
Terra Adamo: A New World Begins

A 1,000-year war spanning the realms has cost the Gods and their servants, the Jewel Empresses, dearly. The magic that supports the realms is breaking down. The worlds are breaking apart. Aiden and River have fought for 1,000 years as Champions for the Jewel Empresses and will become leaders in the new world. Dallas has seen the future in his dreams for years, but now his dreams have become nightmares of the end of the world as we know it. His dreams are filled with humans becoming Shifters, magic portals, a new realm and two of the hottest guys he has ever seen. But the war caused unexpected repercussions. The Champions will find themselves facing demons while navigating the uncharted waters of love to find their fated mate and fulfill their destiny. Note: This is the first book in what is intended to be a series of Terra Adamo novels. The series contains homosexual relationships, 3 way relationships, Omega pregnancies and scenes intended for adults 18+ only.

AmanacerDeAmor · Fantasy
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Chapter 5

Aiden and River awoke to the sounds of the forest. The two took a moment to soak in the peaceful serenity of their surroundings. After many years spent on the fields of battle, peaceful moments like this held infinite value to the two warriors. Unfortunately, their peace was soon interrupted by the appearance of Mara. "Good morning, Champions. I bring you a gift from the Empresses." Mara extended her hands to reveal several small, marble-sized orbs swirling with a multitude of colors within. "As you deliver the message to the citizens of this world, drop one of these onto the ground to open the soul-bonding portals."

Aiden reached for their bags to store the marbles. "Thank you, Mara. Is your family settling nicely in the castle?" "Yes, our wing of the estate is now complete. We have begun building the offsite residences to house the many guests we will be expecting," she replied with a warm smile. "I have to get back to the castle now. So much to do, so little time." Without bothering to wait for a reply, she turned and disappeared.

Aiden shook his head in expiration, "We should begin delivering the message from the Empresses. Canines from this realm still believe in the Gods. Once we explain the portals, I expect the evacuations to go fairly smoothly. Though, I pity the Champions who will be assigned to evacuate the human realm. That one will be a nightmare for sure." River slowly rose to his feet and replied to Aiden. "I agree, I would hate to be assigned that one. Though, I suspect all Champions will end up assisting in that mission. We should head to the capital city and begin spreading the message from there. I suspect your evaluation is correct. I anticipate the evacuations to be complete in time. Let's head in that direction. If we come across an open field, we can take wing from there."

Being in peak physical condition, the Champions were able to cover a great deal of ground in their human form. After running for an hour, they found an open field large enough to call on their animal forms.

River went first, reaching deep inside his mind to call forth his beast form. His body began to grow, fur sprouted from his skin, his wings sprouted from his back, his claws sprang from his fingertips, and he fell to four feet as a great sphinx. Though he had fought using this form for nearly 1000 years, this was the first time he had used the form since the soul-bond. As his sphinx took over their body, River felt a new awareness of this form. His mind filled with knowledge far more ancient than his own 1000 years could explain. He instinctively knew things and felt things he never had before. The soul of his sphinx clearly held ancient knowledge of magics long forgotten. He felt magic moving through his body, stronger then when he had only been borrowing the form using the Empresses' magic. He felt stronger and more powerful than he had ever felt before.

The voice he had heard in the portal on the day of the soul bonding spoke in his mind. "We are now one being, soul-bonded for all eternity. The magic that flows through my body is now yours to command. The knowledge I have gained through many millennia in these realms is now yours as well. Use these gifts as tools to create a better world. Use our strength to protect our family. Call on me in times of confusion or need. Together, we will serve the Gods, protect our family, and build a new world for so many generations to come."

River felt the profoundness of the moment as the voice of his sphinx faded in his mind. River replied within his mind, "Thank you, it is an honor that you have chosen me as your soul-bonded warrior. I will strive to be worthy of this honor."

