
Tensura: Supreme Kitsune

Knight_Riku · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6: Reminiscing the Future while in the Past

(a/n whoops. In the last author note the 2nd time I mention "phone" I actually meant "Computer". Writing on Word is much easier as it helps to autocorrect work then I can copy and paste into WebNovel and post it. Also he isn't as Overpowered as you may think. Rimuru actually had more skills then what I showed you. It's because of his Food Chain and the skills he gains are stored in Covenant King Uriel. The Author of the Light Novels just did it like that to make it easier and not to type every single skill he obtained. That means at the war against the Empire, Velgrynd and controlled Veldora, Rmuru at that point was like 65% to 80% of Riku's strength when he fought the 9 Milims while having more skills then him. And Rimuru vs Chloe in their duel was like 93% of Riku's strength. See, not as OP as you think. It's how Riku utilizes the skills that make him OP. You actually seen this in the Anime when Rimuru allowed Great Sage to take control in his fight against the Orc Disaster/Lord. Great Sage utilized his abilities to its fullest at that point like the Black Flame on his sword. Rimuru only does this until near the end of the series where he comments that he took this idea from Great Sage. Basically, Riku is Great Sage himself in knowing how to utilize skills. How? Because he is me and I Am A Pisces Zodiac. Now lets read. Knight_Riku is now eating a mini piece of chocolate cake and cold milk while writing this chapter)

(a/n Chloe is an adult right now. Chloe is supposed to be a child since she had just recently came from the Future but this is different and she is in her adult form because Riku in the Future gives Chronoa a perfect version of Time Control so that when Chronoa merges with Chloe, she now can freely alter and manipulate Time rather then just Time Travel into the Past. Thus she used her Riku-improved Time Control to make herself physically age and mature to adulthood. She also had her Chronoa memories thus she could easily obtain her Saint Hero Armour and Sword instantly, she already had Shizu's Mask)

Riku was currently devouring and eating on the corpse of an Elf boy.

Chloe Aubert + Time Spirit Chronoa pov

Chloe stood there, a fair distance away from Riku, as he was in his Fox From called Inari, devouring the body of a lifeless elf child.

'Why!? Why did he not tell me this had happened!?'

Chloe remembered Riku in the future she was originally from.

He was a very kind and gentle person, always caring and loving to any of Chloe's classmates and herself. He always treated them with such care and always paid full attention to all of them. Riku had once said that he would want to make them happy and have a home within his territory, the Pure Continent/Land of Pure.

He had taken Chloe there once and showed her around. He had a gigantic castle which he had once said was made in imitation of a place he had seen before called 'Lothric Castle'. The gardens were also beautiful near an observatory which he said that it was supposed to be what a certain place called 'Garden of Eyes (Byrgenwerth)' was originally supposed to be + some more beautiful additions. It also was home to a male butterfly winged man called Riote.

Riote was an incredibly powerful follower of Riku on the Pure Continent. Most of his abilities were kept secret, even from her.

This had surprised her since Riku would always tell her everything. Even his past and secrets. He said that he didn't want to lie anymore as he did in his past life, he had wanted to change and become a better person, a truthful one.

Riku did not lie to Chloe as he simply did not tell her anything else. If he didn't say anything, then he did not lie but simply avoided the question.

But now…

Chloe was sad…no, she was devastated.

Riku was someone she held dear to her. Riku had given her a way to control her Skill which Riku had not only helped her to control it but also evolved it into the Ultimate Skill Space-Time God Yog-Sothoth. Now because of Riku she now possesses Five Ultimate Skills!!!

Space-Time God Yog-Sothoth – Time and Space Control + other abilities

Hope Lord Sariel – Continuous Melt Slashes, Life and Death Manipulation, Fortitude

Covenant King Uriel – Melt Slash, Unlimited Imprisonment + other abilities

Chaos Lord Nyarlathop – Analytical and Probability calculations, predictions and manipulation

Moladrin, Seed of Chaos - %$£"*(**) - ><<'@....

Chloe had tried many times to try and comprehend the skill Moladrin, Seed of Chaos with her own analytical skills but had failed and gotten a severe headache which she prompty reversed time on to remove the headache's pain immedietly as when she received it. When she asked Riku what was it, he had just told her that the skills name is nothing to be worried about as 'Chaos' does not always have to be chaotic destruction and disorder but can mean other things such as why he chosen to have an affinity with the element Chaos.

Riku didn't even tell her what the skill does as at the moment he gave her Moladrin, Seed of Chaos she had been forcibly teleported back in time. Riku had said to keep Shizu's Mask on at all times. Those were his last words before the Time Travel occurred.

Chloe had used her knowledge to locate the her Saint Hero Armor and Sword that she remembered from her previous 500 past timelines.

(a/n how many times Chloe had repeated this Time loop is never mentioned but i'd say it can't be more then 1,000,000 years as she would go insane at that point having failed every 2000 years again and again, having seen Yuuki win and kill everyone she knows and cares about, especially Riku now since he did his wish in chapter 1.)

She had then searched for Riku since he said he had met the Hero Chronoa (herself) at a village around 2000 years ago. So she went there to find him. If he wasn't there then she would just wait until he came since he had also told her that she travelled with Chronoa for 1500 years.

(a/n I might be wrong but Veldora does attack Luminous' country about 300 years Pre-Rimuru Birth. Also, Chloe and Luminous Valentine did build a friendship over a certain period of time that I am unsure about as I have not seen or maybe cant remember if it was or want mentioned so please tell me if you do know. However, I assume at least 100 to 150 years at least to establish a good friendship with an immortal vampire. So, I made it 200 years to be safe.)

