
Terani Mara

The one who wears the crown, bears the crown.

TheMarCaSa · General
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12 Chs

I Choose Who I Marry



Ehem, anyway. 😅

My dearest friend, noctiferu, is participating in the BTS Writing Competition. Her entry, Through Countless Reincarnations, is an amazing fanfic. If anyone is reading this (sorry for my shamelessness), please support her through Army bombs! It will make our little noctiferu happy. Help us make her happier!Thank you in advance~ 😘

Another thank you for the people reading this book. I am still shookt at the amount of views it has. I admit that I am not confident with my writing skills but, I will try my best to make a wonderful story! I am grateful that you're giving me a chance.

I also thank CailinMatthews for secretly promoting it. Please do support her works, too! The Rightful Queen is a must read!

Another thank you to Deelah, who edits my work and gives me advices on how to improve it. Deeeeeeeee, you're the best! 👍🏼 Thank you so so much! 😭

Lastly, thank you to all my friends (you know who you are! Thank you for the power stones!) who supported me! Love you, guys! 💕

Hope you (yes, you!) enjoy this chapter!

- Biscuit (TheMarCaSa)


I closed my eyes and smiled as I felt the wind blew against my face. Breathing deeply, I opened my eyes and was greeted by light seeping through the thick leaves of the narra tree.

"Saya? Saya!" I heard from below. Lying on top of one of the large branches of the narra tree, I languidly sat down and balanced myself. My eyes searched for the person who was calling me. I giggled softly when I saw her frantically looking around.

"Saya! I'm going to get in trouble if you don't show yourself!" she said, holding her head as if it was in pain. Her once perfectly braided hair had become slightly messed up.

I was struggling between giving in and not exposing my new hiding spot. I have given up countless of hiding spots including my best ones.

Looking back at Cass, my personal maid, I gave out a sigh and prepared to climb down. "I'm here! I'm coming!" I shouted whilst climbing down.

"Oh, dear! Saya Mara! What are you doing up there? Be careful! Wait, I'm going to call for help!" she exclaimed in panic, her usually pale face now red as she looked up at me.

Rolling my eyes, I said, "Relax! You're overreacting! You know more than anyone else that climbing up and down this tree is a piece of ca---AAAAAAYKKK!"

"Sayaaaaa! Oh, dear me! Someone help! The Saya fell off a tree!" she screamed in panic.

I half scowled at her and half gave her a was-that-necessary look.

I lost my footing half-way down and fell on my butt. It was not a good fall, hell, no. It's definitely going to bruise and I could already feel my butt aching.

Cass, who was now beside me trying to help me up, was still screaming for help as if I was drowning.

"Shut up, Cass! The whole palace doesn't need to know that the Saya fell off a tree!" I scolded. "On her butt!" I added and was now standing... Not too straight.

"Are you okay, Saya?" Cass asked, worry written all over her face.

Sighing, I answered, "No, but, I will be. No need to worry," However, her facial expression told me she wasn't convinced.

"Why were you even looking for me? It's my break," I asked, changing the topic.

We are now walking to who-knows-where, every step making my butt ache.

"Your break ended two hours ago, Sa---," she stopped what she was saying when she saw me scowling at her and decided to just answer my question.

"Iro Ando has arrived and he was looking for you. The Sadaya asked for your presence," she answered, giggling and blushing like a teenage girl.

"I don't even need to ask which Ando you are referring to," I pouted. "I swear that mother of mine is trying to get rid of me. That or she thinks she's giving me a favor by trying to marry me off to someone wealthy," I openly said as we were about to reach my mother's chambers.

"Saya, don't say that! The Sadaya just wants what's best for you! And Iro Ando? He's the best! He's the dream man of all the maidens in Saquiro! You're really lucky that he's into you! I won't be surprised if he asks for your hand in marriage soon!" Cass squealed in excitement.

I scrunched up my nose, my eyebrows probably furrowed.

/Me? With Byce?

I shivered at the thought.

Byce, first born and son of the Parih, was a childhood friend of mine. With a pointed yet soft nose, squinty eyes that disappears whenever he smiles or laugh, thin pink lips and a sharp jaw, he is quite good looking. And being the son of the Parih, he was the dream man of many girls. The most eligible bachelor of the Kingdom, next to Kugo. Byce is a kind-hearted man. Actually, too nice and this attracted a lot of women. Not me, though. I only think of him as a really good friend. And that's all there is to it.

I don't even remember the first time I met Byce. All I know is that I have known him ever since. He would come a lot after his lessons. He, Kugo and all the ministers' sons went to the same class.

