
Chapter 5: Bigger Danger

The journey toward the warehouse was long and exhausting. We had to trek through a forest, which as you would imagine is immensely difficult. Especially for two city dwellers like me and John.

Traveling inside the forest made me realize how cautious the kidnapper was. This forest doesn't seem to have been mapped out or explored by people before. There's no dirt path, nothing, just an endless expansion of trees.

If the police were to send a search party for the hostage. It would take days or even weeks of their time. By then, the kidnapper would have already finish with their operation.

The only way the police would ever find this warehouse would be due to the building being taller than most of the trees in the forest. I am having a good feeling that this is one of the ways the kidnapper can locate the building.

Analyzing the detail in-depth, I am wary that this kidnapping might not be so simple. This whole operation reeks of the familiar scent of organization.

Despite my worries I ignore it for now. Since everything is just pure assumption. So, I shift my focus back on gathering information that could be helpful.

Scouting around there's a few important pieces of information I've come to find. Light is illuminating from each of windows except one. That leads me to assume that this could be where the hostage is located. Since it's scarier to be in the dark than the light.

More importunately it's seemed that from all the lighting room. Noise can be heard, it ranges from mumbling, hammering, and shouting. From the sounds I could only assume that they were doing something. Possibly relating to the hostage.

What's strange is the fact that the only sound heard from the hostage room is the hostage herself. It seems they didn't put any restraint on her. Why?

The only reasonable explanation for their action could be that they're playing a sick psychological game with the victim. Letting the hostage have hope of escape, before ruining the plan entire.

Whatever the reason, it works in my favor. Since no matter how smart the kidnappers are. They wouldn't expect two random dudes to come out of nowhere playing hero. The world just doesn't work that way, not yet.

"All right here's the plan, I will use my speed to distract them. Your job is to climb that lit area and rescue the hostage. Understand?" I whispered.

"That's too risky. We don't know if they a gun or not, and… "John said, before I interrupted him.

"That's where you're wrong my young pal. Let me enlighten you, my ignorant friend. You see, these kidnappers. None of them have a gun." I said with a condescending tone.

When John was about asked, I cut him off again, speaking in a wise tone, "How? You may ask. How could I know about their weaponry? The answer is simple, I have the power of foresight. Why else could I know the location of the kidnappers when no one even have a clue."

I was expecting shock, but that satisfying image didn't happen. John face didn't show any reaction. It as if he already knows this fact.

"Were you expecting me to be shock and in awe. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I already assume it. From the store till now, you already left enough clues for me to uncover this ability of yours." He said, continuing with an explanation "What clues? You may ask. Firstly, out of nowhere you just left the store to do your hero work without using any tools to gather information of the crime. You didn't look at the news, you don't have access to police network, you didn't contact any informant, nothing. Trust me when I say I check every possible method you could use to gain the information. Secondly, if you gain the information from an outside source, you will have more information. Like who the victim is. But you don't even know what the hostage looks like. So, I assume that you have a premonition that a crime is happening, including the location of the crime. Though I will give credit I was surprise that you know their weaponry. I thought the limit is to just know the where the crime would happen. I guess there's more to it to be uncover. But that's a problem for another day. Right now, answer me. How much did I get right?"

Listening to his detailed explanation made me quite scared. Did I just invite a stalker in my life? Jokes aside, his analytical ability seems to surpass my expectations once more. This is great, I've somehow become a super genius as an ally.

I might have the potential of almighty strength, but all of it means nothing in front of absolute intelligence. Power can only get to a certain point before it diminishes in value.

I praised the boy for his ingenious, "Your intelligent is quite scary John."

John smile, "Thank you." He spoke.

"Alright, since we know that they don't have a gun. We continue with my plan?" I uttered, bringing us back into the main topic.

"I think I have a better idea. We wait for them to go to sleep, before the both of us sneak in together." John proposes his own idea.