Aiden watched River as he completed his transformation. Aiden could feel a heavy presence of magic as River took his sphinx form. Aiden reached deep within himself and called forth the form of his dragon. His body began to grow and stretch to his full dragon shape and size. Black scales surfaced all over his body, talons grew from his claws, spikes raised in a straight line from his snout to the tip of his tail, expansive black wings stretched from his back. As he took his dragon form, Aiden could feel a difference in the magic that flowed through him. His strength had become immense, the fire in his belly grew hotter than he had ever felt before. He instinctively knew he could fly faster, farther, and higher than before. In his mind, Aiden heard the voice of his dragon. "We are now one being, soul-bonded for all eternity. All that I am is now yours. Use my strength and knowledge as tools to build our new world. Together we will build a new family, our descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky. Rule well and with honor." Aiden responded to his dragon, "It is the greatest honor to serve with you. I look forward to the new world we will create together."

With their transformations complete, the two warriors spread their wings and leapt into the sky. They traveled to the capital city and landed on a platform in the center of the city commons area. Aiden trumpeted his dragon's roar knowing the sound would carry for miles. As the sound of his call faded, Aiden reverted to his human form. River remained in his sphinx form carefully guarding against any possible threats while Aiden completed the next step of their mission. Citizens of the city cautiously approached. Aiden's voice rang out across the crowd.

"As many of you know, the Jewel Empresses have suffered greatly from the loss of their sisters. The Gods are angry at those who betrayed them and dared to bring harm to their servants. As Champions of the Empresses, we have carried out their justice and eliminated the entire manticore race. The wolves who used their blood to defy the Gods have been executed.

Without the power of their two slain sisters, the Empresses are unable to maintain the core magic that supports all of the realms. Thus, your world is coming to an end. Those of you in the canine realm who are deemed worthy of redemption will be given a chance to survive. We are here to offer you that chance.

Soon portals will open throughout your world. If you wish to be redeemed by the Empresses, enter the portals. If you are deemed worthy, you will be soul-bonded to a person from the human realm and relocated to a new world as a member of a new race of beings known as a Shifter. Those of you who do not wish to soul-bond will be released into the new world as animals with no sentient consciousness. Those who have served as high priests in this world will be given the opportunity to become familiars to a new generation of magic users.

You will not be able to take any belongings into the portals with you. Please come forward with any questions you may have."

As Aiden completed his speech, a portal swirling with warm light opened beside him. A rather large, gray wolf separated himself from the crowd and moved cautiously towards Aiden. "How long do we have before the portals close?" he questioned. Aiden answered, "The portals will close tomorrow evening at sundown. The world must be evacuated before then or it will be too late."

"I have always trusted in the Champions. If you say this is what we are to do, then I and my family will obey," the wolf responded as he stepped forward to the portal and waited. Murmurs of admiration spread through the crowd. Soon, several wolves joined him in front of the portal. Aiden and River watched as the old wolf lifted his head and proudly walked into the portal followed by his family. A collective gasp went up from those gathered. It did not surprise Aiden or River that the citizens were willing to obey this command. As beings closely associated with their Empresses and the Gods, the citizens were used to the word of the Champions being held in the highest regard, any command was to be obeyed without question. If only all of the realms went this smoothly, the Champions jobs would be much easier.

Several other canines joined Aiden and River on the platform. A Chocolate Labrador with kind eyes spoke, "Champions, we will continue to spread your message throughout our village and to the neighboring villages. You may continue on your journey to save others." With a quick nod of thanks to the lab, Aiden returned to his dragon form. Behind him he heard the lab barking orders to his men to disburse and spread the message. He and River took to the sky to continue spreading the word and opening portals.

In this realm, only two planets had any inhabitants. This first planet had the most inhabitants. The two warriors spent the rest of the day traveling throughout the world, flying from village to village delivering their message. When they had opened all of the portals on this planet, they teleported to the other planet in this realm doing the same. The two worked through the night opening portals and evacuating the inhabitants. By late afternoon on the third day, there were few citizens left. The Champions retraced their steps, flying from village to village using their magic to sense any who had been left behind.

