If she wants to follow, she can. I start the shower, and just as I start to soap up, I hear the door open and close. I look over and see Kuroka standing there.

"D-don't get the wrong idea," she says. "I just want to be clean for when I meet Shirone."

"Sure. If that's what you need to say," I say back. "Could you pass me the shampoo?"

She walks over and grabs a bottle, and brings it to me. I take the bottle and start to wash my hair. I see her staring at me out of the corner of my eye. She seems intently focused on the lower half. "You can join me, you know. You don't have to stand there staring. I promise it won't bite," I say.

She shakes herself a little, then nonchalantly steps into the shower. "Here," I say, and I lean across her. She twitches a little as I turn on another showerhead. I rinse my hair and look over at her as she runs her hands over her voluptuous curves.

'Stay down. Stay down. Now is not the time,' I think to my dick.

"Would you like me to wash your back?" I say with a smile.

She rolls her eyes but turns and looks back at me over her shoulder. I grab the soap and am about to start when-

"Issei," Asia calls. "Are you in here?"

I let out a sigh. "You stay here. I'll take care of it," I say and grab a towel to wrap around myself. As I open the door, Kuroka suddenly rushes past me, snatching away the towel around my waist and diving into the room, transforming into her cat form.

I follow her in and hear Asia say, "Oh, what a cute kitty!"

I'm naked in my room with an excommunicated nun kneeling directly in front of me, petting a cat, with her face at the perfect height to get slapped with my cock. I step back but not before Asia lifts her head and drags the length of my schlong over her face.

Kuroka rolls over, and I'm positive that she's laughing her kitty ass off as Asia just sits there staring at the third leg that just was dragged over her face and lips. She reaches up and touches those little cupid bow lips with her fingers and then looks at the penis in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Asia. This naughty pussy pulled my towel off as I was coming in. If you hand me-" I say but am interrupted.

"So, this is what miss Raynare was talking about," Asia says as she reaches out and touches my dick. Kuroka is no longer laughing; she is staring as dumbfounded as I am at the former nun sliding her hand over the skin of my johnson.

"The skin feels all silky. It's nice. Miss Kalawarner said that if I lick it, it will make something sweet. Can I try?" Asia says.


"Oh! It's bigger," she says. "Miss Mittelt was right. I can't fit my hand the whole way around it."

I groan as she tries to squeeze to touch her fingers together. "How in heaven did miss Raynare fit this in her mouth?"

"Asia. Asia, as much as I don't want to say this, would you mind stopping that?" I say, struggling to control myself. Anyone else and I'd be all about what was happening, but Asia is far too innocent, and I would feel bad about myself later if I succumb to my urges now.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Asia says in a panic. "I didn't-"

"Asia, stop," I say, sit her on the edge of the bed, and kneel in front of her. No! Not that way. Her clothes are staying on... for now.

"Listen, Asia," I say, focusing on her eyes. Her big, innocent, emerald-green eyes. Eyes you want to drown yourself in as you drive your-... I shake my head, the one up top to clear my thoughts. "Listen, Asia, if you're curious about sex, I will find someone to help you learn about it. Don't listen to those three; they're not qualified to teach you about the ins and outs of love and sex."

"Was I doing it wrong?" she asks innocently.

I laugh. "No, not at all, but do you understand why you do it?"

"Um, miss Mio says you should do it with someone you love, but miss Maria says that I should do it with you because then I could be their sister too."

I rub the spot between my eyes, trying to stave off the impending headache. I need to talk with Maria. Most of these girls have had no mother figures in their lives, and the ones that have had them were in some fucked up situation with them. Mio probably had the most normal upbringing, thanks to her foster parents.

I've been putting something off for a while now, but I think I need to get it done after tonight. I feel something brush against my penis as I'm collecting my thoughts. Looking down, I see Kuroka in her Nekoshou catgirl form reaching out, her cat ears twitching and her twin cat tails swishing behind her as her fingers brush along the shaft.

I swat at her hand and try to keep my focus on Asia. "I'm going to get dressed. Why don't you go downstairs and prep the ingredients so I can make dinner for all of us."

