
Terrae Fabula

A kid bullied A world in trouble, played with by the whims of a higher power Watch as a kid grows into something alike of a legend within a messed up world of men and gods. Within there will be monsters, A mysterious system, Revenge. Rage. Sadness. What will become of our kid..? Also bear with me on the beginning, I am slowly going through those chapters fixing them. Note- I am a student, So I can not post chapters on weekdays- But on weekends I will try to post 2 chapters on saturday and Sunday and fix mistakes! So let me know your thoughts!

Emilarrow_Viper1 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Not just the men, but the women and the children too Pt.2

* "BUT MOTHER!! I don't want a dog! they are stinky and hairy and they will get their fur all over me!" A kid starts kicking the air as he complains to his mother.

"Aksel, you will love him, you can play with him and he can be your friend when me and dad are busy! See! Look at him, isn't he so cute?" the boy's mother says while petting a small golden puppy whose tongue is hanging out his mouth with his tail wagging!

"Hmph, Stupid dog!" The young boy with golden-like colored eyes said while pouting. The boy is thinking in his mind that all his parents attention will now be on the dog and not him.

The young puppy jumped onto the young boy and started to lick his face- "Ahhh doggieeee stopppppp" Aksel said while holding back his laughter and smile, like when you're mad at your friend but he does something funny!

…(The next day)

There is a dog licking a sleeping boy, early in the morning, "Ughhh, what is that wet feeling… Ahh puppy what are you doing!?" The young boy wakes up to his dogs tongue slapping against his face.*

Plink, Plink, Plink! In the hospital bed there lies a boy, with water droplets falling on his face, "Aww Scou-.. Oh… It was water droplets falling from the roof.." Aksel says in immense pain as he remembers his old dog, his best friend..

"Whatever.. Status!" And a status screen appeared in front of him.

He noticed his full health and he noticed his mp and sp, and he starts to formulate his next plan on how to kill the 3 wolves. "So I can only get directly hit 5 times, any more and I will probably be dead.. Damn this is difficult.."

Aksel sits on his bed contemplating all his strategies he can do to beat these wolves, but nothing comes to mind. He takes a look at his hands and legs and he knows what he has to do.

"Sister if you are still alive, I am sorry, I am probably going to die.. mother, father, I am sorry if the sacrifice you made ends up being useless.. And Scout.. I am sorry I couldn't avenge you.." And after these words, he walks up slowly to the door of his room, twists the handle, and starts walking out..

Aksel proceeds to sneak around the hospital with his light bulb, he realized what he had to do. He has to take the risk of being found, for the reward of sneaking up on the wolves. He is walking from room to room, through big holes in the wall which act as doors.

Thud!Thud!Thud!Thud! The man hears the sound of the wolves footprints, like metal landing against metal, he must steel his resolve for this next fight which happens to be more dangerous than his last one..

The anxious man peaks his head out towards the room he hears the footsteps in and lo and behold, the beasts are there! Aksel decides to give himself a moment of reprieve, one minute, to clear his mind and get ready for his fight..

"I can't die, I can't die, I can't die!! Or else mom and dads sacrifice.. will be in vain.." He repeats to himself many and many times.

It has been one minute, a dangerous glint lights Aksel's eyes. The resolve that he has found at this moment is the most resolve he has ever felt. A determination to survive, for the sake of living and for the sake of others. He feels powerful like he has never felt before.

The man bends his torso down to the floor and gets into a runners stance, he needs to be quick, he needs to get the first strike on the beasts or else all his hopes and plans for his new life are null!

The 3 wolves notice the boy running towards them, but they don't react fast enough! Aksel's plan just might work!

Aksel reaches the long fanged wolf and with the light bulb in his hand, he throws it into the mouth of the beast and then kicks it's mouth! CRUNCH!

The man knows that to survive he can't just dwell on that one wolf.. he has to quickly fight the two others! He dashes towards the crimson eyed monster, but before he reaches him, in the corner of his vision he just barely sees the big eared wolf lunge at him! The boy jumps to the left and narrowly dodges the attack, he then proceeds with a kick to the wolf's legs, putting it off balance!

As the wolf is wobbled forward, Aksel strikes his other front leg, making the wolf crash down to the floor! BASH!

Aksel strikes his knee into the beasts face and then quickly switches his target as the sharp eyed wolf rushes to defend his sister! The boy didn't react fast enough and got cut on his arms by the claws of the wolf! Clearly dismayed by the pain, the boy looks at his bleeding arms!

He has no time to cry, no time to cope with the pain, the wolf is still on his tail! Aksel is attempting to dodge left and right as the beast is slashing repeatedly.

Aksel does his signature leg kick, knocking the wolf down as he is in the middle of a slash! This is his chance! He uses his whole body and knees the wolf, he then knees the beast one more time! The wolfs fang catches on Aksel's knee, cutting off a lot of his skin, while knocking the fang off of the wolf! Through the pain and bleeding of the knee, he rushes to pickup the fang!

"It feels heavier than I thought, but this will be perfect!" He thinks while in his mind he has already killed the beasts!

Aksel dashes towards the crimson eyed wolf and slams the fang through the eye of the beast, reaching the brain and killing the wolf immediately!

The boy didn't expect it to be so gruesome, and he throws up over the floor in front of him after his kill. The feeling of the fang piercing the mushy brain and cutting through the eye was just too much for him to handle. His first time killing something himself.

The fight isn't over yet though, the other beast gets up and rushes in anger towards Aksel! He killed her brother!

And as the girl wolf dashes towards the boy, the first wolf, the long fanged one, accepted his death and charges one last Kamikaze attack against Aksel.

Aksel sees this and curses in his mind! This can be bad.. He starts to run away from the beasts hoping that one would die from their injuries, yet he is too slow and the wolves immediately catches up with him! As the death seeking wolf lunges at Aksel, he dodges to the right and stabs his enemies leg with the fang he is carrying.

The wolf cares not for his injury, and tries to bite the head off of his mortal enemy. And to his success, he takes a bite into the shoulder of this boy! The boy with his fangs knows he has to act fast or he is dead! He takes his fang and stabs into the neck of the beast, which loosened the beasts hold on his shoulder, but didn't knock him off completely. The last of the wolves, slams into the side of the frozen in place boy, launching him forward into the wall!

The boy coughs up blood and struggles to get up, as the big eared wolf is slowly creeping up on him!

"Damn it!! GET UP!!" The boy yells at himself! he has to get up! It's now or death! he is trying with all the might he can muster but he can't stand up at all!

The memory of his parents dead bodies courses through his mind and with power that he couldn't gather before, he gets up just barely! He will not allow himself to die, at least not yet!

The wolf injured as well, Dashes weakly at the boy. The wolf's huge body connected with the body of Aksel, bringing them both to the ground, the wolf on top of the human. "I Won! I have him trapped now! I avenged my family!" the wolf must have been thinking!

The boy that is under the wolf smirks lightly, his body wouldn't allow him to do anything more .. the fang that he is holding stabbed into the torso of the beast, puncturing her internal organs. He has won this battle, and he has beat his first challenge in this new crazy world!

The beast whines as the light in her eyes dimmed. She has failed, and she has realized that herself. Never will she see the murderer of her family dead...

And like that, with the beast on top of him, slayed , he fell unconscious.

I am going to start trying to write longer chapters now! At least 1200 words per! He has finally beat his first hurdle! Let me know your thoughts on the book and on mistakes I have made!

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