
Terror Infinity: Monster

"Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live… a real life?" It all started with this unassuming message. Most people would ignore it, clicking ‘No’ by instinct more than careful consideration. But for those unfortunate enough to click on ‘Yes’, a whole new world unfolds before them. Several, if they are talented. All so they may experience… Terror Infinity.

SlyOW · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs


To read up to 15 chapters ahead: https://www.patréon.com/SlyOW


With everyone armed, we quickly left the tower for the Saisei Valley, where the meeting between Hanzo and the Yahiko-Nagato pair was supposed to take place.

I was initially afraid the Akatsuki would massively out speed us, considering even Genins were capable of using Shunshin, which allowed the user to move around the speed of sound, but I was worrying for nothing.

"The Shunshin can only be used in short bursts, and isn't suitable to travel long distances, as they would expend their entire Chakra before reaching their target."

This did not come from Kyusuke, or any Shinobi for that matter, but from the teen, who looked promising. I had learned that his name was Jordan, and he was a student from Cambridge.

In any case, out of the entire group, I was actually the fastest one, which made me reconsider the strength levels of this world.

In Canon, several feats were a bit over the top, with light-speed attacks being dodged like nothing and skewed power levels in Shippuden.

But with the Fists of Randagulf, my Muscle Density was boosted to 618, which already started to be seriously superhuman.

Also, I learned from Kyusuke that the Akatsuki only had three trained Shinobi present: Kyusuke himself, the Buddha-like Daibutsu, and Kie.

They had other trained members, of course, but they were in another base, and were actually the ones who had warned us of the arrival of the Konoha Anbu.

Obito shouldn't be too hard, his power was OP, but the main reason he was so devastating was because he faced people who knew nothing about it. When he faced us, he would also think we know nothing about it, which I should be able to use.

Oh, speak of the devil…

As we ran through the seemingly perpetual rain of Ame, we barely left the village, reaching halfway to the Saisei Valley when the space in front of us visibly distorted.

We came to a sudden halt as two figures appeared in front of us. One was a masked human who had warped space, while the other looked like a humanoid, except their face was half white, half black, with plants that formed fly-traps around his head.

Obito Uchiha and Zetsu, the latter of which I did not expect. Was he here in Canon, or is God fucking with us?

"I see you brought unexpected guests… it matters not, you cannot go any further."

His voice was unusually deep, especially for someone his age, as Obito was only 13, according to Jordan. Actually, most of the members of the Akatsuki were teens.

Unsheathing my sword, I grinned and said, "Hanzo is seriously getting old if he thinks two nobodies can stop us!"

Obito rolled his eye, muttering loud enough for me to pick up with my super-hearing, "Zetsu, kill the fodder."

Next to him, the black and white monster made a strange laugh as white figures started emerging from the ground, surrounding us. We were easily outnumbered three to one.

Knowing I couldn't let this tarry any longer, I rushed at Obito with a burst of speed, breaking my Genetic Constraint with a thought.

I knew Obito was arrogant, and probably wouldn't resort to using Genjutsu, if he was even capable of it, but I still decided to avoid looking into his eye, instead focusing on his midsection.

All unnecessary thoughts zeroed out by the unlocked mode, I arrived in front of Obito as fast as I possibly could, and swung my sword with half my strength, upwards.

And just as expected, the sword harmlessly passed through his body, not even touching him. My face morphed into one full of confusion as I looked up, staring into Obito's Sharingan.

But just as my sword exited his illusory body, I felt a slight shift in the Force, and my body moved by itself.

Obito's attention on my face, I felt my instincts warn me about an incoming danger. A kunai was coming for my heart, out of view.

But at the same time, my left fist had already reached him. As powerful as the Sharingan was, it couldn't guard against what it couldn't see, and I was too close to him for him to see it.

Before his kunai could reach me, my fist dug into his solar plexus.

His eye widened as his body suddenly lost its strength.

The solar plexus did not hold any vital organs, yet it was one of the most important weak points in the human body, because it holds a large network of nerves, and hitting it forcefully paralyzes the body, inflaming the nerves.

And that was with a normal punch. What Obito just received, was an armored fist powered by more than 600 Muscle Density.

Strong as his Kamui was, he needed to be conscious to activate it. Knowing the knockout was only temporary, I rotated my body, grabbing my sword with both hands as I slashed it at Obito, going from his left hip to his right shoulder.

My aim was to split him in half. Unfortunately, I felt his body weirdly shift around under his robe as while I did hit him, my sword did not go all the way through.

I was about to follow up to finish him, but my instincts screamed danger at me, so I jumped back, barely dodging a wooden spike in time.

I looked to the side, but saw nothing, and looking back at Obito, Zetsu was now by his side, looking at me with killing intent.

As for Obito, he had regained his consciousness, but he wasn't in a good state. His robe was cut open, showing the long and deep cut in his chest. And from under his robe, a pool of blood was quickly forming, along with a strange white liquid.

Seeing this white liquid, I quickly understood that the White Zetsu connected to Obito was what had saved his life.

[You have saved the Akatsuki! Rewarded 2000 Points and Rank D Reward.]

I would have liked to kill Obito, that certainly would have rewarded me with plenty of Points, but my chance was already gone.

I was a little worried he was going to chase after me, to be honest, but he was looking at me with wariness… did he overestimate me?

Well, let's make that a little more interesting.

Seeing Obito leaning against Zetsu, he was certainly in our realm right now, so I pushed my palm forward. Obito, who clearly didn't expect an attack like that, was suddenly pushed off his feet by the Force Push.

Unfortunately, he didn't crash through the ground, but merely passed through it as he disappeared. I turned my eyes to Zetsu, but he wasn't up for a fight against a stranger as he quickly disappeared into the ground, taking his White Zetsus along with him.

Wiping the blood and Zetsu goo off my blade, I was suddenly zapped, almost making me drop the sword. I snorted, swiping it to the side as I looked at the blood on the ground.

Obito might have been injured more gravely than I thought, since he certainly got electrocuted by the sword attack. That should put him out of commission for a while.

Sheathing my semi-clean sword, I looked down at my watch, and was relieved to find the counter of teammates to still be at 14.

Turning around to look at the group, I saw some that were injured, but overall, they were all still in fighting condition.

The Akatsuki members, on the other hand, while not missing anyone, were looking at me in shock.

Kyusuke approached hesitantly, and asked, "Was-Was that… Mokuton?"

Oh right, by this time Mokuton still is the legendary Kekkei Genkai of the First Hokage, thought to be the strongest Release in the Shinobi world.

I was considering how to answer, when Jordan stepped forward, holding his left arm as he said, "It was. That guy alone would have wiped you all out on his own. But our leader is even stronger."

Well, not really, and Jordan probably knew. However, it was still the right thing to say, as the Akatsuki, who looked at us with doubtful eyes before, now looked in much higher spirits.

Kyusuke studied Jordan and I for a moment, before turning to the other, raising his sword as he cheered, "Let's go save Nagato and Yahiko!"
