
Terra Adamo: A New World Begins

A 1,000-year war spanning the realms has cost the Gods and their servants, the Jewel Empresses, dearly. The magic that supports the realms is breaking down. The worlds are breaking apart. Aiden and River have fought for 1,000 years as Champions for the Jewel Empresses and will become leaders in the new world. Dallas has seen the future in his dreams for years, but now his dreams have become nightmares of the end of the world as we know it. His dreams are filled with humans becoming Shifters, magic portals, a new realm and two of the hottest guys he has ever seen. But the war caused unexpected repercussions. The Champions will find themselves facing demons while navigating the uncharted waters of love to find their fated mate and fulfill their destiny. Note: This is the first book in what is intended to be a series of Terra Adamo novels. The series contains homosexual relationships, 3 way relationships, Omega pregnancies and scenes intended for adults 18+ only.

AmanacerDeAmor · Fantasy
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Chapter 7

The smell of jasmine overwhelmed River and Aiden's senses, driving their beasts crazy. Both men struggled to stay in their human form as their beast forms surged at their consciousness, desperate to take control. Fur sprouted along River's body as scales began to surface along Aiden's skin. The Champions wrestled with their beasts to maintain control. With ruthless determination, they forced their beasts back; the shift still rippling just beneath the surface of their skin.

They lunged to catch Dallas as he fell, both knowing they were too far away to make it in time. They watched in horror as Dallas brushed the tips of their fingers and fell to the ground, striking his head on a rock. Blood trickled down the side of Dallas' head and began to pool, forming a gruesome halo around his head. The sweet scent of jasmine was quickly drowned out by the coppery tang of blood. Aiden and River both froze. All of their training and experience tending wounds in battle seemed to disappear, leaving them shell-shocked. Their beasts fought hard, insistent on reaching the young man lying so helplessly on the ground.

Mara rushed down the hill to join them, shouting panicked orders at the other brownies. "Quickly, prepare the medical clinic for an emergency arrival! Summon Doctor Gerard! River, get pressure on that wound, we need to stop the bleeding. Aiden, get him to the clinic. Hurry, time is of the essence!" Everyone jumped into action to follow Mara's commands. Brownies disappeared in puffs of air all around them. River ripped off his shirt and pressed it to the wound on Dallas' head as Aiden lifted him into his arms. As he carefully cradled his still form against his chest, Aiden could faintly smell the jasmine beneath the stench of blood and realized the jasmine scent was coming from Dallas.

They teleported to the trauma clinic, and deposited Dallas in a bed. Brownies dressed in white uniforms began to appear in puffs of air all around the room. River and Aiden were nudged farther and farther away from the bed. An older brownie wearing thick rimmed glasses entered the room and proceeded to examine Dallas as he spoke. "Mara, I need these men out of the way. We are going to need more light in here and more towels. I need an IV in now, I want fluids started stat. Get a saline wash and clean this blood off. Get me some betadine, fetch me a suture kit." River and Aiden started to object but were stopped by Mara's voice, "This is Doctor Gerard Bartholomew. He is the only one who can help this young man now. Come with me and let him do his job."

Reluctantly they followed Mara to the kitchen where Buddy had snacks and coffee waiting for the men. River sat down and wrapped his hands around the coffee mug. He had no desire to drink it, but holding the cup helped to ground him in the moment. He sat quietly staring sightlessly at the brown liquid. His emotions were too confusing to put into words. He lifted his head to see Aiden sitting across the table from him, his body mirroring River's own.

"I'm not sure I understand what just happened. I don't know who Dallas is to us, but my sphinx wants to crash into the clinic and take Dallas away." Aiden nodded, "My dragon wants him as well. I don't understand either, but my dragon insists that both you and Dallas belong to us. The minute I laid eyes on him, the mark on my chest burned. I haven't checked it, but I would lay odds it matches yours now. The first time it changed was when I saw you for the first time after the soul-bonding. My dragon claimed you then. Today, it felt the same when he claimed Dallas. What does this mean for us?"

