
Tensura : Karna

A 16 year old genius boy from the 21st century gets reincarnated into the incredibly dangerous and exciting universe of Tensura 70 years before canon. Follow his adventures and exiting life of how he came to be known as the "Hero of the Sun". Notice of [Rewrite] on 27/3/2024 Note : The original story does not belong to me, it belongs to the original author fuse. this is a fanfic. I only own my Original character.

Vedora_Tempest · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

True spirits and revelations.

After a thorough inspection of our souls by the Spirit Queen Ramiris, we were led to another path. With her sitting on top of Shizue's head, she touched Shizue's head and dragged Ifrit out with a yank.


So, she does hold the power and authority of the Spirit Queen even after weakening to this level, huh? She did say she could destroy Leon with one punch—maybe in her prime?

Ifrit was not in his humanoid form as she took his soul and stared into it; it trembled inside the palm of her hands as fear began to set in and a creepy smile revealed itself in her face.

We all could feel the tremendous amount of fear that seeped out of Ifrit as the Queen of all spirits stared at it like a bug.

I could only guess that she saw his memories and how he treated Shizue, and somehow I felt pity for him. I hate him, but he seems to have developed his ego only a few years ago. Looking at his soul, I could tell.

Even then, I don't know what would happen to him now; she just threw the soul to the side as a portal came to life and swallowed it. Her face had no hint of her childish nature right now; she was completely serious at the moment.


"I threw him into the spirit realm for now; damn that Leon, he snatched Ifrit from me, but I don't think he did it to control you." She said as we both looked at her like she grew a second head.


"Yep, when children are summoned from another world, they don't have egos mature enough to acquire unique skills, thus leaving them with uncontrollable energy that will slowly destabilize their bodies and incinerate them after quite some time." This info came quite shocking to us, Shizue was even more shocked than me, well I could guess why.

"I-I don't know what to say. I spent my entire life seeking acknowledgement from that man that I, as a human being, have lived." Her eyes teared up just a bit before she quickly wiped it off.

Ramiris suddenly raised her small hand and patted her head, the emotion Shizu felt was mixed, and I could feel it with our "Soul bond."

"You see, none of the spirits in the spirit realm can bless you, because you guys are now what I would classify as "True spirits," and as the first true spirits of the cardinal world, you guys are true immortals." Ramiris said, I thought that the next thing she said would not shock us anymore, but how wrong I was. 

"But your concepts are still dormant; you guys would have to awaken as true heroes to awaken the dormant side of your spirit aspect." This seems reasonable, because no one would want to be on the level of True Dragons right from the start. Because life would be boring that way, we certainly wouldn't want it.

"The only one capable of blessing you guys are true dragons and the spirit queen; that is me." She said it with a small smile—not the usual smug grin but the gentle and kind one that mothers give their children.

"I could give you my blessings, but with some conditions. Don't use your power to rampage like a certain old friend of mine." We nodded in agreement, as this sounds like a rational and reasonable condition. After all, no one would want two fully awakened spiritual lifeforms rampaging in their neighborhood.

"The second condition will seem selfish, but I want you guys to hear it; even if you don't follow it, I will give you my blessings." We were puzzled by her downcast face as she said this.


"What is it? We could do it if it's not harmful to us." Shizu said, and I nodded along. That's true, because as long as we will not be harmed, we could consider it.


"Well, nobody visits me, you see; I'm extremely bored to the core. That's why I want you guys to visit me once in a while." This was a sad request; she could've even commanded us and we would go along with it, but seeing her sad does make our hearts throb in slight pain; she's lonely, huh.


Suddenly hearing laughter, I turned around to see Shizue tickling Ramiris, laughing alongside her, and breaking the awkward atmosphere completely.


"Very well, Ramiris. In the name of Karna and Shizue, we promise to make your wishes come true." We said perfectly in sync as we smiled at the lonely fairy.

She seemed happy. I guess we could call her our mother if we look at the position. She's the first spirit, and we are the true spirits who are also the first of our species.

Flying off Shizue's hands and hovering in front of us, she touched our foreheads with her hands and invoked her authority over the system.


"I guess you guys have convinced me after all. Karna and Shizue, I, the Great Spirit Queen Ramiris, grant you my blessings to continue on your journey." She kissed Shizue's forehead, and for a second, I was slightly jealous. Shizue's soul, along with mine, glowed, the result of our "Soul Bond."


She then flew towards me and kissed me on the forehead. I could feel the warmth of my mother after decades of not feeling it. Ah, this is bliss. A few teardrops fell down my cheeks, I was crying unknowingly.

<<Confirmed. Individual "Shizue" and individual "Karna" are granted the Spirit Queen's blessings. Granting "hero's egg" to "Karna." Successful>>

We all could hear the voice of the world, and as such, we knew that we gained the right to awaken further in the future, and something tells me that "True Spirits" are like "True Dragons" in a way.

'"Are you crying?" The voice of Ramiris broke my thoughts as I turned around and quickly wiped off the tears that left my eyes.


"No, who said this lie to you?"


"Huh? I saw it with my own eyes!" I guess. I wouldn't be too surprised to know if she read my mind.


"Well, I guess you could say that my eyes were sweating." I used the classic line from my old world for the first time in my entire life in the cardinal world.


I could feel Shizu hugging me tightly to make me happy; she could feel my pain after all; she's my soul mate.

I guess the future won't be kind to us, so we need to prepare to destroy anything that could potentially harm us. With this Jahil guy on the open stage, there might be more unknown entities that could potentially kill us, but that would change in the future.


I promise this to myself: I won't let anyone or anything harm you, Shizue Izawa, my lover, my wife, and my soul mate.


So, how was this chapter? If you liked this, put some reviews in there. We don't have enough ratings currently, so let's hopefully change that!

Ramiris, the lonely Queen of Spirits, hides her loneliness with a bright smile, but now she has found herself two kids to call her own.

So a new species has been revealed. What are your thoughts about this? And what abilities do you think true spirits would have?

Guess what would happen in the future now that we have Jahil in the picture.


Good luck, and God bless you.

                                                         ~ Author