
Terror Infinity: Glitch in the system(Rewrite Ongoing)

Have any of you watched that movie where these group of friends went to vegas, and woke up the next day not knowing what the hell happend the previous night and how they lost one of their friend, just to find out one of them mixed some drug in there drink... well some of you guys know the rest. Point is... I am in that wtf moment, diffirence is I know exactly where I am and I know how fooked I am. This is a Terror Infinity fan-fic, obviously... but now that I'm in it, things might go differently just that this is kinda toss for me cause I roll a dice on some choices and work something out with the results... this is just for fun for me so... yeah just a heads up btw I haven't actually finish reading TI cause of the bad translations. hope you enjoy like I will.

Om_Nom_Nom · Movies
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118 Chs

Ch.36 Don't hold a Grudge...

Enter the beam within thirty seconds. Target locked, starting transportation to The Grudge.

Six people, no, it was Six people and Arnold standing inside the beam.

That same half awake state, by the time they woke up, they were inside a very normal room. The floor was covered with rice straw mats, the rooms were divided by a paper door. By the style and decorations of this room, this was a Japanese house.

The six of them immediately counted the people on the floor. The result terrified them. There were fourteen newbies, including the Six of them would make the difficulty reach twenty.

The more people there were, the more difficult the movie was. In Alien, fifteen people caused God to change the plot and almost wiped them out. And this time, the number of people reached the maximum allowed.

The lit cigarette on Jie's lips fell on the floor as he mumbled, "The Grudge, its The Grudge, and its The Grudge with twenty people difficulty we are..." but as he was about to continue.

Lan recovered from the shock and ran over to the window. This was a residential house. She was looking outside from the second floor, but if she were to look at the house from outside, this house was exactly the same as the one in the movie.

Lan turned around with a pale face and look at Zheng then to Xuan, "You're probably not experienced in this type of movies, let me analyze it this time?"

Xuan nodded silently.

Some newbies had started to wake up, but Lan didnt pay much attention to them. "She began to explain the concept of a Ju-On".

"A Ju-On is when a person filled with grudge dies, that grudge becomes a curse. This curse usually lingers at the place where the person lived. Once someone enters this place, this person will be killed by the curse. The cursed place in this movie is this house!"

Lan touched her forehead and continued. "Once someone gets cursed in this movie, that person will definitely die. Perhaps after a few days, or a few weeks, the ghost will kill that person eventually!"

Zheng sighed. "You're saying we have all been cursed? Once the movie starts, we can get killed anytime?"

Lan forced a smile. "Yes this is the type of movies that cant be explained with science. We dont have any means to analyze how the ghost kills, we dont even know how to avoid them Then what could our mission be?"

They looked at their watches at the same time. Their mission was to survive seven days. There was also another option, someone killing the main body of Kayako once will be rewarded with a rank B reward and 5000 points!

"A rank B reward and 5000 points?" Jie lit another cigarette and said "Shit, thats worth risking our lives. We just have to complete this one, then we can do whatever we want." while puffing some smoke.

That lightened up the stressful atmosphere. Zheng laughed. "You really think it would be easy? Think how scary the Queen was and everyone only got a rank D reward, and I got an extra 1500 points. Kayako must be even scarier."

The five of them fell into silence again, While Kris was on alert; due to the amulet around his neck. It began to heat up.

[Scene Break]

It had been nine days since Zheng returned to Gods world. He virtually hadnt spoken a word to Xuan since then. He spent the time discussing combat techniques with Jie and Zero, and training to use guns and other survival skills. It wasnt until right before they were about to enter the third movie that Xuan came up to him. He handed them each a cellphone looking device.

"One each, they can communicate without getting interfered with by satellite signals. Maximum distance is 50 kilometers. I think this should be useful in a team." said and walk towards the beam of light.

Kris could only look on and shake his head.

Zheng saw this and remembered what he and Kris talked about a day before.

[Flash Back]

Zheng was just resting after a spar against Zero; when, Kris approached and talked to him.

"Zheng, I'm really feeling nervous; of the next movie. But, to be exact I'm bothered, by the actions Xuan might do to prove his worth in the next movie."

"I know for sure, he will definitely find away so he could redeem him self. So I want you to know, I won't stick with the group in the next movie."

"I'm not abandoning you, don't get me wrong. It is so I could keep an eye on Xuan and help you encase he puts the group in danger or worst; another plot." Kris said with a shiver.

Zheng went silent for a bit then said, "I'll agree to that but, on one condition; If Xuan finds him self in danger of dying, and you are able to; you must save him. He is still of use to the group, even he can't be trusted." Kris could only nod reluctantly.

[Flash Back End]

Zheng stared at Kris in the eyes and nodded.

[Scene Break]

Zheng sat on the tatami in silence as he watched Lan explain the rules to the newbies. He recalled the plot of this movie in his mind.

The Grudge was a trilogy. He had actually watched this famous movie within the past few days. He could still recall the details vividly. The most unforgettable thing was no one survived the Ju-On.

The plot started with Kayako loving a man in secret during college. Yet due to her unsociable personality, she could only stare at him from a distance and write her feelings down in diary. That man wasnt aware of Kayako and dated another woman at the same time. He married that woman shortly after, and it left Kayako with hatred.

Then Kayako went through a series of unfortunate events. The cat that grew up with her died, both her parents died in a car accident. And at this time, her heart was filled with grudge.

Kayako married another man shortly after and gave birth to a boy. She lived in peace for a few years until the boy was old enough to go to school. She found out that the boys teacher was the man she had loved.

At the same time her husband found out he suffered from male infertility, that it was difficult for him to have a child. He also discovered Kayakos diary and assumed that boy was the product of an affair. He became abusive and tortured and killed Kayako then hid the body in the attic. He also killed the man Kayako loved afterward.

Yet the fact was that child actually belonged to Kayako and her husband. The misunderstanding and torture from her husband drove her grudge to the limit. So this place became cursed.

This was the plot he knew. Even though The Grudge was a trilogy, all three movies told the same thing, how Kayako killed anyone that entered this house.

'Kill Kayako? When her ghost appears, can we kill her with magical bullets? If it is possible then wouldnt it be too easy when comparing the difficulty versus rewards?'

[Scene Break[

When, Kris felt like; death was about to enveloped the room, a bulky man with his face red shouted, "I was doing business on the internet and clicked on a pop-up, how did I get here?"

"F*ck, did you knock me out with chloroform; then brought me to the room next door, to blackmail me? Dont think this is creative, countless people have done this before, It's not very original! You won't fool me!"

All newbies aside from three people seemed rather normal, whether it was their clothing, expressions, or reactions. These people started talking loudly and the red faced man even started to go downstairs, the seven people followed him.

When Kris saw this he looked on to Zheng and nodded,

Zheng also nodded in response. Then Kris stood up and took this chance to go along with the previous group, Disappearing down the stairs.