And so Chloe deduced she would meet him soon. But it seemed the other way around as he was already here…killing a village of elves…

Chloe never expected this as Riku never told her how or what had happened when they meet. Also for some reason Riku was not in any of her past loop memories?

Regardless, the sight before her is simply sad…

Chloe was crying under Shizue's Mask at seeing her friend, mentor, teacher, future companion and …

She did not know what he was to her but she did not care as she would be by he=is side always, just as he was there for her and made her feel happy after 500 loops, after 1,000,000 years she finally is happy to be in this strange, safe and death filled world different from Earth.

Now, Chloe steeled herself and momentarily shifted her mask to clean of her tears before she prepared her sword to battle the one she respects and…Lo-…cares for…

She knew from what Riku told her that when they had first met each other, Chronoa had dealt many lethal blows to him, killing him many times. Thus, Chloe knew she could harm and possibly beat Riku unlike in the future when he was sane and not under the effects of Wrathful King Satanael, in addition currently compared to the future, Riku still had "Certain Powerful Skills still Sealed" or so he had said.

Chloe had launched a Melt Slash empowered by her Absolute Severance skill. This was something Riku had taught her, something he himself often uses when combining his skills with each other like his Zenith Tempest skill.

Chloe was also more powerful then when she was in previous loops as now she also had many Ultimate Skills and a custom Skill from Riku, in additom to being given an enhanced version of her previous teacher's, Shizue, skill Degenerate.

With it she was able to make may skills before her encounter with Riku.

Riku having been injured by Chloe's attack reacted and howled in rage. His aura had become stronger from that single attack.

Chloe knew that if she cold not stop Riku quick enough he could destroy all life within the country. The population alone could give Riku enough souls to evolve into a True Demon Lord.

Riku had become a True Demon Lord before he had met her but he had never told her anything about it, he just said to Chloe "Would you rather be a hero that saves people? Or would you be a Demon Lord like how the Big Bad Wolf blow down the Piggies homes?"

"Bad Wolf = Demon Lord?" Chloe had said

"Yes, so are you a Bad Wolf or a Piggie"

"Piggie! Piggie!"

"Hahaha, the you are a Hero, the greatest one there will ever be! I will make sure of that!"

Chloe was red with embarrassment when she had realised what she had said back then. But remembering it she was happy and realised he had tricked her into not answering her question. Thus she never knew if Chloe would fail to beat Riku here or not.

The enraged Riku turned to face the being that had harmed him.

His sanity was completely consumed by Wrathful King Satanael at this point.

(a/n ill say again. In his enraged state he now changes and looks identical to Nine-Tails Boss in Nioh DLC, but without the human arms coming out of the back)

Chloe dodged 9 Chaos Beams released from Riku's 9 tails, an attack of concentrated energy of all the elements that Riku possesses into a single destructive beam akin to Milim's Dragon Nova.

Chloe activated her Suspended World and launched 12 more of her previous attacks as her last one had dealt a large gnash on his back. But that had healed by now.

9 of her empowered Melt Slashes were to cut of his tails while 1 was to decapitate him, 1 to bisect him from his lower and upper torso at the middle and the last 1 was to split him vertically in half if he continued to charge at her when the Suspended World had lifted.

This might seem cruel by Chloe, but she does not see it like that. Instead she knows that this event had happened and that Riku can feel no pain and cannot die, infact Riku found it fun as he said when others try to kill him it makes him feel fearless, safe, secure, brave, invincible, powerful and free.

Riku had told Chloe to kill him in their mock duels since he found it fun fighting like that against "fun opponents" since fighting "those 9 Lolis" he said.

Riku had created a skill instantly with Instant Skill Creation to resist Chole's Suspended world.

The mad Riku simply tanked all her attacks like a wrathful god and continued his charge at Chloe. All of her attack had connected. He was split vertically in two from the head to the tail, he was bisected, he dodged being decapitated and 5 of his 9 tails were cut off.

All these pieces of Riku's body carried by his momentum running forward had continued to travel to chloe like 9 shotgun pellets.

Howver, contrary to her expectations of him regenerating of dropping to the ground 'lifeless', the 9 pieces of his dis memebered body turned into a myiad of elements and similar shape.

Chaos, Light, Darkness, Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind, Poison/Acid, Lighting/Thunder.

All became similar to his Inari from and all materialized near one another. What she did not expect was that they all began to attack on another wildly, due to all of the being immortal, they could not kill each other and just randomly either rolled around or swinging at the air around them, and from time-to-time harm one another. The only ones still sane enough to converge on Chloe's positions were the still original Chaos Inari and the Lighting/Thunder Inari.

Chloe prepared herself as the battle had only just began against the student and the teacher.

only 1 chapter today, but let me speak!!!

you lot got like 4 chapters yesterday in the form of 2 chapters!!! also i had to spend some time making the skills chapter which took linger then i thought in addition to this chapter. i also have barely any free time to do this writing or my own things so i am giving up my only time to relax to do this. that means no games, no tv, no reading, no writing my main book series, and less sleep for my as i do this last thing at night and post everyday at midnight or 1 AM like i ma doing now!!!

so i had 1 hour of my personal time to read an anbsolute legend of a Fan Fic called "Dragonborn Saga" and the other FanFics called "Birth of a Demonic Sword" "Custom Made Demon King". i suggest u read these as these are beautiful in my opinion. but keep in mind the author of Custom Made Demon King has had some personal issues to deal with so his updates is slow on Hiatas. anway cya tomorrow.

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts