
Terror Infinity: Monster

"Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live… a real life?" It all started with this unassuming message. Most people would ignore it, clicking ‘No’ by instinct more than careful consideration. But for those unfortunate enough to click on ‘Yes’, a whole new world unfolds before them. Several, if they are talented. All so they may experience… Terror Infinity.

SlyOW · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs


To read up to 15 chapters ahead: https://www.patréon.com/SlyOW


Using Force Valor and lightening myself through the Force, I made a great leap towards the sea, and for a moment felt like I was on the moon as I leapt past several buildings, reaching the sea in less than a minute.

By the time I reached the water, it was almost impossible to hold Isobu as an energy form any longer, but I had still managed to arrive in time as I threw Isobu as far as I could.

The deep blue energy ball quickly expanded and morphed into a giant turtle-crab hybrid as the Tailed Beast took physical form. The people in the port looked on in awe, before mayhem took over as they ran to safety.

In this world, Tailed Beasts were akin to disasters, and having one appear so close would usually mean a catastrophe was about to happen.

However, Isobu was completely chill as he looked down at me in the real world for the first time, and thanked me in his deep voice, "You were saying the truth. Thank you for your help, Alexander Venator."

He turned towards the Mizukage's tower, and asked, "Are you sure you don't want me to help?"

I smiled and replied, "I appreciate the proposition, but you would cause too much damage. I'm here to kill the Mizukage, and I don't want to implicate the innocent people of the village."

Isobu scoffed at that, "I see no innocence in this place, but suit yourself. Goodbye."

I nodded, and Isobu started sinking into the sea. However, as he did, a Shinobi suddenly jumped from a building, weaving multiple handsigns as he screamed, "Get out of my village demon!"

I was about to act, when Isobu swished one of his tails, striking the Shinobi before he could finish his jutsu.

The man was hit so hard I lost sight of him for a moment, before he splattered on the ground. That's right, splattered.

Isobu snorted, and dived into the sea, leaving the terrified people of Kirigakure behind, as well as a splatter. I could hardly tell it used to be human.

I did not get to dwell on this for long though as I felt a warning coming the Force. A large group of powerful people were rapidly moving, and a sense of crisis was quickly forming through the city.

It seemed Isobu's release had been the signal for the Mizukage's forces to move out.

However, I quickly came to a realization as I delved deeper into the Force, to feel the Mizukage's forces. They didn't know where our base was, as they weren't heading for it, but for me instead.

They probably thought that wherever Isobu came out would be where our base was, as no one should have been able to tell Isobu was within the base.

Unfortunately, I hadn't mastered the Mind Arts of either the Jedi or the Sith well enough to use telepathy over such distances, meaning I couldn't warn our forces the Mizukage was heading here with his forces.

Oh well, I won't have to hold back.

Moments later, figures flashed into sight as the port was instantly filled with Shinobis, either standing on the roofs of the buildings or in the shadows, looking down at me.

My coat billowing into the wind, I calmly looked upon the hundreds of Shinobis looking down at me, before locking gaze with the old man leading them.

He was dressed in a deep blue coat himself, and had long grey hair sorted with beads. Despite his age, his gaze was cold and ruthless. He had obviously experienced many things.

After a short stand-off, he was the first to break the silence, "I assume you are the famous Alexander, Chief Enforcer of the Akatsuki. It was brave of you to lead the demon out. But foolish to isolate yourself."

As he said that, one of the people next to him, who wasn't wearing Kirigakure's uniform but a set of white clothes and who was sported a rather peculiar tattoo of two red dots between his eyes suddenly rushed at me, screaming with bloodlust ushering out of his body, "Face me!"

He rushed out alone, and judging by his speed, he was Jonin level. Probably one of the Jonins from the Kaguya Clan. No one followed after him though, so this was probably them probing.

The man was fast, covering the distance between us in an instant as he moved almost like a monkey, making for quite the unpredictable footwork.

He did not try to use any Ninjutsu though, and instead directly came for close combat, his right hand going for his sword as he came into range.

The moment he did, I firmly griped my sword's handle, and as I did he suddenly froze up as I used the Force. It was only for an instant, but it was all I needed.

The main technique of the Samurai was the Iaido, which consisted in a rapid, flash-like strike when drawing one's blade. And it was exactly this technique I had mastered best in my time among the Samurai, as in one fluid motion I unsheathed my blade, sliding its razor sharp edge through the man's neck before sheathing my blade back.

The attack was so fast that no blood even had time to sully my blade as the Jonin remained still. I felt no more resistance coming from him as I still held him in place through the Force.

And as I let go of him, his body suddenly crashed down as his head slid off his shoulder, blood gushing out of the clean wound.

Fixing my gaze back on the Mizukage, I grinned as I unleashed my Sith Mind Ability, Horror.

The air around me turned heavy as a blood red aura spread around me, quickly enveloping everyone within as they were forced to experience it.

Because of how widespread it was, it was more of a general feeling of fear, and would be somewhat similar to killing intent in novels. I might be facing a group of expert killers, but the fear induced by my aura was not natural, and could not be resisted by common means.

Still, everyone here had strong Chakra, which gave them some resistance, along with their experience, so none of them left running, but it wasn't the point anyway.

Taking a step forward, I raised both of my arms, and said aloud, "Swamp of the Underworld!"

Swamp of the Underworld was an A Rank Ninjutsu of the Earth Affinity, which I had seen Nagato use. It was quite the powerful Jutsu, which I had no idea how to perform.

And were they in a normal state, they probably would have realized it wasn't normal for someone of my rank to simply yell out my attack.

But with the pressure of Horror, my Sith Mind Ability, some of them were so on edge that they reacted by instinct, and jumped up immediately at my words, rendering themselves vulnerable.

I jerked up my hands in a sudden motions, and the buildings on top of which most Ninjas stood were suddenly lifted from the ground, torn off from their foundations. Then, I suddenly slapped my hands together, and following my motion, the buildings slammed against each other, crushing whoever was in their path.

For those who hadn't taken the bait and didn't jump, they managed to get away in time, but for those in mid-air they could do nothing to dodge as they were instantly crushed to death.

Blood and dust rained down from the devastation as the Mizukage's forces grew disorganized for a moment. The former pirate managed to keep his cool in front of my mysterious powers though as he rapidly weaved handsigns, and finished by slamming his hands into the ground.

Because of the gesture, I expected an Earth Jutsu, but feeling the rumbling of the water behind me I understood it was a Water Ninjutsu instead.

Slamming my hands down just to give the now crushed buildings momentum, I sent a look over my shoulder and saw a giant wave coming at me, threatening to ravage and flood the entire port.

Thankfully, everyone had already left earlier with Isobu's release, leaving only some watching from a distance, but if they died, it was their own responsibility.

With the size of the attack, I understood that the Mizukage was baiting me to approach him, and I did not hold back as I let go of the buildings, as they had built enough momentum to overtake some of the Shinobis and crushed them to death as I rushed at the enemy.