As they flew over the last village, a small outlier near the sea, they sensed the heart beats of several small canines. They landed on a pier near the source of the sound. As they touched down, they shifted back to their human form. Cowering in a boat nearby, they found seven tiny pups. The pups could not have weighed more than two pounds each. The pups were too small to clearly identify what their lineage might be, but River thought it must be something very small. River reach down and scooped up the pups, one-by-one, gently passing off the first three to Aiden. "These little guys are too small to make it into a portal on their own. They're not even old enough to talk yet. Who would be so cruel as to leave these precious babies behind?"

Aiden replied angrily, "I don't know who left them behind, but I know who's going to make sure they get to a portal. The portal will see to it that the children are relocated to a safe place. We just have to get them there first. We cannot take flight and carry the pups. There should be a portal nearby but without flying, I cannot see it. We don't have time to run all over town looking for it." Aiden glanced to the sky. He noticed the sun was nearing the horizon. The sun would soon set, closing the portals and signaling the end of this world.

In his head Aiden heard the voice of his dragon, "Magic has a pulse, an aura all its own. The magic of our Empresses is an extension of the magic of the Gods. Reach down into our soul, find our magic. Stretch it out around you. Let it feel the magic in this world. Let it guide you to the magic of the portal." Aiden closed his eyes and focused on the source of his magic, the fire that resided deep within his body. In his mind, Aiden imagined his fire spreading in a circle from where he stood. Soon he felt his fire reaching towards his left of its own accord. "Follow me, it's this way!" He moved quickly but carefully toward the direction his magic was pulling him. River didn't even question him, he followed without hesitation. The two champions hurried through the city paths. Within minutes, they could see the portal ahead. The portal pulsed with magic. Carefully they passed the puppies one at a time into the portal.

The Champions returned to the sky and finished checking the village. There were a few citizens scattered throughout the two planets who had declined the opportunity to enter the portals. River and Aiden had completed their mission. They returned to the last portal.

As the sun touched the horizon, a kaleidoscope of brilliant colors filled the sky. The brightest yellows, oranges, reds, pinks and purples stretched across the clouds. No painter in all the realms could ever have painted a more beautiful sunset then what they saw before them. River reached out and took Aiden's hand in his own. "Aiden, I know you're not ready to talk about us yet. I understand and respect your decision to wait until after the mission is complete. I just want you to know that there is no one else that I would rather be standing here with than you."

"River, I feel the same way. We have fought side by side for 950 years. In all that time, there has never been another warrior whom I would trust as my partner as I do you. Mara's message came as a bit of a shock and at a bad time. I need some time to adjust." Aiden gently tugged on their joined hands. "Let's teleport home and get some rest. We can talk about it safely there." River nodded his agreement just as the ground began to shake beneath their feet. "And so it begins," sighed River as they began the jump back home.

The Champions soon found themselves standing in the kitchen of the castle. Aiden laughed. "Sorry, River. Just as we started the jump, my mind wandered to how hungry I was. It must have affected our landing here." "Honestly, it could have been either one of us. I was thinking the same thing," replied River. "Well, then have a seat and I will feed you both some of the best stew you have ever tasted," piped up an unfamiliar voice from the stove area. A young brownie with red hair and green eyes was spooning up heaping bowls of something that smelled fantastic. Aiden's nose twitched in excitement. "Hi. You must be family to Mara."

"That I am, she is my elder sister and a pain in my arse on a daily basis" declared the man jovially. "You can call me Buddy. I'll be doing the cooking around here. If you need anything, or want a special food, just let me know and I'll get you whatever you want. If you let me know what your favorites are, I can be sure to prepare them often."

River took a deep sniff of the delicious aroma. "Buddy, it's great to meet you. Anything that smells this good, has to taste great. Thank you for preparing it. If this tastes anything like it smells, you may have already found my favorite!" Buddy placed the bowls on the table, "Have a seat. Eat up. I will get your drinks. You picked a perfect time to arrive. The bread will be out of the oven momentarily." Buddy busied himself gathering the drinks and bread, returning quickly to deliver the promised items to the table.

