
Terror Infinity: Glitch in the system(Rewrite Ongoing)

Have any of you watched that movie where these group of friends went to vegas, and woke up the next day not knowing what the hell happend the previous night and how they lost one of their friend, just to find out one of them mixed some drug in there drink... well some of you guys know the rest. Point is... I am in that wtf moment, diffirence is I know exactly where I am and I know how fooked I am. This is a Terror Infinity fan-fic, obviously... but now that I'm in it, things might go differently just that this is kinda toss for me cause I roll a dice on some choices and work something out with the results... this is just for fun for me so... yeah just a heads up btw I haven't actually finish reading TI cause of the bad translations. hope you enjoy like I will.

Om_Nom_Nom · Movies
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118 Chs

Ch.107 Buzz and Woody goes to Town!

"Kris, I just got a huge blip on the monitor. It seems you were right, 8 men and 2 women popped out of nowhere. I'm sure these are your targets." reported Jill.

"They've began to move out into groups, But your in luck. We have one going towards your location now. She's in the air, she has wings that allow her to fly. And it seems she's armed with a bow."

"Copy that Jill, I got visuals now."

'Well-well, its somebody familiar.' thought Kris

" I'm going off coms for now, just ping me when the situation changes." said Kris

"Roger that!" replied Jill.

[Kris POV]

After getting confirmation from Jill, Kris continued to monitor the winged elf, that was Yanwei.

Neither Tom and Amy were able to find Kris nor Jill thru psyche scan. Due to Kris having learned to use psionic force to coat himself and any body he targets rendering them undetectable.

It acts like a self sustaining bubble that lasts only 4hrs. until he reapplies it once again.

So now, Yanwei is looking for clues on Jill's where abouts. Which is why the first place she checked was the police station, located in the downtown of Raccoon City.

The police station is southwest of the location they popped out from. Which was on the tallest building of the Raccoon City theater.

Relying on the tracking sense elves are naturally known for, Yanwei somehow picked up a trail which Kris suspects to be Jill's.

Knowing that Yanwei might be going to the places Jill went to in the movie, Kris went straight to the Raven's Gate Church.

The first thing to know when setting a trap is picking the right location.

In the wild we look for animal trails, and set our traps in the area that animals often traverse. In this case, Kris used his movie knowledge and a little bit of common sense.

Knowing how to attract your prey is also a bonus, given that fact Kris took out Jill's iconic blue sweater. Which she usually ties around her waist. Now, Kris will use it as a lure, and cast it out in the dark hallway of the church.

Since this place was not over run by zombies like in the movie due to Kris's intervention, it remained in tact. But, much more creepier, since the candles have long burnt out.

Kris maintained his invisibility and used his TK to stick to the hallways ceiling.

To avoid alerting team Devil of the death of their teammate. And making things unnecessarily hard for Kris.

They came up with a tactic that would cause the enemy panic and confusion. Taking inspiration from "The Bomber", Genthru a villain from Hunter x Hunter.

With the help of Felicity they have managed to make golfball size explosives which he will implant into the unsuspecting victims, and a very potent stun gun specially prepared for enhanced individuals to incapacitate the target giving him enough time to do what needs to be done...

With the tools of the trade in hand, Kris dropped the lure directly below him.

Sure enough, after a few minutes Yanwei entered the church and began to look around. When she reached the hallway, Yanwei immediately saw the sweater.

She approached it, after scanning the area. Not that she will find anything. Since Kris have used one of his earlier tricks, to avoid the aliens in Ripley's first spaceship.

By creating a layer of psionic energy just centimeters from his skin, he could effectively prevent creatures with keen senses from perceiving him, couple that with invisibility.

Kris just became the embodiment of a predator. With skills comparable to the Yautja themselves, no prey could escape his grasp when he sets his eyes on them.

Just when Yanwei lowered her guard to crouch down, and pick up the sweater. Kris shot her with the stun gun, sending electricity to her entire system. She was instantly knocked out, without even seeing who her attacker was.

When Yanwei was finally knocked out, Kris lowered himself from the ceiling and began to disarm Yanwei.

Kris looted everything on her, not even sparing her underware.

"Don't get me wrong Yanwei, I have no sick intentions towards your chastity. But, you never know this might be some sort of magical panties or a storage bra."

"Don't worry, I'm a decent person..."

'But I'm also an agent of chaos... hehehe.'

After putting everything in his storage belt for good measure. And performing a scan at Yanwei's body, using the portable scanner Felicity gave him. (With the percise purpose to prevent Kris from stripping his victims naked.)

He sighed, as he didn't find any hidden or implanted tools in Yanwei's body. He was really hoping that she had a revival cross or something tuck in somewhere, but no luck.

Kris takes out some grey coveralls he got from the previous Aliens movie, and puts it on Yanwei.

He then pranked her, by scribbling,"Andy's toys were here!" right below her navel, with an arrow pointing down.

He then made her swallow the golfball size explosive with the aid of his TK, after he synchronized it with his detonation device.

He then picked up Yanwei, and brought her on a secluded rooftop.

'We wouldn't want our hard work going to waste, and eaten by a zombie don't we.' He then casted invisibility on her, that will ware off when she wakes up.

Meanwhile with Zheng and the rest...

Zheng and the girls were able to meet up with Alice and Terri who is still carrying her camcorder.

After making a deal with Umbrella, Zheng, Lan, and Yinkong left the 2nd school on the list Honglu provided them.

Since the movie didn't really show where Angela's school was located, other than the generic name of the place. They had a hard time looking for the little girl.

Turns out there are three schools with that same name being, Raccoon City Junior School. One is an all boys prep school while the recent one they are in is a public school. Then the one Angela goes to, is in Uptown Raccoon City the private school with the same name.

Honglu could only manage to give them the names of the possible schools that Angela, might go to. Since he didn't really specialize in hacking, and given that the Umbrella company have very advance security systems he could only access the records available for the public.

ChengXiao even suggested to approach the doctor directly but they didn't have much luck since his tent was heavily guarded.

In the end, when Alice received the call from Dr.Ashford... Honglu manage to piggy back the call and get the exact information, and sent it to Zheng who was already at the 2nd school on the list.

On the way to the school's location, Zheng met with Alice who was being chased by some zombies.

Zheng, helped her out by making mince meat out of the zombies with his minigun.

Now that they have the schools address, Zheng thought it would be better to drive there. So he found a decently sized van.

While Yinkong insisted on driving them there. Giving Zheng, Lan, and Alice some time to catch up. Where Zheng told the same story Kris did, as he already told Zheng about meeting Alice before.

Alice bought the story for now since, even Umbrella believes that another variant of the T-virus had appeared.

They have quickly got to the school, picking up L.J. along the way.

When they found Angela, they also managed to meet up with one of the iconic game characters, Carlos Olivera.

After fighting zombie dogs, and pint size zombies...

Carlos was bitten by a zombie at some point. But, thanks to Alice, and how she figured out that Angela was like her.

And that her father makes her carry some antidotes with her for emergencies , he was saved.

But, there string of good luck seems to end there as when they were headed to the umbrella's main building, Zheng received a notification.

"Due to the two team's power exceeding the limit of Resident Evil: Apocalypse, evolution of T virus begins. Completes in one minute."

Kris who was on his way to the check point cursed, "Shyte there better be no pale ones here or I might just bomb this whole city myself."

(A/N: Sorry for the slow update... the holiday spirits and holiday beers just got me smashed like a holiday feast. hahaha...)