

To read up to 15 chapters ahead: https://www.patréon.com/SlyOW

Top 10: 1 Bonus Chapter

Top 5: 2 Bonus Chapters

Top 3: 3 Bonus Chapters

Top 1: One Bonus Chapter every day of the following week!


Because of the Troll's earlier show of regeneration, even when the Troll stopped struggling, I did not let go, and continued hitting it until its face caved in, brains splattering over the nearby rocks.

Panting as I let go of the Troll, I realized I could barely feel my legs. Looking down, I saw that they were covered in blood, as the Frost Troll had scratched its powerful claws across them as he tried to tear me off of it.

My chest hurt, too, and I found it hard to breathe. However, I had won. And without the Genetic Constraint, too.

The battle had been short, yet very intense. Now that I laid on the ground, barely feeling my legs, I regretted not being able to bring more health potions.

Not that they had been useless. Facing the endless Draugr, I had taken quite some damage, but I had managed to keep going thanks to the potions I found here and there.

Taking out three Health Potions, two Stamina Potions and one Magic Potion, I found myself back with two of each potion.

My condition immediately got better however, my connection to the Force, or MP, back to full, while the wave of exhaustion I had felt after the end of the fight was pushed back by a little.

My injuries, despite taking three potions, did not fully heal, but they were closed at least. The pain did get worse, but at least I could use them freely again.

I could have just stayed here for the rest of the day, waiting to be returned to God's Dimension, and fully heal from my injuries there, but I did not intend to come back here tomorrow, so I only rested for a few hours, using Self-Healing to restore some more of my health, before leaving.

My armor, however, despite just getting it, had pretty much been ruined, the legs part completely ravaged by the Troll, along with most of the chest, while the rest was from the Draugrs.

It had now been more than 6 hours since I entered these tombs, and I had faced around a hundred bandits, around 500 to 600 Draugr and one very deadly Frost Troll. And I wasn't even at the end of the dungeon yet.

Definitely not the Bleak Falls Barrow of the game, that's for sure. And to think I had to deal with all that because I wanted to see the Word Wall.

How is the Dragonborn even supposed to get through this?

Besides, this was supposed to be the easiest dungeon in Skyrim, yet I had to face all this. I wonder whether God just did this to mess with me, or if I'm missing something…

Well, I guess I just got to reach the end of this dungeon.

Climbing back up where I had originally been, I continued on the path forward.

I feared the next part would be as extensive as before this point, but luckily enough, the next part was rather similar to the game, as I arrived in a ruined room, left in a mess from one of the walls falling.

The room had enough integrity to remain standing, however, so I wasn't blocked off.

There was a half buried chest in the middle of the room, guarded by a mean looking Draugr. He had a large hammer, and the moment he saw me, he released an inhuman shriek, charging me with the hatred of the undead towards the living.

All things considered, with all the dried blood and the ruined armor, I probably looked worse than it did, but I was still in a good enough state to face it.

Compared to the Troll, the undead was a joke. Dodging under the first hammer strike, I punched it in the lower stomach, forcing it a step back, and spun around the next strike, severing its leg with a clean strike at the knee.

Having fought hundreds of these fuckers in the last few hours, I had already learned how to fight them. They were strong, but slow, and their joints had weakened, which I had learned to aim for.

Down a leg, the Draugr fell to the ground, and from there it was an easy picking.

Once the Draugr died, I moved to the chest, and gave it a good kick. I knew nothing about lockpicking, so to me there were chests I could open, and chests I couldn't.

No chest resisted me in Bleak Falls Barrow.

This one was perhaps the most interesting one so far too as it had a clearly enchanted Hunting Bow within. I had discarded the last one after the spiders in Helgen, because it would take unnecessary space, but this one was enchanted, and thus valuable, so I put it on my back, using the string to attach it around my arm.

And as I continued forward, after a SINGLE room full of Draugrs, I finally arrived at the end of the dungeon. Before me was the locked door, which could only be opened by a Dragon Claw. The Golden Claw.

Solving the puzzle easily, I inserted the Golden Claw, and the door opened before me.

I was greeted with a giant natural cave, illuminated by the moonlight thanks to the large opening above. I was at the top of the mountain, and only now did I realize that I had spent so much time in the dungeon that night had already fallen.

Well, all that's left is a Draugr stuck in a coffin until the Dragonborn learns the Word of Power…

Raising my sword before my eyes, I barely stopped the incoming arrow in time. It had been so strong my arm actually felt numb.

Moving the sword away from my face, I looked at the moonstruck platform, and saw a tall Draugr, standing behind the large coffin, a large bow in its hands.

Of course it woke up before I arrived. And it had a bow.

Of course.

Dodging the next arrow with a sidestep, the ultimate move all but the Dragonborn may learn, I rushed at the Draugr, my steps light as I tried to open the Genetic Constraint.

I was capable of feeling it now, but opening it at will was a bit harder, and so I failed. But as the next arrow came, and I barely dodged it because of the decreased distance, I felt the constraint get weaker.

I jumped onto the platform, and the Draugr fired its last arrow. It never reached me however, as I used Force Push to swat it out of the way. Now, all I have is to finish it before it unsheathes its axe-


As I was about to strike it down, the undead suddenly unleashed a shout at me, and I suddenly felt like a train ran over me.

I could do nothing to resist as I was flung off my feet, sent flying across the room as I felt my limbs sent jolts of pain. Had my Muscle Density been any weaker, my limbs would have broken like twigs.

Still, I wasn't out of danger, as the shout itself isn't the most dangerous. Instead, its the impact.

But as I flew through the air, I felt time slow down in a now familiar fashion as my Genetic Constraint opened by itself.

Twisting my body in the air, I landed on the rock wall like a cat, all four of my limbs connecting to it at the same time.

This allowed me to diffuse the damage from the landing, but it still hurt like hell as I fell to the ground. Moreover, my sword had been flung out of my hand by the shout.

As soon as I landed on the ground, I rolled away, barely dodging an incoming arrow. Grabbing it from the ground, I once again started running towards the Draugr, dodging the arrows more easily than before as I grabbed them in mid air.

My hands were cut open from the friction as I grabbed them mid air, but I ignored the pain as I grabbed a total of four arrows, before once again reaching the platform once again.

The moment I saw it move its mouth once again, I jumped behind the large coffin, but as a second passed, I realized I had been fooled as it did not release another shout.

But this also meant the cooldown from Shouts was a thing, and this Draugr wasn't shouting again so soon.

Guided solely by my instincts this time, I threw the four arrows up and jumped away. As I did, I saw the Draugr already had an arrow nocked into its bow, and was aiming at me.

Then, using the Force, I used another technique I hadn't learned yet, Force Inertia.

It was technically a Sith Ability, but it was also used by Jedis. Its use was to change the Inertia of the user, and was often used to run on walls, among other things.

However, not only did I use a technique I didn't know before, I also used a different version of it, as I didn't change my own Inertia, but the arrows'.

Just as they left the Draugr's sight, they stopped in mid-air, and aligned themselves to aim at the Draugr's weak points.

Then, right as I activated Force Push, the Draugr fired its own arrow.

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