
Chapter 1: Transmigration

Time is ever fleeting, one moment you're playing a game. The next you're a dead man. You would think that in the afterlife you would meet God, or in the worst case the devil. However, reality seems to play a different game. Instead of going to heaven or hell, I'm walking down the path of transmigration. One that all my nerd brothers and sisters have walked before.

Before dying, the last thing I saw was a truck speeding at me without any mean of stopping.

At the moment, I thought that this was the last time I'll see the world. That everything would go dark. An aftermath of a dead brain.

Instead, something else happens. My vision became blur for a second.

When my sight was clear again. The scene changes. No longer was I in the middle of a busy road. In its place is an abandoned alley way.

Hastily I stood up, fearing for the worst. Cautiously, I observe the dark alley way, checking for any potential danger.

After some times, my body soften. Having enough confirmation that whoever put me here was gone.

I sighed in relief, whilst rubbing my hair to rid of the liquid running down my head. So I thought, because on my hand wasn't water. Far worst, it was blood.

I panicked like anyone would in that situation; doing the obvious thing. Seeking medical attention. Luckily for me, a hospital is nearby.

Getting a checkup. The doctor diagnoses, nothing. He claims with confident that I am perfectly healthy.

Which lead me to assume that during my transfer into this world. The original dead body was revived and healed into perfect shaped from the Being behind this.

I don't believe my transmigration is an accidently. Nature don't make mistakes. Someone or something must have bended reality; morphing it to their will. Creating the scenario, I'm in. As for the reasoning, that remain a mystery. There's simply no rational reason to send a loser such as I, to another world.

Since my wound is healed magically by the Supreme Being behind this. I come to question what's this splitting headache I'm experiencing. The answer; the merge of two identity.

My past identity, Alexander and my current one, William Smith is becoming one. My peers in this situation would choose the conventional method of taking up the identity of the current life. It's easier to fit in and less suspicious. I am different, not because I find myself special compare to them. Instead, it's due to the name, I love my past life identity too much to replace it with a generic one like William Smith. Another reason is that William Smith doesn't exist anymore. Right in front of me is a blue screen notifying of the modification it had made.

[Entity William Smith Will be Remove from This Universe]

[Entity Alexander Wise Added]

[Rewriting Universe]

[Grant Alexander Wise the Terraria System]

[Congratulation Alexander Wise, You're the Next Hero of Terraria]

[Original Destination Terraria, Course Change to Marvel]

Looking at the notification I couldn't help but asked, "Why did my destination change?"

[Terraria Have Been Saved. It Doesn't Need a Hero Anymore.]

"I see…" I muttered vaguely, pretending to understand the presume AI explanation.

[Terraria System]

Health: 100/100

Mana: 20/20

Function: (Inventory), (Gameplay), (Mod), (Quest)

(Inventory): Store all items gain from the game. Allow Host to grab item from inventory into real life.

(Gameplay): Once a day, you can play Terraria for one Terraria Day. Token can be used to add an additional Terraria Day. Token are gain through (Quest). During (Gameplay) time stops and no one will notice your disappearance.

(Mod): You can equip one mod for your gameplay. Addition Mod is added through (Quest).

(Quest): Completing a mission will grant you rewards.

I was expecting those Chinese pay to win system, where for some unknown reason a mighty system function base on the currency of the real world. This one makes no sense too, but at least the way to gain power is involve playing the game. Though what make even less senses are that some mighty Being out there decides to waste their omnipotent power just to create a system for a guy to play Terraria and gain the power of it.

The only reasonable logic is that the Being got bored and wanted a source of entertainment, and I, a Terraria addict just fit the bill to be chosen for his source of entertainment. To the one that chose me I give my thanks. Since I don't mind being a toy for someone if they have given the ability to live my long-life dream of being the Terraria Hero.

"I am the mighty Terraria Hero, a monster slayer that uses the corpse of his foes to created weaponry and armory beyond the comprehension of man. Look out world, I am coming." I shouted with great passion inside the hospital lobby garnering weird looks from the people inside.

"Sorry," I apologize to everyone, before sitting down with my face glowing red.

Alright, that moment aside let's start the first gameplay. Immediately as I thought of (Gameplay) a screen appears.

[Gameplay Available: 1 Day]

Play Y/N

Like a kid that just drink Red Bull I shouted, "YES!!!"