Listening to his idea made me realize how stupid I was to overlook such a simple yet effective plan. It's basic infiltration 101, wait for them to sleep before infiltrating.

"Yeah, your idea better, we should do that." I agreed.

We waited till midnight patiently listening to their mumbling from the woods. This is the most tiresome and grueling thing I've ever experienced. Bordering the line of torture in my opinion.

"Goddamn, these guys won't rest," I mumble in frustration.

"I think they won't be resting tonight." John responded.


"You remember those cars at that run down gas station. I believe that the cars belong to them." John answered.

"That doesn't make sense, if they're planning to leave, why arrive so early. Unless–"

"Yeah, it seems they're truly setting something up." John took the word out of my mouth.

If we're right, then. What's their purpose?

While I was lost in my thought, John nudges me, whispering "I think, I might know what's going on here."

"Everything I say is all pure speculation, but just in case, we should take it into consideration. It wouldn't harm us to make extra plans. Anyway, here's my thoughts, this is a revenge abduction. One conducted by a wealthy or powerful individual. The kidnappers are hired to bring the victim to this warehouse. From there they set up whatever sick plan the client asked." John claims.

Before backing up his assumption with evidence "That would explain the usage of the current location. The warehouse is gigantic, something a normal business wouldn't build. Only massive companies with an endless amount of stock would build such a massive building. Additionally, big buildings like this cost quite a hefty sum of money. This goes to show that whoever hire the kidnapper is wealthy person. Another point…"

Loads of other evidence and reason was listed off by John. It was a long explanation, but in summary. There's two big reason to believe in John's claim. The warehouse is expensive for just anyone to have, the warehouse doesn't seem to be used for storing inventory; since there's no dirty path leading up to it. We guess that they only started their operation after the trees grow back.

If this wild speculation is correct, then the situation just got worse. These guys are not just ordinary kidnappers. They're a real criminal business that kidnap people for wealthy client. This would also explain them not using guns. With so many powerful people protecting you, plus such a hidden base of operation. It would be pointless to use a weapon.

That being even though we don't believe that we're correct. On the off chance our assumption is correct, the both of us aren't powerful enough to go against. Do I want to risk it? Do I want to follow my peer's footsteps and take a gamble on my life? Nah, I am not stupid enough to risk my dream life like that.

"I think we should back off from the mission." I suggested.

John expression became serious, I guess he's contemplating on the odds. After a while, he says "Yeah, we should. We're not equip to get involve with something so massive."

With the decision made both of us began to make our way outside the forest. Suddenly out of the blue we heard rustling among the bushes.

Immediately our guards were up, John grabbed his shuriken, ready to throw it at any moment. While I summon my wooden boomerang ready to fling it at any moment.

The atmosphere was tense; we were expecting the worst to happen, and the worst did happen. One of the kidnappers accidently found us on his way to get some wood.

The both of us immediately got into action throwing our weapons at the man without hesitation. Unfortunately, our mind was too chaotic to aim, resulting in misses.

John's shuriken hit a tree on the left side of the man. While my boomerang hit a tree somewhere near John's shuriken. I was ready to grab a shuriken from my (Inventory); seeing that the wooden boomerang would fall to the ground. Yet a miracle happens; the boomerang magically starts rotating again, flying back toward me.

Seeing the boomerang traveling rapidly at me send panic to my soul. My mind blanked, never expecting that the boomerang would follows the rule of Terraria instead of reality. It seems not all items use the logic of the world.

Instinctively I close my eyes, while I push my palm forward. Fearing that the boomerang might hit my face. However just like everything today, nothing goes along with my expectation.

The boomerang once more works its magic, returning perfectly into my hand. The whole process was seamless, and natural that I didn't even realize it.

Every moment from the beginning to the end of the throw was shocking. Not just for me but also John and the kidnapper. They stand there in awe wondering to themselves what they had just witness.

Seeing that the kidnapper was distracted. I used this opportunity to hurl the boomerang directly at his face, hoping to knock him out smoothly.

