
TENSURA: That Time I Abandoned Humanity

(No one read the PS's, so I'll put them up here instead) PS: The first volume was just a prologue that's fast-paced AF and ALSO a canon copy only for the convenience of future plot. PPS: If you don't want to read a canon copy, just go ahead and read Volume 1; Chapter 1,2,3, skip to 11.5 another skip to 19 and 20. THEN, You can go ahead and open Volume 2. Also, THIS BOOK CONTAINS SPOILERS! 《DISCLAIMER》 《The following is a non-profit fan fiction. I do not own Naruto, Tensura, The gamer, and a bunch of other stuff in this fan fiction. Please support the official release.》 . . . . 《Confirmed. Reconstructing the spirit...『Gamers mind』 has been acquired. Report. 『Gamers mind』 and 『Gamers body』 evolved into one skill category: 『Gamer』 has been created 》 And that's what I heard after my death. Did I Hallucinate? Can a ghost even hallucinate? or did I survive, but the doctors gave me too much morphine?? well, no matter... [Additional tag: Genderbender ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] And yes, I own the book cover. Sincerely, Chair-kun's alter ego - Door-kun

Door_kun · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Chapter 75 - Fateful encounter

Completely ignoring yesterday's chaotic event where it was shino-sensei's party of a disaster, I walk to school as if nothing happened.

But what makes me intrigued is that someone is following me.

No, he's not stalking or watching me from afar or something like that.

He straight-up "Going to the same destination, Walking the same path, and moving on the same pace" as I am.

「Ne, what do you think of our classmates?」

The Greater demon associated with the color of black asked me.


I answered.

「Fufu, that's not wrong. But it seems like Boruto-kun, Shikadai-kun, and Mitsuki-san were called by Shino-sensei for an "Extracurricular lesson" today. What do you think would happen? 」

And how am I supposed to know that-

Either way, I know that won't be good.

Was it something to do with the plot?

I've only watched Naruto in my past life, but judging how these canon characters act…

「More chaos…」

Thus, I concluded.

「Pfft- fuhahahaha! Is that your favorite word?」

The heck are you laughing at?

「Wanna go check them out?」

Demons are supposed to be craving for powers. Why is it that makes you so laid back?


I figured if Shino-sensei is absent, it'll be a self-study.

Which means… I can doze of-

Wait, since the class building is destroyed. There're no table or chairs to lay and doze off at…

「Yeah let's go and do that.」

I've reached a conclusion.




Which is a bad idea.

It is a bad idea that we got caught up in the crossfire.

「I didn't call you two, why are you both here, Riko-kun and… Kuro-kun?」

Shino-sensei stated in his unnatural state.

Demons are always known as skilled empaths.

But I don't need to ask Kuro about Sensei's condition right now…

He went mad.

「Well if you're also asking for a final lesson, then I shall give it to you!」

Such, came from Shino-sensei in his broken state.

Nai wa…

Not wasting any more time, I draw the katana; Amenoma Kageuchi from my inventory.

And gave a magicules coated slash to the Kikaichūs.


It opened up quite a hole on the swarm of bugs enough for us to get out.

「Magic. Then I shall respond the same way.」

As sensei stated, his kikaichūs started to change color.

It's white...

Albino? No.

Genetically mutated bugs?

No. It's purely created from the form of evolution.

It didn't change color, sensei just swapped the Chakra-eating insects with another one that is inside his body.

Those Bugs are… eating Magicules?

The insects won by numbers, but their EP total is just pitiful. Their ability to absorb Magic in the air is not really stable too.

Humu. We won't have any problem with this.

I look at Kuro who is just standing there with his hands in his pockets.

「Humu. It's interesting to see how humans developed techniques rather than skills. It never fails to leave me intrigued by their controlled way of fighting style…」

「 Nevertheless…」



In seconds, all the insects swarming us are obliterated.

I see, Magicules overload…

This guy has been feeding them Magic from the start!

「We just came here to watch. So, we shall bid you adieu. 」

While saying those words, he grabs me by the shoulder and swoops my leg.

The next thing I know, we're far away from the battlefield.

Well, other than he teleported us while princess carrying me.


I demanded.

「Ah! Certainly…」

With a smile, he put me down gently.

I feel weird…

Now then, Shino sensei going berserk is part of the plot, right?

Maa~ we already have another continent on the other side of the globe, so I won't be surprised if nothing comes exactly the same as canon.

Rather, it was that old sage who pulls the string when I was about to make everything different.

But now…?

Is that guy still active?


I see.

So that's how it is…

Anima, you idiot… going canon at this kind of situation will definitely disadvantage us, that stupid tree…

「Are you guys from the academy?」

A new voice arises.

Currently, we're standing on top of a roof.

But we never expect to find someone else here.

And to our surprise, we were greeted by a boy our age.