River and Aiden took their first bites of the stew. It was an amazing combination of beef and vegetables, cooked to perfection. The flavors burst across their tongues, leaving them both drooling for their next bite. Aiden had learned long ago that the best way to ensure a harmonious relationship with a brownie was to frequently express your gratitude for their assistance. "We haven't had food this good in decades. The food Mara sent on our mission was great and this stew is delicious. Thank you."

"You are most welcome. You boys just eat up. Once you finish, just leave your dishes on the table. We'll take care of cleanup. Mara said you boys needed to get on up to your room and get some rest. You are going to have a big day tomorrow. The Fates have big plans for you and your future starts tomorrow.

In your room, you will find your bags have been packed for your next mission. All of the realms have been evacuated except the human realm. Tomorrow at daybreak, the two of you will travel to the human realm to begin the final evacuations. Be sure to stop back by this kitchen for your breakfast before you leave in the morning. I will expect to see you both bright and early. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so you'd best not skip it. I have work left to attend to. I will be back later to close up the kitchen for the night." With a wink and a nod goodbye, he disappeared.

Aidan shook his head, "Do you think we will ever get used to that?" River replied, "Not likely. It still bothers me that the brownies always know more about our future than we do. What could he mean by that crack about the Fates having big plans for us?" Aiden sighed, "There is no way to tell. It will not do any good to ask. We know they will only tell us what they want us to know regardless of how we press them. No need upsetting the man for nothing. We will just have to be patient and find out on our own. From what he said, I don't think we will have long to wait." River nodded in agreement. The two finished their meal in companionable silence and retired to their suite.

Upon arriving in the suite, they found their belongings had all been placed in the same bedroom of the suite. There were three racks in the closet, though their clothes were stored on only two. Everything appeared to be in sets of three, much to their bewilderment. As they wandered around the room, they snuck glances at one another trying to judge the other's reactions to their new shared space and the mysteries it held. River turned to Aiden, "There appears to be a spare of everything. Perhaps they expect us to need a replacement?" Aiden shrugged, "I have no idea. It does seem strange that we have three of everything. I don't expect it will do any good to question it right now. We already know that is a useless effort."

River sat down on the edge of the bed. "We need to talk about us." Aiden lowered himself down beside River. "I know. I have been thinking about it since we arrived back here at the castle." He hesitated. After so many centuries together, it felt strange for their dynamic to change. He continued, "I have felt an attraction to you for many years now. I didn't know what to do with such feelings or what they would mean. I pushed them aside, focusing only on our missions and getting from one day to the next. I didn't expect to have a future at all, with you or otherwise. Now, we have been given the opportunity to live a life of our own, to be together and build a future and a new world. It is a lot to take in."

River felt the vice around his heart begin to release at Aiden's words. After so many centuries of wondering if Aiden could ever accept his feelings, it seemed he finally had his answer. He gathered up his courage and replied to Aiden, his voice shaking with emotion. "It is a bit overwhelming but in a good way, really. I have had feelings for you for many years now. I feared you did not return those feelings. That fear prevented me from confessing my attraction to you. At first, I thought it was just attraction. After a few years, I knew it was something much deeper. So many times, I wanted to tell you how I felt, but I just could not overcome my fears. I can face down entire armies of deadly foes but the thought of you rejecting my feelings for you leaves me shaken. I do not want to lose you as my partner and friend."

"River, I would never end our partnership. These feelings I have for you would never allow me to be separated from you like that. I cannot imagine my life without you in it.

There is no need to rush this. We can take all the time we need to explore this together. For now, let us rest and prepare for our mission tomorrow." Aiden stretched out on the bed and reached for River pulling him down beside him. River allowed Aiden to pull him up close to his side. "For tonight, River, may I just hold you?" River laid his head down on Aiden's chest and nodded his assent. He had dreamed of spending the night in Aiden's arms. To be held close by his side, relaxing after a grueling mission together. For the first time in centuries, River felt hopeful about his future with Aiden.