Just like that my vision goes black. When I was awake, I am in front of a computer, a beefy one might I add. It had the latest graphics, 128 GB RAM, and loads of others expensive component. Looking at this monster of a machine, I questioned why the system would crazily invest on this PC when Terraria requirement is so little.

Then again, with the power it has to make games item into reality, I don't think creating a powerful PC is problematic for it. Without further ado, I start up Tmodloader, since the system have given the option to add mods. I, of course chooses Calamity Mod, as it is the mod that added the most content and the power that can be obtain is by far greater than what the base game can give. I will not say I remember everything about Calamity, but I know enough power creep in this mod.

However, there's a problem with the power creeping strategy. It involves the rogue class, which most knows is the most broken class in Calamity. The problem of the rogue class is that while in game it's the most powerful, in reality I don't find it to be formidable. I have the assumption that when bringing the weapons to the real world. It will follow the principle of the lore instead of basing around its stats. Lore wise warrior would be the greatest since the weapon Daybreak is equivalent to throwing a sun. That's not to mention the crazy powerful Zenith.

Moreover, there's Post-Moon Lord weapons like Galaxia, Ark of the Cosmos, and etc. These weapons would pretty much make me a Celestial Slayer. Additionally, in the early game you can obtain the Starfury, a powerful weapon that drop star light on enemies. Just imagine striking your enemy down with the power from the cosmos.

Alright I am getting ahead of myself here, I need to relax and first start a world. Live life in the present, Alexander. Quickly I created my character, whom I colored entirely pink, and called him Pink Warrior. Everything is normal until I started world creation. For some reason when I click created world, it instantly created one for me without giving any option. Worst part about the world is that it's a large one. It's also in master mode, but that doesn't really matter.

The major problem is the large world. Normally size doesn't matter since that would mean more resources, exploration, and building space. However, every Terraria player can tell you that large world slows down progression. It's will take longer to go to the dungeon, biomes, and dig to hell.

Since the system decided to slow down my progress. My original strategy of exploring the surface, and hopefully finding the rare Enchanted Sword was ruin. I would instead need to go mining. There is major flaw in this strategy because it's time consuming and luck base. However, the benefit is great. I might find a chest and gain myself some good loot, and if my luck is great. I could also get a Life Crystal.

When I entered the world a problem arises, the beginner bag from the Calamity Mod isn't there. I was hoping to use the Mining and Spelunker potion to reduce the gambling element of the whole strategy, but that not possible anymore.

I cursed in frustration at the system ability to make everything more challenging. The sad part about it all, is that there's nothing I could do to relieve my irritation, time is precious and right now my emotion matter little when the clock is ticking.

While my plan has turn into nothing, leaning more to straight gambling, I lack the ability to think of a new one. The pressure of time is suffocating, I couldn't for the life of me think of anything, it's as if my mind had gone blank.

Senselessly I start digging straight down without a thought in my head. Along my digging, I chant for Lady Luck help, hoping for her blessing. I was never one to believe in superstition until now; my ridiculous prayer seems to bringing me luck. Every time I thought I would run out of torch; the occasional pots would give me enough to have a light source in the deep dark underground.

My journey underground wasn't smooth. Occasionally I would find slimes and skeletons that want to tear me from limb to limb. Internally, I wanted to kill them to test my skills. Externally, I know full well that such action would be too risky and time consuming. It's arguably better to dig around these monsters than fight them.

I explore for about five minutes and found a great amount of tin, lead, and tungsten. The only ore I was lacking was platinum; having enough to only make 6 bars. As for gems, I only found amethyst and ruby, two for each. This is a good harvest for the first day.

Call me pessimistic but it seems my luck have come to an end, because during the whole mining period there's no chest or Life Crystal to be seen. I wanted to be angry at my luck. However, upon examining the loot carefully. The number of resources gathered was already more than expect from mining without the assistance of potion nor better tools.

In spite of my 'satisfaction', there's still something inside of me seeking more. I come to accept that there's no hope in ever finding a chest or Life Crystal. Nonetheless, there's this uncomfortable itch compelling me to seek out the items.

At first, I mistook it for anxiousness. Considering there is a tremendous lurking threat called the Marvel Universe looming over me.

How wrong I was to assume it to be an innocent nature for something so devious? A sin disguise as emotion, greed. I needed more, and nothing would suffice until everything was in my grasp.

I can feel the change happening. The lie I told myself to feel better crumble like a building without foundation. There's no satisfaction. How could I be satisfied? Never in my life did I feel so disturb by myself.