He would bring me all sorts of flowers and food. He would also play with me.

Back then, we were really close. But, when Ahma died, the meetings and the playtime stopped. I was always with Kugo and when I'm not, I would be in my room or in my 'hiding spots'.

I was okay with being friends with him, despite not being close anymore.

Not until Yna started to think that she is a matchmaker, trying to make all my meetings with Byce awkward. She would always comment about how perfect we are for each other and how good we look together.

I could tolerate all her teasing until she mentioned how wonderful it could've been if me and Byce had children.

Byce had smiled happily and looked at me as if I was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.

I, on the other hand, stared at him wide-eyed with my mouth slightly open in shock.

I closed my mouth, turned around and just left the room, ignoring his and my mother's calls to come back.

He ran after me and apologized if he had offended me. I just looked at him and continued walking.

I didn't know what to say! If I said it was alright, then he might think it was really fine with me. If I said it was not alright, I might have hurt his feelings. But then again, ignoring him and walking away might've been more offensive or hurtful.

"Saya... Sayaaaa...," I heard Cass whispered at me, nudging me.

I looked around and was a bit surprised that we were already in Yna's garden. I guessed I must have been too lost in my thoughts.

"Saya, are you okay?" asked a voice I recognize.

I glanced up at the voice. My mother was looking at me, with a worried expression on her face. She looked like she wanted to approach me but thought otherwise.

Byce was standing nearer to her, looking at me with a puzzled look, as well.

"Yes. It's just...," I searched my brain for a good excuse so not to further embarrass myself.

"I was distracted by the beauty of the cherry blossoms!" I quickly said, pointing at one part of the garden where a cherry blossom tree stands. However, there were no cherry blossoms blooming.

/Mara, you idiot!

I slowly looked back at my mother and Byce. They were looking at the cherry blossom tree and slowly looked back at me.

/Wow, so synchronized.

"Are you alright, Mara? Are you sick? Do you feel sick?" asked Yna, walking towards me. Her right hand going straight to my forehead.

"I'm fine, Yna," I said and took one step back, making her drop her hand.

"If you say so," she replied as she also took a step back with her smile faltering.

"Why are you standing like that?" Byce asked and it was then I realized that my butt was slightly protruded.

I instantly straightened my body and also instantly regretted it.

/Ugh. My butt! Mara, you complete idiot!

Seeing my pained expression, Byce finally approached me.

Seeing this, I briskly walked towards the table and sat on the chair, as graceful as I could manage, opposite of where he was sitting earlier.

There was an awkward silence. And Yna broke it by requesting more tea and some pastries.

Byce walked back to the table and sat on his seat earlier.

It was obvious that I hurt his feelings once again but I can't put myself to treat him the way I treated him before when we were still close. It makes me feel extremely uncomfortable when he approaches me and gives me 'the look'. Probably because I knew that he has feelings for me and it makes me extremely awkward. It's as if my whole being hated it.

The tea and pastries came and a maid came to help pour some tea for all of us. She placed each cup in front of a small coffee table in front of us.

I daintily took a cup and sipped my tea. I instantly regretted it because I was never fond of tea.

I placed my cup down and just focused on anything but Byce. And as always, Yna was the one doing all the talking.

"So, I heard that you're finally handling a part of your family's business! You are such an intelligent and hard-working young man! Your parents must be proud of you. The Parih always talked about you and your achievements," Yna complimented while sipping her tea, gracefully.

With a smile, Byce put down his cup and nodded.

"Yes, I was finally given a chance to handle the field in Rewos. It's the biggest rice field in the Kingdom," he said proudly, glancing at me. "I'm still making mistakes here and there but in a short time, I'm sure that I will get used to it," he added with a sip of tea and with another glance my way.

At the corner of my eye, I saw Yna looking back and forth at me and Byce.

"So...," she started.

/What is it this time?

I looked at her, dreading to hear what she was going to say next.

"Iro Ando...," she looked at Byce as she picked a moon biscuit, and slowly chewed on it. She then took another sip of tea.

The look I was giving my mother probably showed my lack of patience because I swear Byce coughed out a laugh and hid it by sipping more tea.

"When will you ask for my daughter's hand in marriage?" she nonchalantly asked as if it was something she normally say.

"Yna!" I shouted while Byce choked on his tea.

I looked at him and saw him out his tea. Tea out of his nose, dripping and all. His eyes met mine and I saw how his eyes popped out and his face turned red in embarrassment.

