
Test of the Divine

In a world filled with uncaring Gods and oblivious mortals, Damon is on a quest for revenge. After his entire life was upended by a callous God, he has been searching for the power he needs to save his friends. Will his new godly powers be able to help him resist the tides of fate, or will he be swept away? Thanks for taking the time to read the synopsis. I’m a new writer and so I’d like to hear any feedback from you guys. My upload schedule also might be spotty since I have exams and AP tests coming up but I will do my best to keep it to around one chapter a day. I hope you enjoy. I do not own this cover art. If the owner wishes for me to take it down, please contact me. I plan to upload chapters at 21:00 UTC. I’m still trying to work with the weird time zone conversion so it may vary.

ExamPL3 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Creativity Or Power

Damon brandished a fiery whip as he turned back towards the other two Psykers.

Both men's faces paled as they saw their ally's head fall into the abyss.

The culprit had a menacing smile on his face as he shot towards them. In front of him was a shimmering wall of shields and spears. For Damon had abandoned his sword in favor of a quicker and more unpredictable approach. He just didn't have the time or strength to match both of them at once.


Damon grabbed the golden armaments using his whip, swung them back and, using a bit of wind, released all of them towards one of the Psykers.


The Psyker to his left was the unlikely recipient of such a surprise. Compared to the first man, however, he was much better prepared. Even then, he still grimaced as he prepared to block this devil's attack.

To counter this, the man summoned and sent a massive block of rock towards the wall of gold. This way, the two objects would send each other off course.


Although the golden spears decimated parts of the earthen wall, both objects were still sent flying off into the distance.

The man, even with this cause for celebration, continued to grimace as he flew towards the Devil.

In the meantime, Damon had already closed in on the other Psyker.

To counter the whip, the Psyker had summoned a tower shield and accompanying sword. This way he could protect himself from any sudden attacks. He was prepared to not suffer a fate like Martin's.

Imbuing his sword with flame, the Psyker sent slashes of blazing fire towards Damon.

Damon continued to smile crazily as he rapidly flared his thrusters and dodged the slashes. While dodging, he summoned a new weapon to fight the Psyker.

A giant sword made entirely of blue flame sprung up in his hand. Ignoring the scalding of his upper body, Damon prepared another layer of death. This layer of death, however, would almost certainly be his last.

Conversely, the Psyker had created swords of light. He could remotely control these weapons while flying due to his powerful mind. The presence of these swords also secured his flank from most attacks.

As both of the men closed in, Damon acted first. Swinging his massive sword, Damon struck the tower shield.


The shield held strong but the Psyker was still affected. Some of the blue flames had flown off the blade and consequently burned him severely.

"AHHHHHH!" He screamed as his body was momentarily paralyzed by pain.

Taking advantage of this, Damon shot towards the man's flank and prepared another massive swing.


Blue fire and golden light collided between Damon and the Psyker. He had been forced to swing early due to the rapid approach of the swords of light.

As Damon struggled against the swords of light, a man with blackened skin and crazed eyes appeared behind him. Not giving up this golden opportunity for revenge, the man completely drained his energy.

In response, tens of golden swords manifested in front of him. The swords shot forward as they prepared to turn Damon into a human pincushion.


Hearing the wind being cut with rapid speed, Damon hurriedly created a barrier of golden light all around him. Unfortunately, this barrier ate up much of his remaining essence.

Left with little energy, Damon unsheathed his greatsword and prepared to fight.

By now, three of the other Psykers had fallen in battle against the knights. The first one had fallen because he underestimated the knights. The other two, however, were overwhelmed by the numbers of knights that began to domino. The first died to the four knights within moments and the next was instantly culled by a combination of six knights.

The last two Psykers had enough time to group up as they used their abundance of energy to hold off. They had created a silver barrier around themselves that the knights were currently besieging.

To secure his victory, Damon called two of the knights to help him. Although they only had half of their energy left, it should be enough to defeat the spent Psyker.

As the two knights closed in, the man inwardly despaired. His mask of stoicism and indifference shattered as reality knocked on his door.

Moments later, the man was cut into fourths by the knights as a broken expression decorated his mangled face.

Damon now turned toward the silver dome, floating high in the sky. He flew over as he made a plan to quickly dispatch the two men.

Although his knights couldn't manifest attacks due to their lack of a developed soul, they could still disperse mana into things. Like their weapons or armor.

He planned to take advantage of this by combining the energy of the knights into an attack created and managed by him. Similar to someone using some batteries to charge up a toy lightsaber.

Creating the outline of a massive golden fireball, Damon called his knights back.

Although their energy was much less potent than his, quantity has a quality of its own.

The Psykers, contained within their silver prison, noticed the pause in attacks. Although they were curious, they still didn't release the silver barrier. Afterall, this barrier was the only reason they were still alive.

Suddenly, a loud roaring sound could be heard as the fireball was completely charged.

Within moments of the sound reverberating within the silver dome, the duo would both reach a terrifying conclusion

"They've been preparing an attack! Reinforce the barrier!" One yelled with panic evident in his eyes.

They quickly contracted and simultaneously thickened the barrier in the direction where they heard the sound originate. As their reserves continued diminishing and with no attacks coming, both of them frowned in confusion.



A golden fireball, now much smaller than before, shot to their sides as they looked on in horror. Although they tried to turn the silver barrier, due to the amount of essence poured into the already heavy object, they couldn't make it move nearly fast enough.


Damon watched on as the golden fireball consumed both men in a glorious cremation of flesh and blood. He sighed in relief as the last sounds of battle faded, as did his previously maddening expression.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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