
Prologue : Accidental summon

It was Friday, the rain was pouring relentlessly. The sound of rain-drops was calming. However, it was not the same in my classroom. Even though the scene outside was raining it was not enough to put out the heated laughter of the other three people in the classroom. I, Kogami Kagero, was resting my head on top of my desk while reading. For me, the time I spent in school was extremely tiring.

Why was that? Because in school I was deprived of my only entertainments, games and light novels. I spent my days in my room playing games on my portable game device and reading novels, but well, because of my hard work, my grades were slightly above the average. My hair was a little longer than most but by no means it's untidy, and I was a quiet student who didn't interact much with my classmates, which developed bad rumors.

Overall, I was a normal student in a normal high school but just because of my love for games and light novel, most of the student in my class, boy or girl, looked at me with prejudice and sometimes mocked me. 'What's so wrong with loving games and light novel? It is normal for a young man of my age to be interested in games and the likes, right?' This was something that I wanted to shout every time I was mocked but I knew that I alone would only be crushed by the whole class if I ever voiced my opinion. 

I knew that the reason why they picked on me was not because of my love for games or anything of the like. It was because I was a loner, who didn't quite match with the rest of the class, that's all. But I just like my silence and alone time, that was why I chose to just ignored everything my classmates said, what I liked is my business and no one would make me choose otherwise.

And because of it, I viewed my time in school as a mere obligation, my duty as a student and as to not disappoint my parents. Enduring mockery aimed at me, pretending to be fine and unaffected in front of my teachers and parents. I had imagined a sweet school life, spending time with those that have similar hobby as mine. But I kept being made to realize that reality was not sweet like my imagination, which I already knew, over and over again until I was sick of it. 

To endure all of this while maintaining my line between reality and imagination I acquired a mentality to accept, recognize, and analyze everything and anything thrown at me and make adjustments based on the situation. Indifferent, this word was the best word to describe me. Being mocked, harassed and pitied none of this affected me anymore and the result my facial expression was the embodiment of poker face. Neither laughing or angry it was truly devoid of any emotion humans possessed, but this was only my outward facade.

There were only a few things that could make a smile appear on my face. Mainly anything related to my hobbies, meaning games or light novels. These two things could drag out my true self. When I was in my room alone my face regained emotions. I may have had the appearance of an indifferent person outside but the real me was a person who expressed himself according to what I read and watched.

But there was also one person that could make me smile. That person was the student council president of my school, Hanashaki Saya, the girl who had attained idol-like status in my school. Flowing, long, natural blonde hair that reached her hips with enchanting blue eyes like lapis lazuli combined with her pale white skin and you got the idol of the school, the one called "Moonlight Vampiress." The reason why she was called that was, I quote, "Her beauty is too enchanting, almost inhuman, a beauty that cannot be ruined by mere time." said the president of her secret fan club and also the one who spread her nickname.

Her height reached only 165 cm, her body was curved out where it's supposed to curve out and curved in where it's supposed to curve in. The only thing that not curved out were her breasts. They weren't flat but there was not much to look at, but she made up for it with a perfect perky butt, not too big and not too small but had the shape of peaches. 

She was the only one that didn't judge me and interact normally with me. She was kind.

Adding her good nature to this inhuman-like beauty made her the student council president for three years straight. All people, regardless of sex or year, liked and depend on her, Even the teachers. and somehow this girl was always seen with me beside her. Every time she had break she would go to meet me and in the time when Saya was beside me, a smile although small and faint appeared on my face. It was a bewitching smile with the power to grab any girls heart in one look. When a smile would appear on my face, even the girls who looked at me with prejudice would blush a little, according to Saya anyway.

The fact that Saya was always with me made the male students, regardless of year, see me as an enemy and keep harassing me. I just calmly ignored everything they said, but the moment they said bad things about Saya… that was where I snapped and gave them an absolute zero death gaze. Combining this with my naturally stern face made them flinch and leave. Saya always cared for me and I also cared for Saya but mind you, it was not love it was just me simply paying obligation to Saya's kindness towards me.

The rain kept pouring down endlessly. In the classroom, I stared at the rain through the window with my head resting on my hand all the while listening to the conversation of the three figures two desks beside me.

