
Tensura: Supreme Kitsune

Knight_Riku · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 8: Guy and Milim Povs

(a/n sorry for putting this here and not at the end. I'd appreciate it if you would read this. This is a large author's note to address two things. The first is to those of you criticizing my work. What I have to say to you is to simply leave if you have a problem with it. No one is asking you to continue reading this. So what if I lose 1 or 2 or maybe a few hundred or thousand readers as a result. I already have 75,000+ people reading MY story that I AM WRITING. If you have a problem with it then I invite you to put your money where your mouth is and write a FanFic from start to end, and make it daily chapters release. I am writing with 35% effort in my FanFics. That means 65% of my effort in may actual Book Series that I am writing and I am going to publish will drop in quality as a result and I am now forced to re edit it a bunch more times and assess it more then necessary. What I am giving you is something I write in 1 attempt and publish it. There might be one or two words or a few letters that I am missing but that is fine. This is because I simply am too busy in my day and do not have enough time to go over and edit it. I am confident in what I am giving you as I even go past midnight to make it readable. I am Autistic and have to deal with my sore and unfit body after my part-time Labour work, all in attempt to help support my family who are in a okay but not great situation. Now a child is coming in the family in 8 months and I have to get a new job that pays better so I can provide money for the child when it comes and not go into family bills. The rest of this reason you can read in the comment section of "Furry vs Loli Part 1" as I am not going to repeat it. I had also had an emotional breakdown earlier today and seeing that comment made me sad as you have no idea what I am going through and despite that I am posting these chapters to you all. As for my second point it is simple – I am making this story as I want and some of you are saying and complaining about characters like Veldanava past and Velgrynd and Milim in Harem and relationship with Riku and so on. You are gonna have to wait. Originally I only wanted to have Milim, Guy and Ramiris Pov but because of you few individuals I will do this only once. I am including Guy, Milim, Ramiris, Velgryd, Velzado, Veldora, Rudra Povs now. They will also refrence their past. You few people have ruined my plans as I had planned for Velgrynd, Velzado, Veldora Povs mainly to only be around the time of Walpurgis, but here you go. This is a one time thing I am doing then I will be ignoring complaints about the story and will not make an Author's note this long again. Infact I will not answer your complaints. If you don't like the story then leave, simple. If you are not those people then thank you and stay as I have a special surprise for you all as I had recently gotten a massive idea from some of my past notes. Hahaha. U all are literally gonna hunt me down to strangle me when you reach that point or the end of this FanFic. Now thank you my loyal readers who are not apart of the group I am directly mentioning. I will anwer and respond to your questions but no complaints. Thank u and please continue reading. Ps. Povs will be shorter than what it was supposed to be as I now have to do 4 more characters due to my earlier reason to complaints. Originally I wanted to make a chapter dedicated to each individual which you will still get but only close to Walpurgis chapter, this chapter will be the worst one yet as I only want to tease it as each character's pov past is related to one another, mainly the True Dragons and Milim. I may make multiple chapters of this as part 1, 2 and 3 to let you know I advance. Now excuse me as I go back to writing while listening to my music of "Assassin's Creed Revelations 'Iron' 1 hour repeat")

Guy Pov


All three current members of the room went silent from there long and heated argument, regarding Riku's current rampage.

Their silence was because they had sensed that the aura of chaos and destruction, from what would one day be apart of the Jura Tempest Federation, had suddenly stopped.

"What happened?!" Milim exclaimed with clear worry in her voice.

"It seems he has calmed down finally?"

"Of course, he has! But why did he even need to calm down in the first place?! You told us to stay out of it?! He is our friend! We haven't even met him…the real him ever since he left to sleep in his territory!"

A small yellow person with fairy wings was currently hitting Guy in the face with her "Karate Kick of Annihilation" and "Omega Punch" attacks.

Guy did not try to avoid this as it didn't do anything to him in the slightest, nr did he try to swat away the "questionable pest".

"He didn't want anyone to interfere with him."

Guy plainly stated, this left the other two baffled.

Seeing as they did not understand, he proceeded to tell them what a clone of Rikus had said to him during the real Riku's hibernation. He actually had no chice but to tell them, or more specifically Milim as she would probably fight Guy in order to leave and go straight to Riku given their close "friendship", but Guy knew that it ran much deeper than that. Especially since she found out that one day he would obtain a Human Form.

'hahaha…you are definitely screwed my friend when that happens…'

"Now then, listen as ill only say this once…"

*Flashback scene*

2 days after Riku's hibernation.

