
1 - Home, sweet home.

My head hurts, damn it... Reincarnation isn't as pleasant as I thought it would be. At least I'm alive, which is better than being dead.

It was hard to get up from the ground, my body aching like I'd slept on a stone floor. Well, in my case, a dirt floor.

With a little stretching and crunching of my knuckles, I looked around. A beautiful forest surrounded me. It's infuriating how beautiful it is.

Taking a deep breath, I began to think - what should I do? The first thing I was going to do was to see what my system was, and then I was going to figure out the rest.

"Ummm... System? Status? Ctrl+Shift+C? Inventory?" - After I said the word Inventory, a small window opened in front of me and two values appeared at the edge of my vision.

"What the... What the fuck is that?" - I said, looking at the inventory. A copper short sword, a pickaxe and an axe? What is this, terraria?

I grabbed my forehead with my hand, small droplets of sweat breaking through my skin. If this is terraria, I'm so fucked I'm scared to even think about it.

There are so many things in terraria that you can die from - enemies, traps, gravity... In my case, also hunger and thirst.

Okay, okay, it's not a good idea to panic right now. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe out, everything's going to be fine... You're gonna have a big harem of the world's hottest girls... You're gonna have incredible superpowers.... Fuck, who am I kidding, of course I'm not gonna have any of that.

Anyway, I've played a lot of terraria... The game is pretty good. Even though I wasn't a tryhard pro speedrunner, I had a decent amount of skill, even killed the moonlord a couple of times.

Hmmm... Are there any hotkeys? Let's give it a try. I concentrated and thought about the axe slot and voila, I have it in my hand. It's a miracle. Although, I'm going to see a lot of miracles in this life.

I twirled the axe in my hand, and gripping it more comfortably, I started hitting the wood next to me with it. After a couple of strokes, my hands began to feel a little numb, and it was clear that the axe was, to put it mildly, of poor quality, though it did the job.

After hitting the tree a couple more times, it fell heavily to the forest floor and evaporated, leaving behind a pile of planks and a couple of acorns. How convenient... Not even a trunk to work on.

Touching the planks, they went into my inventory - a whole 26 planks. Not much. Planting an acorn in the same place where I had chopped down the tree, I set to work on the others. An hour later, I had about six hundred planks in my inventory.

That should be enough. I opened my inventory, made a workbench, wooden armour, a sword and a bow, and then decided to find a place for a house. Although the forest was beautiful, it would be a pain in the arse to build here.

And as soon as I set off on my mini-journey, I came across... a slime. Yes, a slime. He's so much cuter than in the game. Although, after he dissolved a rabbit in himself, I almost threw up. Ugh, gross.

Like any sane person would do, I hit the spherical lump of acidic slime with my wooden sword. Surprisingly, not only did it not dissolve, but it also damaged the abomination. How did I figure it out? - By the numbers flying out of it.

Seeing the damage numbers in real life is a bit disorienting to say the least. Anyway, I finished off the nasty creature. The gel fell out of the slime.

"Tasty and flammable, huh?" - I said, looking at the description. Same as in the game.

I'd have to be honest, I'd always wanted to taste that gel. And well... It's pretty good, if you ask me. It tastes like some kind of jelly, which almost doesn't feel in your mouth, but has a sweet aftertaste.

Anyway, I have to keep going. With breaks to kill some slimes, I found a rather scenic spot beside the river. And I'd better get this house built quickly, for the sun will be going down soon, and I don't want to be roofless at night... Because, well, you know what comes out of dark corners at night.

So, I built the house in half an hour. Pretty simple, no rooms. You could say a box with a roof. Since I don't have glass, I made windows out of fences. And I used the remains of the fence for its direct purpose - I made a fence around the house, pardon the tautology.

And then, something flashed at the edge of my vision, a peculiar purple line of text...

"Andrew the Guide has arrived"