River shrugged helplessly, "I don't even know where to begin. When I saw Dallas, something shifted deep inside of me. My mark burned and the last circle changed. I know it is a connection to Dallas. I can feel it. All I can think about is how perfect he is and how I want so badly to hold and protect him. My sphinx is vibrating with the need to go to him. Even now, I'm struggling to hold on to this form. I haven't had trouble with magic in 900 years. Why now? Who is he and why do I need him so badly? More importantly, what does that mean for us?" There were no answers to those questions. Both men waited in silence, each pondering their own emotions.

After a time, Doctor Gerard joined them in the kitchen. He dipped his head in greeting, then turned his attention to the coffee counter as he spoke. "My apologies for my abruptness earlier. I'm afraid my bedside manner goes right out the window the minute an emergency arrives in my clinic." Aiden responded from his seat at the table, "We accept that the patients have to come first. We are grateful for your assistance. What can you tell us about the young man we brought in? How is he doing? Is there anything we can do to help him?"

The brownie continued preparing his coffee as he replied, "Thank you for understanding the patients' welfare must be my top priority. I am Doctor Gerard Bartholomew, you can call me Doc. I will be the Head of the Medical Clinic here. As for your young man, I believe his name is Dallas and he came from the human realm. Head wounds tend to bleed rather profusely, regardless of their severity. He lost a lot of blood. We were able to stop the bleeding and seal the wound. We have him on IV fluids now. He is unconsciousness. Normally, I try to keep the patient surrounded by family and friends until they regain consciousness. It is my understanding that this young man is alone. Without familiar voices around him, the best we can do is to ensure his medical needs are met and provide a healing environment for him. We don't know what this young man has been through before he got to us. It is best that we keep his room quiet and try to make him feel safe and secure. At this point, we can only wait until he wakes up. Though I am not skilled in treating humans, I do not anticipate any issues. I believe he simply needs time and rest. I will be staying in the clinic to watch over him. I will update you on any new developments."

River shifted in his seat, leaning his body toward the doctor. "What do you mean, human? I sensed magic in him. Is he not a shifter like the others?" The doctor picked up his mug and crossed the kitchen to join them at the table while stirring his coffee. He settled into the chair with a weary sigh. For the first time since entering the room, he looked up at River. For a moment, the doctor simply stared at River. "Hmmm. That is an interesting mark you have on your chest. Young Dallas bears the same mark on his own chest. I can tell you that he is different. He isn't soul-bonded, though I would not venture to say he is fully human either. He carries a strange magic with which I am unfamiliar. The mark on his chest pulses with a power I have never felt before. It is really quite a puzzle. What can you tell me about the mark?"

River leaned forward, "Not much, I'm afraid. Both Aiden and I bear the marks. They are tied to our fate and to one another. They appeared rather recently, and we have yet to fully discover their meaning. May we see him now?" The doctor huffed in frustration, "Humph. So many unanswered questions. Of course, you may see him. Go ahead, I will join you shortly. I'm just going to sneak a few of these cakes Buddy left on the counter before I go back." As Doc surreptitiously snuck a few cakes, Aiden and River hurried from the room and returned to the clinic.

As they approached the bed, they were surprised to see Mara already there. She stood by the bed, staring at the still form of the young man slumbering before them. Uncharacteristically, she appeared very anxious, upset; her usual bravado gone. Shifting her weight from one foot to the other, she spoke to the men without taking her eyes off Dallas. "This is not the way it was supposed to be. This was not supposed to happen. He was mine to protect. I have failed in my mission." Her eyes filled and her shoulders shook as tears slipped down her cheeks. "I cannot tell you the details. But I will tell you, he is the single most important person in this new world. Everything hinges on him and the part he plays in what the fates have in store." A sob escaped as she cried, "This was never supposed to happen! He has to wake up! We can't lose him!"

River rushed over to the brownie and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, comforting her. "I know there are many things that you cannot tell us. I will not ask you to reveal your secrets. Whatever your mission is, we are here for you. If we can help in any way, please allow us to assist. We will do as you bid, no questions asked." Mara's body continued to shake under the weight of her guilt, but her cries began to quiet.

