
Tensura: Reincarnated As A Larva

In the heart of a dark and unforgiving city, a young woman finds herself abandoned and alone in a cruel world. Haunted by the dreams of heroes from the stories she loves, she longs for someone to notice her, to save her from the shadows that threaten to consume her soul. But fate has other plans... As her consciousness began to wane, a mysterious voice pierced through the darkness, capturing her attention. Despite the dire circumstances, she couldn't help but find the strange voice oddly amusing, its familiarity reminiscent of the countless novels and anime she had immersed herself in... [NOTICE! Processing requirements...] ___________________________________ Note: This is a straight ship. Other Tags: #NO HAREM #NO YURI #OVERPOWERED #FEMALE LEAD #ISEKAI #R-18 #SMUT #DASH OF DEPRAVITY #ISEKAI #Slice of Life #NON-HUMAN MC PPS. English is my third language, so be lenient and give constructive criticisms so I can edit any errors. However, it should be readable... I give ALL credit to the referenced pics since it is the art that inspired me to continue the story, and I can't draw for the life of me. If you own the pictures and art referenced, please notify me if it bothers you, and I shall take it down. Thank you!

JuicyGrape · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

The Cycle... {Side Story Part 1}


||Short Recap||


It was strange...

I felt like I had only been here in the {Astral Domain} for a few hours, a day max, but the rise of Elven cities is quite the peculiarity. To confirm something, I quickly navigated the miniature world as I looked at all the forests, looking for an inconspicuous clearing...

After looking through it for a few minutes, I saw it. A vast forest with what seemed like a bald spot at its center. The fauna and flora had become wilder than what I last remembered... I immediately went to the enormous tree where I had dug my nest in... 

I zoomed in to the ground. I saw my nest... and scarily enough; it was empty!





[{???} POV]

I don't quite understand it...

I experienced a sensation of warmth, the likes of which I had never felt before. Despite my limited understanding of what was happening, I found the warmth to be both pleasant and comforting.

It seemed to envelop me in a soothing embrace, providing a sense of protection and solace.

I think it was called -an egg...? at least that was what my inherited memories suggested...

I also found that my inheritance also included memories of three other sisters who were with me during this experience!

Apparently, I am a member of the insect family known as {Ants}, which are typically small in size, often no larger than a grain of rice.

Unlike me, my three sisters are different types of insects, each created with a specific purpose to maintain balance in the ecosystem. One of my sisters is a {Bee}, which pollinates flowers and helps plants grow. Another sister is a {Wasp}, which helps control the population of other insects. The third sister is a {Termite}, which contributes to the decomposition of dead wood and other plant material.

As for me? Well, if my inheritance serves me right, I am a bit of all the things mentioned and even more!~

Interestingly, our inheritance gave us a solid foundation on what our goal is, but other than that, it only gave us a vague message of "Create your own path in life..." without providing any further information about our life's purpose. It is now up to us to determine our paths and how we can contribute to the greater good of the ecosystem...


Hmm... strange...

My inherited memories were a mix of both positive and negative experiences, which provided me with a deeper understanding of my identity, knowledge, and lessons that would allow me to make rational decisions. Despite the many questions that remained unanswered, I felt a sense of wonder and excitement at the prospect of exploring this newfound knowledge further.


*Hhmmm~* *Hmm~* *Hhhmmm~* *Hm~* *Hhhmmmm~*

Then, out of nowhere... I heard a humming...

It was a melody I had become accustomed to every time I awoke and shuffled in my egg...

'Mother...' I thought, happy.

Her humming had a wonderful melody; warm and enchanting, like sweet and sticky honey I couldn't get enough of...

Mother always hummed whenever I tried to move in my egg... She would also give "pats" as she caressed her abdomen, and she would sometimes speak to us...

It turned out that her "pats" were actually what she called a maternal massage..., something that should help soothe the pain of a pregnant mother...

'Oh no... Is Mother in pain because of us?!' I thought.

Suddenly, the egg I was in started to shift and rumble, creating ripples as I began to see light at the end of the tunnel...


'Mother...?' I questioned to myself, as my egg plopped to the ground.

Beyond the confines of my egg casing was what I think was "Mother".

She looked like me, -but massive!


I found myself nestled in a cozy corner, watching as my mother carefully laid my sisters one by one. After a while, I started to feel drowsy and eventually drifted off to sleep...

Suddenly, I was jolted awake by a peculiar sensation at the top of my egg. As I looked up, I saw that the egg had opened, and I felt a warm, viscous substance surrounding me. The comforting aroma of my mother's scent filled my senses.

I recognized that this was my "food", and I felt a sense of security and contentment. I knew that I had to grow up quickly so that I could take care of my mother, just like she was taking care of me...

I remembered the inheritance I received about brood care, and I realized that my Mother, although massive in size suggested that she was still in her juvenile form!

*sniff~* *sniff~* 

"Don't worry Mother! I shall tend to you upon growing up... " I whimpered sadly, thinking how pitiful Mother is to be stuck in her larval form and how she must have suffered...

Hence the birth of a misunderstanding between a larva mother and soon to be adult daughter...


||2 Weeks Later...||


For the past two weeks, my sisters and I have been working hard on our physical and mental development. We have been consuming the "jelly" that was left behind for us to feed on.

This nutritious substance has allowed us to grow and mature at an incredible rate. From our early stages as vulnerable larvae, we have undergone a complete metamorphosis and emerged as fully-formed adults. Our transformation has been nothing short of remarkable.

My sisters and I crawled out of our eggs in all our glory...


*Skriee!* *Skree!* *Shriek!* *Schree!*

"Greatings, Sisters!" [x4]


"Hmm... It seems rather inconvenient to stand in awkward silence and idleness no less, why don't we introduce ourselves to each other first~" A particularly large {Ant} suggested, as it gained the nods of her other sisters.

"Very well~ I shall begin."

"My {Name} is Guerra... [Queen of Ants]!" I announced proudly to my fellow sisters.

The other three gave their nod of approval as they too announced their names...

"Likewise, My {Name} is Shouri... [Queen of Termites]!"

"Mn, {Name} is Muerte... [Queen of Wasps]!"

Then, a loud buzzing voice came over...

"Hi everyone! nice to meet you hehe~ as you can see I am a bee, can you BEElieve it?! eh? eh? ey!~ wink wink nudge nud-"

*SIGHS~* [3x]

"...just get on with it..." [3x]

"Ah-... Hmph... my {Name} is Uria... [Queen of Bees]..."



AN: Hi~ made this during school lunch break and kinda edited it after getting home, kinda short but there should only be 2 parts of this, we won't really give focus on the 4 Darlings, but maybe have short stories on them from time to time...

Plus! you may or may not like their names, but each one has meaning~ If you're multilingual or just know that specific word, you should already know what their name means, but that's something for the future~

Like always. Feel free to tell me my mistakes, skill recommendations, and scenes. And if you like it how about a review or some stones~ ehehehe~

Anyways! Although I have become busy due to my university, I can guarantee that I will still upload from time to time, since from my experience in writing this first-ever fanfic of mine, it's stressing to find the words but it feels nice to see and read your ideas take form~ Love ya'll!~ <3< p>