"Oh! That's why I came up to see you," she says. "There were two phone calls for you. One was from someone named Kurumu, and she said that her mom will be coming with them tonight, and the other was from someone named Carrera that said to set two more places at the dinner table."

Aw, Hell. I just nod. "Alright, I better get going. Thanks, Asia. We'll talk more later, alright."

"Un. Okay," she says, nodding with a bright smile, gets up, and walks out of the room.

As soon as the door closes, Kuroka's face collides with my cock. It's oddly not overly sexual, more like a primal instinct. "What the fuck?! What am I, catnip?" I ask, seeing her practically trying to roll herself in my lap.

"Kuroka. What are you doing?"

"It just... smells so good. I take back what I said before. You can be my mate. You can be Shirone's mate. Just let me have this!"

Now I know she's broken. 'Sasami, what the fuck is wrong with her?'

[I think it's a combination of things, Issei. She felt how powerful you were before, which affected her primal instincts to find a strong mate. You also produce powerful pheromones due to your dragon lineage and Harem King's Blessing; your sweat, blood, saliva, and semen have a similar effect to Dash of Ambrosia. These pheromones, fluids, and scents are particularly effective against those beast-type humanoids with heightened senses of smell and taste.]

'So... I am catnip.' I think.

[Pretty much.]

'Great,' I think, ironically. Well, to be fair, part of me really does believe that's great. Right now, though, I need to get my ass in gear. I have forty-five mouths to feed.




Last night's training session was a significant boon to my understanding of time magic. I was flying through preparing multiple-course dinners for forty-five with the help of Asia, Zest, and Maria and the magical assistance of the Sherlock sisters. We managed to get the time dilation in the kitchen down to six to one between the three of us.

Covering the palates of forty-plus people is a no-go in general, so I'm taking a shotgun approach and preparing a few different family-style meals from around the world. Rice dishes, noodle dishes, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, French, beef, pork, chicken, fish, vegetables; our dining table looked like the buffet at the United Nations.

Cleaning up the kitchen, I can't help but t mumble, "'Hey honey, what did you do at work today? 'Not much, fucked six succubi, killed a demon noble, and fought off a dragon god.' 'That's nice; what are you making for dinner?'"

Ding Dong.

The front doorbell rings. Maria calls out, "I'll get it."

A moment later, she yells out, "It's the Sitri Peerage."

"And so it begins," I say.

I walk out to the living room, which I expanded to accommodate a large number of guests, filled with comfortable couches, chairs, chaise, and even large bean bags for the discerning lounger.

Ten girls stand looking around the place. "Welcome to our home. It's nice to see you all," I say. "Please, have a seat. Once everyone arrives, we can have dinner and discuss what I asked you all here for."

"Orgy!" Maria yells from the other side of the room, and some of the girls of the Sitri Peerage pale.

"Maria," I say with a scolding tone. "There will be no orgy... for now." I sort of mumble that last part.

Maria is visibly disappointed, and surprisingly one or two of the Sitri Peerage are as well.

Sona and Tsubaki introduce me to the rest of the peerage. Her Bishops, Momo Hanakai, a beautiful girl with white hair and aqua-marine-colored eyes, and Reya Kusaka, a pretty soft-spoken girl with auburn hair and milk chocolate eyes. I'd met her Knights previously, Saeko Busujima and Tomoe Meguri. Tomoe I'd met during our assault on Castle Douchebag early today.

Tsubasa Yura is a rough-and-tumble girl, which suits her position as Rook quite well. She is fairly tall, though not as tall as Kalawarner; she has an aggressive demeanor with azure hair and dark blue eyes. She shakes my hand and tries to squeeze. 'Go ahead, challenge a dragon, sweetie.' I just smile at her picturing this feisty girl moaning and begging under my tender ministrations.

Finally, there are the Pawns. I already know Rei Miyamoto since we live next door to each other. There is also Ruruko Nimura, a cute girl with brown hair tied up in twin tails and pretty green eyes that twinkle with impish delight.

The last member of the Sitri Peerage is Rikka Kajiurra. I'm a little surprised to see her here. I didn't realize she was part of the Student Council or Sona's Peerage. She isn't from Issei's world of chess-based peerages; she's from Basara's. Since she's the Secretary, she must have taken Saji's place.

