

Demon1: "Hey, who the hell are you? Where do you think you are going?"

Daimon: *Ignoring and walking straight to Junnu*

Demon2: "Get him, we shall have the feast tonight."

Daimon gets up and begins to shiver it's like, as if, the flames are coming out of his body. You can't see them, but it can be felt throughout the place. Fishpu and others were in shock as they have never seen Daimon like that. Even the demons are frozen in their place. As if, if they move they are going to be killed. 

I can't believe it, he had that kind of power and he never even let anyone know about. Well it does makes sense somehow. His family appeared here out of nowhere, they were living normally but we never saw him. But the day his house caught on fire. There was something fishy, when we only saw him survive. And as for others, we couldn't even find their corpses. Everyone assumed they were abusing him and they decided to burn him that day to end all of this. Maybe they knew what kind of monster he was.

Annie: "DAAAIMOOON, take Junnu and run"

Before anyone could comprehend what happened Annie just rushed past through all of them and stood in front of the demons, maybe to create distraction to save Junnu. Fishpu was at loss for words he is not able to move as he is not able to comprehend what is going on here. 

Hey, what the hell is she doing there.

Then a wind passed by him and took out monster with a single hit. That wind was Moosie. As soon as he saw Annie walking there, he couldn't stop himself and went there and one shotted. that demon.

Hey, there is something wrong. I see everyone here. But, where is Sarah? She was behind me. She's not there. Where is she? Behind the tree. NO. Where are yo-

Fishpu: "AAAAAAHHHHH, what the HELL are you doing?"

Sarah: "What do you think? I am going to beat those guys up."