Guy was on his table outside on his balcony, entirely made of Ice. Velzado was also with him as she had a bit of a quarrel with Riku in the past concerning Veldora.

"Why are you here Inari?" asked an agitated Velzado

"I am not the real Inari. I am merely his clone. I have come to talk to Guy"

Velzado was clearly confused and wanted to ask more but Guy stopped her and spoke.

"What do you mean? About what?"

"To not interrupt with the real Inari under ANY circumstances that may occur."

"Why not?" Velzado had said after hearing the strange request of the clone.

"Because should anything happen, it will be taken cared of by a True Hero."

Now this had caught Guy's attention. A Hero, and a True Hero at that would be an interesting battle for Guy to have. Maybe he can draw his sword once more against them like he did with his old friend Rudra.

"She is a friend of mine in the far future so don't think about harming them. Also she will know what to do as myself in the future will tell her where to go and around what time should anything happen to fix it. Especially if it regards me. Just leave it to her and no one else."

"Milim won't be happy."

"Don't tell her then. Or are you more afraid of her than me?"

The clone Riku had radiated a small piece of his Supreme Deity's Aura, that aloe could destroy Guy's enire castle if it was made of normal ice, which it wasn't and was made and constantly maintained by Vezado.

"What if I don't have a choice and she would cause a fair amount of trouble to reach you?"

"Just stop her for about a one week. She will come to me to help me out whatever might occur."

"Very well then."

"Can I ask something?" Velzado had asked after their exchange had ended.


At this point in time Guy had decided to ignore the conversation as he was thinking on how he can fight the True Hero that Riku had spoken of.

'She might have an Ultimate skill related to Time considering the Inari clone's words describing her from the future ad such…She might be fun to spar with…'

Guy chose to ignore the other two's conversation as he can always ask Velzado later.

Milim Pov

*Flashback scene*

2 years before Veldanava and Lucia's deaths

"Inari~??? Where are you~???"

Milim was currently playing hide and seek with Inari which the locals had started calling The 'First Fox' for some reason about saying he is a Deity like her father…whatever that means.

She only cared about Inari who was her first and only friend.

She was sneaking everywhere looking for him under any objects or corners. Whenever she made a sharp turn to somewhere or bent down and stood back up she would always see some sort of white fluffy thing dangle in front of her face then suddenly vanish around and out of her peripheral vison.

A large man who had Azura hair approached Milim and covered his mouth and had chuckled for some reason before saying.

"Milim? What are doing?"

"I'm playing with Inari! We're playing 'Hide and seek'! I'm looking for him right now!"

"…I…See…(muffled chuckle). And are you close to finding him? (muffled laugh intensifies)"

"Not yet! But I will! I searched almost everywhere and soon he will be found and I will get to 'Death Hugs'!"

"'Death Hugs?' hahaha! What's that?"


"pft HAHAHA…in that case I think he is in the shed but first…"

Veldanava approached Milim and put his hands above her head. She had felt like a weight was lifted of her which was then followed by a pat and rub on her head by both his hands. She enjoyed it and had melted in it as she loved headpats and headrubs. NO!!! she must stay on mission to give Inari a 'Death Hug'. She shrugged of his hands and ran to the shed.

They had decided to live in a normal home like all the other Humans in the village in order to 'blend in'. or so her mother and father had said to her.

Back to Veldanava, when Milim had left.

"Thank Fuck!" a small white fox had said in a stressful tone almost shouting, but whispering at the same time.

"Inari. Why did you choose to 'hide' on her head? Wouldn't she have found you at some point?"

"As Fucking If! She would destroy this country first along with every nook and carney before she checked her own head!"

"Watch it. If you're too loud shell come back. Actually…"

A devilish…more like his draconic smile had creeped on his face.

Veldanava had remembered how Inari had caused some chaos during his wedding, when he had quarrelled with his little sister Velzado ad had caused quite the ruckus.

"Veldanava!!! If you dare I'll make you re-"




Riku had turned and legged it as fast as he could but Veldanava decided to get payback on Riku by chaining him down with Unlimited Imprisonment in the form of chains.

Riku feared Milim's hugs as she would almost squeeze the life out of him every time they would play together. But on that day it was different than normal as that was the first time that Milim's so named 'Death Hugs' had actually become a 'Death Hug', as right then and there Milim had squeezed and hugged Riku so tightly that he was litterley dead and became two halves of himself separated at the middle, while lying in a pool of his own blood.

He had tried to prevent his regeneration so Milim wont find out he is Immortal but he wasn't fast enough as his body regenerated before he had the idea to. Then onwards he would always suffer Milim's Death Hugs whenever