A few minutes later, more people start showing up. First is Aika Kiryuu with Claudia Ptolemy and Arin Kannazuki dragging a red-faced Lilith Asami who says, "Sorry to intrude." while bowing deeply.

I just shake my head and laugh at her. "You were invited. There is no intrusion. Relax, Lilith," I say, resting a calming hand on her shoulder... I may have also thrown a little of Min's Touch in there. "I want you here."

Her face turns atomic red, and I'm sure if this were animated, steam would be gushing from her ears. "W-w-w-well, th-th-thank you for having me," she says once again, bowing unnecessarily deeply.

At some point, I found Levi Kazama sitting on one of the couches near the corner of the room, eating appetizers. I kind of figured she would just sneak in when no one was looking.

I was about to walk over and greet her when I was interrupted by a loud "Darling!"

'Oh, this night just got more interesting,' Ddraig says. I can feel her amusement.

'Oh, snap. I forgot that I invited her,' I think to myself. Looking over, I see a freaked-out Mira Yamana with Akio Fudo staring at the bouncing tits of a happily waving Shizuka Marikawa. Behind her, I can see Rika Minami's purple hair as she holds her face in embarrassment at the antics of her dear friend.

I'm a little surprised, honestly. I suppose I'll need to educate Rika a little faster than anticipated, especially since it's pretty apparent that this auditorium-sized room would not fit inside an originally four-bedroom house. But looking at Rika, she doesn't seem that surprised. I frown, wondering just what she knows and how.

But that line of thought disappears when the bouncing bosom of the super sexy Shizuka starts heading in my direction. I hold out my arms as she leaps at me, arms, lips, and tits first. I catch her and spin her around, planting a gentle kiss on her lips before setting her feet back on the ground.

She pouts a little. "Is that all I get, Darling?"

I shake my head. "For now, Honey. You don't want all your sisters to get jealous, do you?"

She looks around at the more than twenty-five women around the room, and her eyes widen in awe. "A-are they all my sisters?" she asks.

"No," I say, and leaning forward conspiratorially, I whisper, "Not yet, anyway, but there are several here that would say they were."

She starts to vibrate with excitement and bounces up and down, giggling. I nod my head towards the room. "Why don't you go say hi? I need to talk to Rika for a minute."

"Okay," she says and kisses me once more before bouncing into the room to talk to the other women.

I watch her shapely rump bound towards the unsuspecting masses and appreciate the jiggle. "Ahem," someone clears their throat behind me to draw my attention.

Turning back, I find Rika frowning at me. I smile. "Miss Minami, it's a pleasure to see you again. I hope you got some of the cookies I left for the two of you."

She blushes, remembering the night we met and the long wet introduction she got. "Yes, they were good," she says.

I raise an eyebrow at her. Tsk. "Fine, they were amazing, and I felt amazing after I ate them. What the hell did you put in them anyway?"

I smile. "Just some of my essence."

Her eyes widen, and she looks toward my crotch. "You mean-"

"What?" I say, incredulous at the direction of her thoughts. "No, magic. Everything I cook absorbs some of my magic and infuses it with divine energy... Perv."

She blushes furiously. "W-well, but... the taste... and it just seemed like-" she stops and deflates a little.

I barely manage to avoid laughing. "So, you don't seem too surprised by... all this. May I ask why not?"

Pulling herself together, she says, "I got nervous after our encounter the other day and ran a background check. I hit a big thick wall about anything around you and your family. It screamed GO AWAY in big block letters, so I called my cousin in one of the special units of the military and had her do some digging.

It turns out you're even more special than I thought. Exiled from the Hero Clan at age seven-no information why, son of someone referred to as 'the War God,' no information on your mother, and your adopted sister is on the watch list for potentially catastrophic magical disasters. Did I miss anything?"

I nod. "Oh, yes. Quite a lot, actually. For starters, are you aware that this entire town is under the jurisdiction of the Devil Faction and it is run out of Kuoh Academy? The young lady sipping tea over there is one of the two Devil princesses this town has been placed under.