Aiden approached and placed his hand on Mara's back rubbing small circles to soothe her. "We are all on the same team here. We understand that there will always be things you cannot tell us. Please know that you can always come to us for help, without having to explain yourself. River and I will take turns sitting with Dallas. I do not know yet what Dallas' part in this new world is to be. But between the three of us and Doc, I am sure we can find a way to bring him back to us. Besides, if the Fates have a plan for him, you can rest assured that they will find a way to make it happen. Trust in the Fates, they will never let you down. That being said, if there is anything you can tell us, we will keep anything you say between the people in this room."

Mara lifted her chin slightly, her cries slowly subsided into sniffles, and her body began to relax. She drew herself up as her usual calm demeanor returned slowly. She replied, "Dallas is the Prime Omega, though the significance and meaning of that must remain a secret for now. His mark matches yours because you three belong together. You will form the Prime Triad and together rule over this new world. We must protect him at all costs."

Though they did not understand entirely, River and Aiden could feel the significance of her confession. Aidan's solemn reply was simple. "We will do everything in our power to protect him and help you to complete your mission. Doc thinks it is only a matter of time before Dallas wakes on his own. If he does not, we will find another way. River, you will take the first watch. I will return to the portal for now. Mara, please arrange for a team to join me at the portal." Mara agreed and hurried away, glad to be back on track and have something productive to keep her mind busy.

River reached out, placing his hand on Aiden's arm, "Aiden, perhaps it is best to set up a team to allow them to welcome our new guests without us present. I anticipate the portal will remain active for some time. We clearly are needed elsewhere." Aiden responded, "I agree. I will make the arrangements and return. We have much to discuss." He strode out the door, ready to fulfill his obligations quickly. He wanted to be back with his mates as soon as possible.

Over the next few days, River and Aiden took turns with Mara and Doc watching over Dallas. The men frequently checked in on the teams welcoming their guests at the portal. Teams of brownies were all over the castle and its grounds helping people get settled into their new lives. Doc insisted that Dallas was improving every day. All they could do was wait.

On the evening of the third day, Aiden met River in their suite. "River, Mara sent me up here. Our teams are working smoothly. We can take a break tonight." He reached out and took River's hand in his own and led him into the sitting room. He pulled him down onto the couch beside him; their thighs rubbing gently against one another through their leathers. "I have missed you these last few days. Passing you in the doorway of Dallas' room is not enough. I need to hold you in my arms." Aiden slid his arm along the back of the couch around River's shoulders and pulled him closer. River's breath caught in his throat. He squeezed Aiden's hand and turned his body to face Aiden, leaning into his embrace. "I have missed you as well. I miss laying in our bed together and feeling your arms wrapped around me."

Aiden wrapped his hand around the back of River's neck and slowly descended. Their lips gently pressed together, hesitantly. Soon the kiss became more demanding, their moths opening to taste one another. Aiden slipped his tongue into River's mouth, demanding more. River welcomed the invasion and released Aiden's hand. He needed to touch Aiden, skin to skin. River unfastened Aiden's shirt, sliding his hands into the opening. He tangled his fingers into the dark hair there as he ran his fingers across the massive muscles. He felt Aiden's strength as he ran his hands from his shoulders down overs his pecs. He stopped to tease the dark nipples there, gently caressing them with his thumbs.

Aiden trailed his tongue over River's jaw, to his ear. As he worked to open River's shirt, he sucked on River's neck marking his skin, his dragon proud to have left a stamp on his mate. Aiden pushed the shirt off River's shoulders. River left his head fall back, giving Aiden clear access to his neck. Aiden continued working his mouth down River's neck. He left a wet trail across his collar bone and kissed his smooth chest. He bent forward to take River's nipple into his mouth, teasing it with his teeth as he licked and sucked on it.

River groaned, his body on fire from Aiden's touch. In all his dreams of what this moment would feel like, none of them even came close to the desire coursing through him. River moved his hands down Aiden's body, reaching to open his pants. Aiden's body shuddered as River cupped his cock in his one hand, his balls in the other. Aiden pulled away long enough to tear their pants from their bodies. As his eyes landed on the precum leaking from River's slit, Aiden's own cock hardened painfully.