The man snapped back from shock, sensing that danger was coming his way. With swiftness he moves his body, barely dodging the boomerang.

Instantaneously to his evasion, he lunged at me. Unleashing a furious swing directing to my head. Planning to chopped my head clean. Unlike last time, I reacted accordingly to attack fearing for my life. Jumping backward to created enough time for my boomerang to hit him on its way back.

The man realizes my plan, so in the last moment he decided to throw the axe. In great speed the axe closes the distance. At that moment I accepted my fate. I know death will be my ending.

However, a miracle happens. I didn't die, in fact my face wasn't split in half. All that happened was a scratch to my face. It's still a big wound, but not lethal. Though it's painful as fuck, more painful than anything I've experience in my life. I shriek in pain, like a pig getting mutilated. My body squirms like a lizard tail freshly cut.

In summary I am in great aguish. However, I force myself to ignore the pain. I can't waste even a second right now. Any delay would really result in my death.

I force my eyes open, knowing full well the man wouldn't just stop there. I must be ready for his next move.

My assumption was spot on, as the man was already whining up a punch ready to destroy my face. I raised my arm, this time strangely ready to tank the hit. I guess when you can tank an axe to the face, anyone can feel invincible.

When the fist was about to land right on my face, my boomerang came into the rescue. Hitting the man right at his spine; staggering him.

That was enough time for John to throw another shuriken, accurately hitting the man's arm.

Following his assistance I got into action, capitalizing on this golden opportunity. Using my whole body, I tackle the man; pushing the man to the ground.

We struggled on the ground, aggressively trying to be the one on top. The man strength is far stronger than I am, leading to my eventual lost.

Luckily, I have John as my support. The boy round house kicks the kidnapper directly at his ribs pushing the man off me.

John and I urgently got back up, stomping on the man's face simultaneously. Our collaboration finally made the kidnapper groan in pain.

Somehow hearing his sound of torment gave me this rush. The dopamine of achieve something, after lots of hardship.

Furiously we continued to stomp the guy from every direction. Like a group of school bullies beating up a nerd. After an exhausting session of beatdown, the man finally gives in and fainted.

The sight at the end wasn't a pretty one to behold. It seems the man would probably not recover for the next 3-4 months. His skin is torn to pieces, bruises and tears litter his body. Fortunately for him we're too weak to break any bones or else the recovery would not be just 3-4 month

I wanted to celebrate our win, but right now isn't a good time. There's a heavy decision to be made. Do we escape and wait for another day before returning? Or do we finish what we accidentally started?

I asked John, "What do you think we should do now?"

John breathes heavily, stating. "Before answering your question. I have one question to ask. Do you have any items that would secure us victory?"

"I don't, but tomorrow I might." I answered truthfully since tomorrow I would obtain The Enchanted Sword.

"Well, that answers your question. Let's just go back to the butcher shop and wait till tomorrow before coming back." John said.

I agree with him, but tomorrow there wouldn't be anyone to save.

Just when I was about to tell him, he speaks "Don't worry, because we beat up one of their men up. The kidnappers would believe that they've been found out. If they're smart, they would relocate to another spot at once. Normally, that would mean the hostage would never be found again. But you have the power to track the hostage so we can still find them tomorrow."

That's great, tomorrow we'll be better equipped to handle these criminals.


Support me on Patreon.com/user?u=65377348, I know 5 dollars is a lot of money, but I'll that money worth it. Additionally, every 25 dollars there will be an additional chapter in the Patron. Right now there are extra 4 chapters in store for anyone that join.

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Apologize for not putting this on my notes. The next chapter would be a day or two late because every five chapters I will check for grammar mistakes and confusing content that's not explained well. Of course if anyone of you guys out there have the time to comment that a chapter is difficult to read or just unreadable. it would be helpful since I will know which one to focus my time on, and get the job done quicker.

God_Of_Justicecreators' thoughts
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