I forgot my mother's ridiculous question and started laughing out loud. I know my actions were not how the Saya of Saquiro should act but it just slipped my mind.

"Mara! Hush! How unethical and disrespectful!" she scolded.

She turned to face Byce and asked in concern, "Iro, dear, are you okay?" She gave a gesture to one of the maids to hand him a napkin to clean up after himself.

"I'm alright, Sadaya. Thank you," Byce said in between coughs.

I stopped laughing and watched as Byce accepted the napkin. The maid also passed a glass of water to him.

/Right. More liquid.

"I am not marrying anyone," I declared. I immediately stood up and added, "I choose who I marry."

Both my mother and Byce stared at me in shock.

My mother stood up straight and before she could scold me, I quickly turned to Byce and asked, "Byce, can we talk?"

"In private," I stressed out, giving my mother a side glance.

Byce nodded. He straightened himself and bowed at my mother. "Sadaya, I shall take my leave," he informed my mother who nodded at him and looked my way with a blank expression.

I, too, bowed and started to walk away with Byce in tow.

We were now out of the North Wing and on our way to the West Wing, towards the Moon Pond.

Byce was quiet as he waited for me to say something.

When we finally reached the entrance of the Moon Pond area, I immediately said, without looking at him, "So, Iro Ando...,"

He was standing beside me when I started to talk.

He let out a small laugh. "Iro Ando? Since when did you start calling me that, Saya Mara?" he asked with emphasis on Saya Mara.

I laughed at that.

"What?" I asked awkwardly as he was looking at me again in both awe and shock.

"It's been a long time since you smiled at me, Mara," he commented, looking away. But I already saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Yes, I guess," I replied, feeling a bit guilty. "Well, we never really had the chance to really talk," I added as we continue walking slowly, almost at the Moon Pond.

"And whose fault do you think is that?" he teasingly asked, with a cheeky smile on his face. His eyes were smiling with happiness, feeling happy that we began to finally talk like before.

I looked away, feeling guilty. I was trying to look for words to say to him and found none.

"It's alright," he said softly.

"I knew that you started to avoid me since the Sadaya started to give hints that she wanted us together," he stated with a sigh.

"I could have gone against it if I knew I was going to lose you. But I just couldn't. I, too, want us to be together," he stopped walking and faced me, his eyes meeting mine, searching for something.

I stared back at him, not knowing what to say.

I knew. Somehow, I always knew he had feelings for me. Ever since we were kids, he was the only friend who stayed beside me, even when I started to push him away after Ahma died.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, looking down at his reflection on the Moon Pond. I saw his reflection turned to me, looking intently at me.

"Don't," he finally said after a few seconds.

"I don't want you feeling sorry about not having the same feelings as I do. That's the last thing I want you to feel towards me," he said, his voice soft as if consoling me.

Again, I am lost for words. Byce, one of the most kind-hearted person you'll meet, is hurting because of me.

"Byce, I---,"

"I will wait," he said, cutting me off.

I turned to him. He was now looking at the pond. "I will wait and hope until you find someone you'll want to spend the rest of your life with," he continued.

"But, until then," he looked at me, in his eyes I see longing. "Until then, let me have these feelings for you. Don't tell me to stop feeling the way I feel because I simply can't," he pleaded and once again, I was lost for words.

We stared at each other for a few more seconds until he gave me a genuine smile.

"So, Mara...," he whispered.

"Yes?" I asked as we both stared at each other's eyes. Still not recovering from his sudden confession. Hoping he won't pop the 'big question'.

"Can we be friends again?" he asked with his infamous charming smile, making sigh in relief.

Laughing, mostly at myself, I answered, "You've always been my friend. I've never thought of you any less."

"And anymore?" he teased.

"Byce!" I laughed and slapped his arm.

He laughed with me and we both looked at each other, smiling. Both of us knew we were back to how we used to.

"Lets get you out of the palace," I said.

He put his hand on his chest in mock hurt. "Are you trying to get rid of me?" he said in a sad tone, making me laugh.

We started to walk again when he added, "We only just gotten back together as before and already you're getting rid of me."

We laughed and talked about random stuff while we were walking towards the gates, not minding the whispers of the palace people.

One of the servants offered to get the carriage for us but we declined.

We were enjoying our 'walkatalk' as Byce named it. Walking while talking.

After a while, we stopped talking and just silently walked side by side. The silence was far from awkward.

As we were passing by the Royal Hall, I abruptly stopped when I heard someone say...

"The people should know what that dead Hangko did! He was a traitor! Murderer!"