He has short-messy blonde hair and golden eyes. He wore a white jacket with a hoodie and two arm protectors on both of his arms.

Wha- Albedo!?

No… that character has long braided ashy blonde hair, this guy's hair is messy blonde.

But regardless, I felt strange energy coming from him.

Knowing that he looked into my opened Jagan (Evil eyes), without getting scared is enough to make me on a high alert.

I roll my eyes to scan his appearance.

And my eyes landed on a gemstone pinned on his collar right above his chest.

Isn't that a vision!

This guy is-!

「I'm kind of lost and I can't find my way to the academy, but then I felt the huge wavelength of summoning magic being used right here so…」

In an awkward manner, He tried to explain his situation to the wary me.

「Ah! Kuro!?」

The blonde guy exclaimed.

Eh!? These guys know each other!?

「Oya? Kamiya. It has been a while, I never thought the Spirit king would send you here. 」

「Ahahahah, well he could be a bit manipulative once in a while…」

This line was delivered in helpless expression.

These guys…


≪Devine Phantom Lv??? ≫

-Status appraisal failed.


Suddenly, this guy dubbed as "Kamiya" frowned.

「Hatake-san… I don't know if you know this, but please refrain from using appraisal on every single individual you meet. It's rude to do so. 」


「Now now, let this one slide, Kamiya. Not all humans know monsters' common sense after all.」

Kuro stated this with a smile.


Just- Just who in the world are these two!?

Aren't they a Great Demon and a Phantom!?

No. It wasn't them that's too strong.

It was me who's too weak.

「Now now… don't think of yourself as weak, Riko-san. Everyone can get stronger.」

This was voiced out by the greater demon with a head pat.

Technically, I'm just a few weeks old, but this is just too weird.

And that's also what makes me retreat from his "head pat" range.

How did he even-


「When…? 」

Those words came out of my mouth.

'Ah? Just right after you used appraisal.'

These telepathic sentences were delivered to my mind right after that.

No wonder I could feel my core activated…

Knowing that, I resisted.

「Fufu, you're very skillful…」

Kuro stated as I cut off the one-sided thought communication.

I'm still on guard.

These guys should be able to take down the now un-nerfed and OOC'd Kakashi if they work together.

Sensing my worry, the Phantom speaks up.

「Is there a problem? Please be at ease, we mean no harm. 」

The Phantom holds both of his hands up in the air in a surrendering manner.

I looked at both of them.

Assessing the Black-haired demon in his lazy demeanor and the smiling Phantom that looks like an innocent boy.

After scanning them, I finally let my katana down.

「Trust… Riko will try.」

Damn Aphasia…

Once again, I was greeted by both of their smiles.

「Then please take care of me, Riko-chan!」

Saying those words with a bright smile, the phantom named Kamiya takes my hand for a handshake.

I feel like this is a fateful encounter, but it still makes me wonder how am I even in this situation in the first place.








Name and type - Hatake Riko・Monster

Species - Oni

Gender - Female

Proceeding evolution path - Majin

Level - Oni Lv1 (Always reset after an evolution)

Disaster - A+

EP total - 191,601/191,601

MP - 164,510/164,510

CP - 27,091/27,091


『Arability crest』 (Passive)

『Oni crest』(Passive)



『Jagan (Evil eyes)』


-No skills available yet.




An ability to unleash the spiritual power of pure ambitions from the soul and nucleic heart.



An ability to shape and hold Magicules in place to form a solid structure of transparent coating or protection.


『Universal Detect』

An ability to perceive Light, Sound, Smell, and Heat to ones surrounding.


『Universal Thread』

Durable threads made out of the user's own body.


『Magic Affinity』

Allows the user to become more sensitive to Magicules/Magic power/Mana and handle it better.



Pseudo Voice of The World grants the user the privilege to obtain new skills by paying with the currency known as skill points.


-Skill points: 50




-Mental Domination

(I think this is obvious)


-Thought acceleration

An ability to amplify the user's thought-processing speed.




- Resurrection

Allows the user to resurrect those around them, and can alternatively be used as a form of Immense Healing





An ability to gamble a currency known as Primogems to obtain random Items generated by the Voice of The World.

-Boost Luck

An ability to boost the user's good karma.


-Default screen (This is quite obvious)

-Quest system [LOCKED] (Also obvious)


Ability to store things unbounded by the laws of space and time.





An ability

to that allows the user to get information about other objects within the System.


- Absolute Rationality (I think this is obvious)

- Reversed Aphasia EX

An ability

increases the user's advantage and luck through linguistic speech in any kind of way.





- Reincarnator



- No resistance available yet.




To be continued.

PS: Hatake means "Farmland" or "arable land" or "cultivated field" = Arability crest.

PPS: Let's have more plot twists, shall we?

Door_kuncreators' thoughts