He took River's mouth again, desperate to connect. Their hands shook as they reached for one another. They began slowly stroking one another, spreading the precum over one another's cockhead. Aiden tightened his grip on River's cock, speeding up as their passion built. River followed Aiden's lead, wanting to make Aiden feel as good as he did. Their bodies writhed against each other as they continued building towards their orgasm together.

Aiden felt his balls tightening against his body. River moaned into their kiss as his body began to shake, a familiar tingle spread up from his balls through his dick. His cum shot out onto Aiden's stomach, his sphinx content to have their mate marked in their scent. Feeling River reach completion was all Aiden needed to trigger his own orgasm. His dick pulsed as he shot streams of milky white onto River, marking him with his dragon scent.

When their cocks were spent, they collapsed back onto the couch together. Aiden went to the bathroom and returned with washcloths for them to clean up with. Together, they moved to the bed. River laid his head on Aiden's chest with his arm wrapped around Aiden's middle. Aiden pulled River in close. Neither spoke, content to just feel one another as they basked in a pleasant afterglow.

Aiden rubbed lazy circles on River's back. His heart felt as if it were lodged in his throat as he spoke. "When I kissed you for the first time, I felt as if a part of me had been restored. I never even knew there was something missing, but I feel as if an emptiness in my soul has been filled. I have never felt so content as I do in this moment. I have waited so long to touch you. I desired you but always felt it would be dishonoring my duty to act on those feelings. If only I had known that we would have been allowed to be together, we would not have lost so many years."

River took a deep breath. "Aiden, I will never look back on those years as time lost. I never felt it was a loss to be by your side. While it would have been nice to have had the intimacy, it didn't change how I felt about you." He plowed ahead, revealing the deepest held emotions of his heart. "Every time I went into battle at your side, I knew I would die for you if it meant saving you. Last night, the greatest desires held in my heart for centuries, were fulfilled. I am in love with you. I have been in love with you for centuries now."

Aiden flipped River over onto his back and rose above him. He tilted River's chin up and stared deep into his eyes, willing him to feel the sincerity of his next words. "I love you too, River. I want to hold you close every night. I want to spend the rest of our lives together." He slanted his mouth over River's and kissed him deeply. River reveled in the feelings of warmth enveloping him. They kissed and cuddled for hours, until sleep pulled them down into dreams. They fell asleep with River as the little spoon and Aiden's arm around his waist.

As the second sun peaked over the horizon, River woke to the feeling of Aiden's lips gently pressing tiny kisses along his neck. "Good morning, my dragon. Frisky already this early?" Aiden pressed his nose to River's neck and inhaled his sweet cherry vanilla scent. "Mmm hmm, I'm always frisky for you, my love." He continued rubbing his nose into River's neck as River stretched his body, working out the kinks from the night.

"Aiden, we need to go to Dallas. I don't want him to wake up alone. I've been thinking about this all night. We all three have the marks. Mara says we belong together. You and I have accepted that and have begun to build our relationship. But Dallas is different. He doesn't know any of that. He will not understand the magic or know to trust in it."

"That is true. As partners, we have long had implicit trust between us. We have been together so long; this is just another step in a relationship we had already begun over 950 years ago. We have had many changes recently and were overwhelmed by them. He will be new to this world, to us, to magic. It will require a great deal of adjusting on his part. He will need us to be patient."

"Not just patient, but supportive as well. To an outsider, we are large and frightening warriors. As total strangers to him, he will have no reason to trust us. We are going to have to court him in the human ways to gain his acceptance."

"I have much to learn about human courting. Whatever we have to do, we will find a way. We are incomplete without him. It is as if a part of my soul is still missing and only he can fill the void. I need both of you in my life. My dragon and I will accept nothing less." They rose from the bed, showered, and dressed.

Together they visited the kitchen, greeting Buddy and having a delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes. River cast a worried look at Aiden. "I know Doc says he will awaken soon, but I am growing worried. If he is not awake by tomorrow morning, I am contacting Esmerelda. If she does not have a solution, we can request an audience with the Empresses. I know there has to be something more we can be doing to help him." Aiden placed his hand on the small of River's back and gently propelled him out the door. Together, they hurried off to the clinic to check on Dallas.