
TENSURA: the primodial fox

In a Normal day a gay man suddenly got reincarnated to his favourite anime. Will he have an adventure of a lifetime there? Read to Finding out :)

imre_amon · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

ch 1 reincarnation

'I was spit out in the world twice: first as a baby boy in the 21st century on earth; and then again in the beginning of time,shocking, right? Well, it is, but hey, who's complaining? I'm just glad I'm still here, I guess, so you're probably wondering who am I or what am I well in my first life. I was just your average gay otaku whose favourite anime is that time I got reincarnated as a slime'

thought the guy floating through the endless void of nothingness ' when suddenly I die, I did not die like a hero like saving someone I die of natural death' *sigh* 'welp no use in crying now I guess'

Suddenly, I saw something that looked like a blue giant lizard, and when I meant giant, I meant beanstock that was exchange for cow giant. He was making something as I felt something leave his body it was amazing. Suddenly, there was something in the empty space there was, and it looked like his making more.

"guesseveryone was wrong. How the universe came to be turns out it wasn't big bang but a giant lizard.Who would've thought that HAHAHAHAHA!! if Georges Lemaître found this out, he would've freaking loose his mind. HAHAHAHAHA!!"

And then I saw the big lizard turn its head to me well, not me, me but the void I was in

" What is this void thing here even I can not comprehend this thing? Let's try something" Suddenly something happened it was this big thing that looks really cool but also dangerous it goes to where I am, but then the void suck the thing into it, and then I felt something like something entered my body it was weird yet amazing it felt like I had powered up of some sort.

then the big lizard went away. I heard it muttering something like "better don't get closed to that thing. bye biatch." Well, not the last part, but heyyy you can't just leave me here. Well, I guess there is no use in crying

'Hmmm, I should focus on knowing where I am after all it is weid to, you know, get stuck in this void of a thing, let see what we have here.

Andddd we have nothing here just me'

'Let's think' the floating man goes in a thinking position

{image here}

'Aha, I get it since I was reborn. I should probably be in something like an egg, then that means right now I'm still like a yolk or something like that.'

the man got up and floated until it hit something

'So this is the end of my so-called egg'(sound so wrong pfffttttt)

'Let's see the world that the dragon created. Yes, I know that was a dragon in not dumb anyway. What I see is that there's no sign of life on the planet, yet I guess it will take time for that to happen now'

' Well, since I'm in an egg, I should probably sleep until I'm about to hatch already'

"notice: the VOTW is online connecting to the cardinal world"

"Wait, wait, wait, did it just say VOTW? " 'I feel my eyes closing, but if that's really the VOTW, then I'm in tesnura. I could finally meet hi---

his eyes suddenly close from drowsiness

an: author here, so what did you think? Please correct me if I'm wrong anywhere and don't be afraid to give suggestions since I don't know what I'm going to do in this story. I guess that's it for now, byeeee