In fact, there are three fallen angels, no less than eight magi, ten plus devils, and three demons in this room alone. Also, at least two sentient magical life-forms and one excommunicated nun with a magical ability to heal any injury short of death. By the way, she's the one that Shizuka is currently suffocating with her breasts.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's not nearly as nefarious as it sounds, and please don't let names like 'devil' and 'fallen angel' worry you too much. They're people. There are good and evil in every group, and the world is not painted in black and white. I really hope you'll stay, but I'd understand if you wanted to run."

Rika's complexion pales as much as her caramel-colored skin will let it, but she holds it together. "Can I ask you one question?"

I smile. "You can ask me anything you want, and I will answer as honestly as I can."

She swallows nervously. "What did you do to get exiled at seven from the Hero Clan?"

"That is a good question. The short answer, the one the elders of the Hero Clan would give you, is my power went out of control, and I leveled a mountain killing people. The long answer is that the elders needed to hide the reason why my powers went out of control, and blaming a seven-year-old kid's out-or-control powers was easier than taking responsibility for what I assume was a set-up."

"You leveled a mountain at seven with your 'power?' How?"

I smile. "If you stay the night-" seeing her about to deny my request, I hold up a hand. "Nothing sexual; there are just some things that will require us to stay the night for me to explain everything fully. I promise I will give you a satisfactory explanation. You'll have your own room, or you can share one with Shizuka. Actually, that would be helpful to keep her from trying to sneak into my room tonight."

"I didn't bring any pajamas," she says, looking for an excuse.

"Not a problem," I say and conjure a small bag with a set of lavender-colored silk pajamas in her size inside. "Even if you don't stay, you can keep the pajamas. Now, may I ask you a question?"

She licks her lips as she has never seen magic performed right in front of her and nods.

"Your cousin. Who is she? I don't recall you having one."

"Her name is Yoruichi, and what do you mean you don't recall me having one?" she asks, frowning.

"That's part of the explanation for later tonight. Now, if you'll excuse me, there are others I have to greet."

I step away from her before she can ask anything else. I'll have plenty of time to fill her in on the whole story if she stays the night.

Finally, I made it to Akio and Mira. "Well, I'm pleasantly surprised to see you two came. Welcome."

Akio smiles her tough-gal grin. "Well, I heard you were a hell of a cook, so I wanted to compare notes."

I smile back at her. Mira, on the other hand, is frowning. "Miss Mira, it's nice of you to come."

She mumbles something that even I can't hear, and Akio smacks her lightly in the back of the head. Mira deflates a little. "I said, 'Thank you for helping Lilith before.'"

Ahem. Akio clears her throat. Mira blushes. "And for helping me. Sorry for jumping to conclusions."

I blink. Damn. I wasn't expecting that.

I open my mouth to say something but my cellphone dings, and the doorbell rings simultaneously. I hold up a finger. "We'll talk more later. Thank you for coming."

I start to walk towards the door and check my cell phone. The text is from Lars. (Called back to Demon Realm. Can't make it tonight. See you in class.)

I just texted back (O.K., Stay Safe). It's probably for the best. I doubt he and Mio really want to do the whole reminiscing thing with a bunch of people who didn't even know the deceased.

I open the door and see Yuki staring daggers at Yuuki, and the reverse is true as well. Behind them is the rest of Rias' Peerage, minus the guys, looking sheepish. Gasper is still in lockdown, and Kiba is probably on patrol tonight just in case something kicks off in the city.

Seeing the two glaring at each other, I let out a sigh. 'It's going to be an interesting night.'

Word Count: 4228


That took a while and I didn't even get to dinner yet. I'll try to get eh next one out a little faster. The only question I have is, how much of the Dreamscape time do people want me to focus on? It's mostly about relationship building and training. There are a lot of relationships to work on.

Besides work and real-life stuff, I've also worked on other projects. Two Fan Fictions and an OC based on the idea of a FF of a story that doesn't exist. I'm not planning to release them until they've gotten 15k words.

One of them, The Adventures of Siegfried Solomon, finally got to that point, and I have posted it. It is a Danmachi FF. The MC transmigrates into the world and is adopted into a non-canon Familia with ties to the Takemikazuchi Familia.

There will be plenty of lemony goodness and some Harem action, but I may try to be a little more descriptive in the fight scenes this time around. I need to get into a better groove with those.

Sue_D_Nymncreators' thoughts
Next chapter