"Oi, tone down the gloomy aura will you? This rain is already gloomy enough don't increase it with your aura, nerd!" (Reki)

"That's right, don't bring your gloomy aura in here! Or better, can you go somewhere else before your aura rub out on us?" (Shina)

"Maa maa, isn't it okay? It's not nice to just drive him away, you know?" (Naoki)

"Naoki you're too nice. Oi, nerd! you better appreciate Naoki's kindness towards you!" (Reki)

It was the normal words of harassment for me, the three figures who just now talked were two males and one female. The first one to talk was Nakagawa Reki, a person with muscles for brains. He always glared and clicked his tongue when he saw me. The reason was he couldn't stand my gloomy aura which pretty much existed only in the eyes of people who looked at me with prejudice. He was a male student with a toned and muscular body of 170cm, short spiky black hair, and eyes, and an aggressive attitude: the polar opposite of me with a lean but tall 180cm body.

The second one who talked was a female student with black hair that reached to her back and her looks could be said second only to Saya, named Kurokami Shina. If Saya face had a gentle and healing feeling, then Shina had a sharp and commanding feeling. She also had the parts Saya didn't have, the breasts. She was someone that could be called the queen, her oppressive and self-important, almost sadistic, attitude plus her good looks made her liked by students with certain "peculiar inclinations" but ignoring that part she was someone who was easy to talk with. If you weren't hated by her, that is.

The last to talk was the most popular male student in the school with ash-grey hair color, Shiraha Naoki. Smart, athletic and the owner of the dazzling smile which could one-shot kill any female heart and the charisma to lead people, society called people like him "Bishounen". Even though he was a riajuu that made every male student envy him, there were no bad rumors about him, only good ones. 

And every time Saya came to meet me, female students who saw Saya whispered behind my back something like "Why is Saya-san always with that nerd? He doesn't match with her" or "Doesn't that nerd realize that Saya-san should be with someone like Naoki-kun? Not with someone like him". I ignored everything they said which only fueled their hatred towards me.

"Oi, nerd! Do you hear me?!" (Reki)

" ...... " (Kagero)

"You bast-" (Reki)


The moment Reki rose from his chair, a figure open the door of their class. It was the "Moonlight Vampire" Hanashaki Saya. Saya looked inside the class and after she confirmed that I was still in my seat, ignored everything and walked towards me with a smile on her face. The existence of the other three in the class didn't matter to her right now.

"Kagero-kun, sorry to make you wait for me. The meeting went on longer than I expected."(Saya)

I looked at the source of the voice while my head still rested on top of my hand. A smile surfaced on my face when I looked that the source of the voice.

"It's okay, this doesn't even count as waiting. So, shall we go?" (Kagero)

"Un!" (Saya)

The three people that were disregarded could only stare blankly at me and Saya ignoring them so easily "The look on their face is just priceless" this was what I was thinking when I saw their faces. They came back to reality after hearing the sound of my chair moving and saw me and Saya already walked toward the door. Then someone stopped me and Saya when they walked in front of the teacher desk, the one who stopped them was Naoki.

"Good evening, Saya-san." (Naoki)

Finally realizing Naoki and his friends were there, Saya bowed and greeted them.

"Good evening, Shiraha-kun, Nakagawa-kun and Kurokami-san." (Saya)

"Yo, Saya-san!" (Reki)

" .....Hmmp." (Shina)

"Saya-san, do you have time? We were planning to go to karaoke. If you don't mind, would you like to go with us?" (Naoki)

"Oh, nice idea, Naoki." (Reki)

" .....if Naoki says so." (Shina)

Naoki was inviting Saya with an ikemen smile, Reki also supported his idea and started to persuade Saya while Shina just sat there looking at them with a bad mood. But before Saya said anything my eyes noticed something like lines of light appeared on the classroom floor. The experienced reader, me, knew what this bizarre situation would lead to. Before my mind thought what to do my body moved by itself, I grabbed Saya hand and pulled her to me and hugged her from behind. Naoki, Reki and Shina were unable to understand my action and stood there surprised, but the one who was surprised the most was Saya who was trapped in my arms with blushing face while calling my name over and over wanted to know the reason of my action. As if waiting for my reaction, the lines started shining brightly the same time I hugged Saya and then before we knew it we were summoned to another world.