
Mysterious Dreams

One time, A boy threw a Paper boat at the river. When he and his family went to the prom they eat, laugh, and enjoyed. After the party, The family got back home. And it was time to sleep, When the boy closed his eyes he saw a dark spirit. And called his mom if there is a Ghost lurking inside the house. And then he remember that the river he threw in the paper boat is haunted. Then he returned to the river, But cant find the paper boat. Then suddenly an Alligator showed up and bitten off his left leg, he cant call for help because the river is deep. Then he heard a whisper saying "Unfold the paper boat" over and over again. Then the Alligator ran away. And he saw the paper boat floating on the river. He unfolded the paper boat then there was words written in it, "Wake up". Then the boy woke up and thought it was real.

The End.