My attitude gets worse when there's only two minutes left. No longer could I suppress my anger. No longer will I stand facing this injustice.

Following the breaking point, there was so semblance of humanity in my action. The mining was accompanied by slurs. Nasty curses came out of my mouth without any hint of hesitation or shame. An ugly sight to behold, this instance made me realize my disgusting nature. It was horrific, I needed to stop.

Stop, I did. Taking a moment to reflect on my revolting action.

I can't believe I was so blinded by this side of me. A certain awareness was always there, noticing this nasty attitude. Yet never focusing enough on it to care. What change? Why do I suddenly become self-aware?

The moment of reflection shrouding a veil of mystery I've never thought about myself. It also gives me time to calm down. Enough to be flexible. Having the capacity to alter the plan, prioritizing optimization of resources gathering, then gambling all my time left on something I lost hope in finding.

I shifted my concentration to mining ores and gems so that I could at least manufacture armor for myself, increasing my survivability.

At the one-minute mark something incredible happen. I finally found the thing I was looking for. Excitement emerges as I shouted "I found a CHEST!!!"

Following that I said in enthusiasm, "What will it be? Cloud in a Bottle, Magic Mirror, Hermes Boots, Band of Regeneration."

All of these items are good for me. However, if I were to pick, I would definitely want Cloud in the Bottle. Imagine jumping twice in the air. How great would that be? I couldn't control myself in thinking that I will be experiencing one of gaming greatest fantasy in reality. The expectation of this idea made me lost in thought, so lost that I forgot every horrible action I did before this.

Luckily my brain knows how to prioritize, as I snapped back to reality. Carefully I dig my way to the chest, with suspense in my mind. Please God if you're watching, give me Cloud in a Bottle. I know there's no time left, but when it comes to gambling you must temper your mind to be ready for disappointment or satisfaction. With great will power I open the chest, and low and behold I didn't get Cloud in a bottle.

I screamed in discontent, "NOOOOOO!!! My Cloud in a Bottle!!!" The upsetting result causes me to stare blankly at the screen. "Was this karma" I muttered listlessly.

"Why can't I be lucky?" I asked the world before continuing. "Can't a man achieve his dream of double jumping. How could you be so cruel?"

I sobbed in defeat, overcome with sadness. Some would judge me for my immature action, since this isn't the end of the world. I could obtain a Cloud in the Bottle sooner or later. Heck I could even craft it easily.

They're right. I am over dramatic, but look at it from my perspective. Would you want to experience double jump now or tomorrow? I am an impatient person, and when I want something, I am willing to do anything to get it now, not later. A double edge sword of mine.

At this point I could only let go, wishing that tomorrow I can gain a Cloud in a Bottle. After resolving my disappointment maturely, I look optimistically at the item. It is the second-best item, Hermes Boots. Equipping it will grant me speeds of 30 miles/hour or 48 kilometers/hour. With these boots I can call myself a semi speedster.

"Am I satisfied? Of course, I am" I said, while still thinking about Cloud in a Bottle.

Seeing that my mind is distracted I continue to praise the accessory.

Hermes Boots would allow me to kill bosses easily if I have enough ground to cover. Since I could out run most of them. It would be difficult to dodge bosses with just movement speed alone. However, having fought the bosses more than hundreds of times I know their pattern like the back of my hand.

Other than giving me the ability to fight boss. I thought of the prospect of running at superhuman speed. Visualizing the novelty of running fast, slowly made me forget my dissatisfaction. Finally growing an acceptance toward Hermes Boots. After I equip the boots, the first day of Terraria is over.

Hermes Boots

The wearer can run super-fast.

Like entering the PC room, I blacked out and awaken at my original location. I look around to see that no time have passed. Since the time on my phone is still 8:30pm. Even though that was enough evidence, I still look around some more to confirm the truth. When I notice several more details proving that time haven't move during my (Gameplay). It seems the system didn't lie. I start walking out of the hospital finding no reason to stay.


Support me on Patreon.com/user?u=65377348, I know 5 dollars a lot of money, but I'll that money worth it. Additionally, every 25 dollars there will be an additional chapter in the Patron. Right now there's extra 5 chapters in store for anyone that join.

As for those that want to support my story in Webnovel. Please send me Power Stones. Every 100 Power Stones there will be additional chapters post.

The reason the main character or my oc in general doesn't have a description is because I want you guys to insert your own image of that person. Quite simply if you left me to decide I would just make a normal looking person anyway.

God_Of_Justicecreators' thoughts
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